Not to mention Zhang Shun's plan, let's talk about Huang Sunmao's return from North Korea, and there were many discussions in the court.

He was scolded for being treacherous and treacherous, so he should be beheaded to express gratitude to the world.

Praise him for going deep into the ocean, following the example of Ban Dingyuan, and stabilizing those who belong to the country.

Some people even took advantage of the east wind that sent Jin Yu to write to the court, requesting the restoration of the "Old Dengzhou" route.

Zhang Shun stayed behind and urged Sun Kewang and Li Dingguo to study hard and reorganize their troops. At the same time, he urged the court to send grain, grass and weapons to Guangning and Dongjiang.

After more than half a month, there were two light snowfalls in the capital. Zhang Shun then ordered Denglai Navy to send Sun Kewang, Li Dingguo and the first battalion of Li Dingguo to Dongjiang and North Korea.

As soon as the two arrived in Dongjiang, Shen Shikui, who was eagerly awaiting the arrival of two half-year-old children, couldn't help but feel happy and worried.

Fortunately, His Highness King Shun sent over two and a half-year-old children, who will definitely not be able to take away his Dongjiang inheritance.

What is worrying is that His Highness King Shun only sent two and a half young men, and they must not pay much attention to Dongjiang.

Not to mention what Shen Shikui was thinking, he welcomed the two of them into the island and treated them well.

After they were full of wine and food, Sun Kewang wanted to inquire whether Shen Shikui had another daughter, but was stopped by Li Dingguo.

Then, he said sternly to Shen Shikui: "His Highness has thousands of talented people and strangers under his command. The reason why we were sent here is to cover up people's eyes and ears!"

"According to His Highness's wishes, we want to contact North Korea and Dongjiang to join forces to attack the Phoenix City area. Once Phoenix City is down, it will be connected with Liaoyang, and then we will send our troops south to completely capture Liu Zhiyuan's army."

"In this way, southern Liaoning will be at peace, and then we will send our troops north to attack Shenyang and defeat Hetuala. We will completely eliminate this kind of thing and avoid future troubles forever!"

Shen Shikui didn't take the two of them seriously at first, but when he heard Li Dingguo's words, he was shocked.

Although Shen Shikui expected that the unification of Liaodong would be the general trend, he never expected that it would happen so quickly.

If what Li Dingguo said is true, then within half a year, the entire Liaodong region will probably fall into silence.

"So. Is Your Highness really ready?" Shen Shikui frowned and asked thoughtfully.

"If we just focus on fighting, why do we need two people?" Li Dingguo couldn't help but point at Sun Kewang after hearing this.

"Oh?" Shen Shikui's face was uncertain for a moment.

"Your Highness wants to open the sea to Korea!" Sun Kewang then smiled and answered, "If this is accomplished, Shen will still be allowed to continue to be in charge of Pidao!"

"Okay, I've done this!" When Shen Shikui heard this, he still didn't understand what Zhang Shun was thinking, so he couldn't help but pick up his wine glass and drink it down in one gulp.

Although Shen Shikui did not understand Zhang Shun's talent and strategy, based on his many years of experience in running Pi Island, he understood that as long as the mainland continued to trade with North Korea by sea, the node of Pi Island was absolutely indispensable.

Since Pi Dao is indispensable, what else is there to worry about?

Seeing that Shen Shikui had taken the reassurance, Li Dingguo continued to ask: "May I ask how many soldiers are left on the island who are capable of fighting? I also ask General Shen to organize and train in time so that he can go out at any time."

"It turns out that I still have five or six thousand soldiers on the island. I lost another two thousand before, and now I still have three or four thousand." Shen Shikui no longer treated him as a child at this time, but responded honestly.

"However, I have recruited more than a thousand new soldiers in the past few days. Many of them are Han soldiers who escaped from Liaodong. With a little training, they can be used."

"In this way, I give you a month to select and train five thousand elite soldiers, of which three thousand are ready to attack at any time, and the remaining two thousand are left behind. The expenses required will be reported truthfully, and all of them will be borne by His Highness! "Li Dingguo nodded after hearing this, and then conveyed Zhang Shun's order.

"Okay, please rest assured about this, Shen will definitely do what he says!" Shen Shikui quickly agreed.

Seeing that Shen Shikui agreed so happily, the two felt relieved and left some troops on Pi Island, and then took a boat to North Korea.

"Uncle, as the saying goes, 'a hairless mouth means a weak work'. Do you think the words of these two boys are credible?" As soon as Sun Kewang and Li Dingguo left, Shen Zhixiang couldn't help but ask.

"Believable!" Shen Shikui nodded excitedly.

"Why?" Shen Zhixiang didn't know what he meant.

"Your sister has already written to me, saying that she has been favored by His Highness!" Shen Shikui was excited and whispered mysteriously.

"You have to know how lustful His Highness is. Now that he favors your sister, your uncle can be regarded as half of the country's father-in-law, and you have become half of the country's uncle in a roundabout way."

Uh. Do you think men think with their small heads instead of their big heads?

Shen Zhixiang was unable to complain after hearing this, but his uncle Shen Shikui believed it.

Otherwise, he would not treat his daughter as a treasure and marry this one today and that one tomorrow.

"Uncle, I think you'd better be careful!" Shen Zhixiang hesitated and continued to remind, "The boy named Sun, these two have been exploring our ports and sand markets. I'm afraid he has evil intentions."

"Hey, you are worrying too much!" Unexpectedly, Shen Shikui shook his head when he heard this and said, "You said that when people come to do business with us, we all have to take a cent."

"Although Your Highness is the head of a country, your family is big and the business is great, so why don't you just want to be greedy for one or two things?"

"What my nephew is afraid of is not that he is greedy for one or two things, but that he wants to kill me and then do it quickly!" Shen Zhixiang thought of all the difficulties and insults made to Dongjiang by the Ming Dynasty. He wished he could destroy it and then do it quickly. Wasn't it because he was greedy for the trade income of Dongjiang Town? ?

"Don't worry, he's not that kind of person!" Shen Shikui said confidently.

"Why?" Shen Zhixiang was convinced, his uncle had such a stubborn head.

"Because of North Korea!" Shen Shikui laughed.

"North Korea?"

"Yes, if His Highness regains Liaodong, do you think the island will be returned or not?" Shen Shikui asked.

"Of course I have to... Ah, right!" Shen Zhixiang was stunned when he heard this, and immediately reacted.

According to common sense, this island was originally owned by North Korea.

Although the country of Korea was originally a tributary of the Ming Dynasty, it didn't matter if a small island was returned to the country of Korea.

However, if this small island is worth money, then the whole Ming Dynasty is a different matter.

It’s just that after all, Ming Dynasty is the kingdom of heaven, and after all, it wants face. How can it be obvious that it is cheating and not giving it?

Since you can't play it brightly, you can only play darkly.

For example, the simplest cheating method is to say that the island has rewarded one's father-in-law at a favorable price to facilitate tribute trade between the two parties.

Even if North Korea is dissatisfied by then, it will not fall out with Ming Dynasty because of this trivial matter.

"But...but how do you know that His Highness is planning to plot on Pi Island?" Shen Zhixiang pondered for a moment, not knowing why.

"You haven't seen the boy named Sun, have you?" Shen Shikui sneered, "He is not only exploring our Shashi port, but also ordered people to explore the depth of the nearby sea water."

"I guess he put a lot of effort into this journey, maybe just to establish a stable sea route!"

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