Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1642 Defeat Blackwater

At the same time that Galing'a launched a riot in Yasak City while the main force of Houjin was leaving, the same thing was happening in Ertutun and Duojin City.

When the people in Galing'a heard about it again, Houjin's wounded soldiers rushed to the mouth of the Huma River under the escort of a small group of troops. They chased after him, scattered the guards, and hacked all the wounded soldiers to death.

In this way, Nagaling'a captured more than 300 sets of armors, weapons, and bows in one go.

Until this time, Galing Ayu was still angry. He angrily said to Ding Zhuang from Duojincheng and Ertutun: "That Jianzhou keeps saying that he is the same as me, but he doesn't expect to insult me ​​like this. This hatred is irreconcilable. I swear to kill him."

"I would like to go with the leader!" The group of people were already furious and wanted revenge.

Seeing that his morale was ready, Nagalinga selected 300 men, equipped them with weapons and armor captured from Houjin, and rushed along the Heilongjiang River towards Wukul City.

Not to mention what happened to Galing'a's group of people, let's say that after Nasamushka arrived at Wukul City, he immediately launched a fierce attack.

Due to the experience of conquering the city of Yaksa, Samushka adopted a fire attack strategy and still captured the city of Ukul despite the desperate resistance of the Sauron warriors.

However, just after Samushka captured the city of Ukul, he received an order from Prince Cheng Yue Tuo, ordering him to quickly go to Assazin to join forces.

Samushka quickly left another hundred people behind, and then headed to Asazin along the Heilongjiang River.

Asazin City has not yet been captured. When Samushka arrived, he saw Yue Tuo standing outside the city checking the terrain.

He quickly went up and paid homage: "Your Highness, the cities of Duojin, Yasak and Ukul were all captured by our army, and nearly 3,000 men and women were captured, as well as more than 900 young men!"

"Let's not talk about this for now!" Yue Tuo waved his hand and replied worriedly, "Just now news came from Baldaqi that Bomubogor had gathered more than 6,000 Sauron warriors and came from the Jingqili River. Come here, you want to fight me!"

"What!" Nasamushka was shocked when he heard this. He never expected that Bomu Bogor was so brave.

"I want to capture Asazin as soon as possible, and then have a showdown with Duo Chen!" Yue Tuan continued.

It turns out that the five cities of Yaksa, Duojin, Wukul City, Asazin and Duochen were distributed on both sides of Heilongjiang.

In fact, Yaksa is located in the northwest, while Duochen is located in the southeast.

If Bomu Bogor were allowed to occupy this city, Yue Tuo and his group would be cut off from their return path.

Therefore, based on Samushka's intelligence, the Yue Tuo decided to capture Asazin first to relieve his worries, and then fight Bomubogor in a decisive battle with Duochen.

Nasamushka heard this and quickly offered his advice: "This city of Sauron is mostly made of wood, and it is most afraid of fire attacks. The slaves have defeated several cities with it!"

"Okay, that's very good!" Yue Tuo was originally troubled by the stubborn defense of Sauron's tribe. Hearing this, he couldn't help but be overjoyed and ordered his soldiers to attack the city with fire.

After such a fierce battle for a day and a night, the city of Asazin was burned down and defeated, and two to three hundred warriors and more than a thousand men and women were captured.

Yue Tuo then left a hundred soldiers behind, and then led the main force to Duochen.

This time the war went surprisingly smoothly, and he couldn't help but want to capture Duochen City in one fell swoop.

However, this time Yue Tuan miscalculated. The defenders of Duochen City prepared a lot of ice and snow. Once Hou Jin set fire to the city gate, the defenders threw down the ice and snow to suppress the flames.

We attacked like this for a day and a night, but we never conquered it. At this time, Bomu Bogor, who led the main force of Sauron's tribe, finally appeared outside Duochen City.

Seeing this, Yue Tuo did not dare to attack again. He ordered his soldiers to retreat slightly and then formed a formation on the bank of Heilongjiang River.

It turns out that Asazin and Duochen were both on the north bank of Heilongjiang, which was the Russian side in later generations.

Nabomu Bogor came from the northeast, so Yue Tuan could only display his formation facing Duo.

The large formation was close to Heilongjiang on the right wing and was safe, so he placed all his cavalry on the left wing.

Unlike other Jurchens who hunt and herd at the same time, the Sauron tribe is almost a tribe whose main way of life is fishing and hunting.

Nabomubogor had many infantry and few cavalry.

Therefore, he had to carry Duo Chencheng on his back, and then move his left wing close to the Heilongjiang River.

As soon as the battle between the two sides began, Yue Tuan relied on the large number of cavalry under his command to frequently attack Bomubogor's right wing.

Nabomu Bogor knew that the cavalry was inferior to humans, so while strengthening the strength of the right wing, he urged the soldiers to move forward as quickly as possible.

"Kill, kill!" Bai Qichaoha Zhangjing Samushka led five hundred elite cavalry and frequently challenged Sauron's right-wing cavalry.

After a while, Sauron's cavalry couldn't hold back anymore and stepped forward to fight.

Nasamushka couldn't help but be overjoyed and rushed over.

Whether it is equipment, riding skills or quantity, the Houjin Cavalry is superior.

Therefore, after just a few rounds of fighting between the two sides, Samushka dispersed the opponent's cavalry, and then rushed towards Bomu Bogor's right wing.

"Kill!" The two sides quickly collided hard.

Nasamushka chopped down several people in succession, and couldn't help but feel amused when he saw those so-called Sauron warriors struggling desperately with ridiculous wooden sticks and stone spears in their hands.

He felt that the dawn of victory was already in front of him, and he only needed a few more rounds to defeat this huge but crude team.

However, he was wrong!

Every time he charged in, he would take away group after group of lives, leaving behind one corpse after another.

However, no one in Sauron's tribe flinched, no one was afraid.

They regarded death as if they were at home, and fought back again and again, no matter the cost.

Soon, his horse was tired and his men were tired. At this time, the military formations of both sides collided fiercely.

There are no tricks, no tricks, just kill!

Originally, under Yue Tuo's hard work and restraint, Hou Jin's side could barely put up a formation at the beginning.

But as the fighting on both sides became more and more intense, they gradually became a mess.

Yue Tuo anxiously watched the battle from a high place, and he deliberately commanded the soldiers to adjust their formation.

However, these people under his command are almost the same as these "barbarians". Except for having an extra armor and weapons, they can only fight and charge.

One side relied on their armor and weapons, and the other relied on their numbers and bloody courage. They were inextricably killed for a while, making Yue Tuo worried and excited.

The worry is that the Sauron tribe is so brave that it may be difficult to control them in the future. I am happy that if I get three thousand such elite soldiers, why should I be afraid of "submissive thieves"?

Just when Yue Tuan was feeling worried and happy, he suddenly heard an angry shout and a burst of fighting sounds from behind.

He couldn't help but turn his head and look back, only to see three hundred soldiers suddenly coming from the direction of Asazin to kill him.

Yue Tuo couldn't help but be startled: Where did the Sauron tribe get the soldiers?

However, he also knew that the battlefield was not the time to delve into this, so he quickly mobilized a team of troops to greet them.

However, he never expected that this group of horses would collapse as soon as they engaged in battle.

It turned out that Nasamushka had come all the way from Yasak, nearly a thousand miles away, and their horses had already been killed and their soldiers were exhausted. When they faced the extremely angry Galinga, they had no fighting spirit.

It doesn't matter if the men and horses are defeated, the Jin soldiers will immediately fall into a situation of being attacked from both front and back.

Yue Tuo was horrified. He was about to take action, but unexpectedly he heard Nagaling'a shouting loudly: "Yasak and other four cities have been restored. You are already desperate. If you don't surrender now, how long will it take?"

As soon as Galing'a said this, the Jin Army was immediately shocked. Before Galing'a could reach them, some people had already started to flee.

Defeated, defeated like this, defeated by the "barbarians"?

Yue Tuo couldn't believe his eyes. He had been preparing for a "hunt" for a long time and ended up becoming the prey?

"Prince Cheng, leave quickly, Prince Cheng, leave quickly, leave the green hills behind, don't worry about running out of firewood!" At this moment, Bai Chaoha Zhangjing Samushka shouted to Yue Tuo.

"Your Highness, leave quickly. I'll come to the rear!"

Yue Tuo stared blankly at Samushka, who was fighting desperately, and then at Houjin Jingli, who was already running around and being chased and chopped to the ground with a knife. He wished he could throw himself into the Heilongjiang River next to him.

However, it was freezing cold at this time of year, and the rolling Heilongjiang River had already frozen into a big lump of ice. Yue Tuan wanted to jump but had nowhere to jump, so he had to flee!

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