Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1644: Soldiers Point at Phoenix City

When Zhang Shun's order reached North Korea, Li Dingguo was training troops in Tieshan.

There are many people who fled from Liaodong gathered here, and they also have certain military skills, which can be regarded as a good source of soldiers.

Therefore, Li Dingguo quickly selected and trained more than a thousand people together with North Korea's elite cavalry and gunmen to form a battalion of new recruits.

Although they are all new recruits in name, they are actually veterans. Li Dingguo only needs to unify military orders and hone tactics.

The Korean cavalry is already an elite and does not require much training. His main focus is still on the infantry.

Including the advance and retreat of melee combat units, the reloading and shooting of gunners, queue changes, and so on.

After more than a month of hard work and proficient practice, he was able to train a battalion of men and horses.

As soon as Li Dingguo received Zhang Shun's order, he immediately informed the Korean King Li Zhu and Dongjiang Commander Shen Shikui.

After Shen Shikui got the news, he knew that this matter was not trivial.

He only left his nephew Shen Zhixiang and two thousand soldiers and horses in Dongjiang, and led three thousand elite troops across the river to Tieshan to meet Li Dingguo.

"General!" When Shen Shikui saw Li Dingguo, he couldn't wait to say, "I wonder when we will go out?"

"I have been feeling aggrieved for a long time. I must take the lead in this battle!"

Unexpectedly, Li Dingguo shook his head and said: "No hurry, no rush!"

Li Dingguo was not in a hurry, but Shen Shikui was: "As the saying goes: Soldiers are valuable and quick. There are many Donglu spies hidden in this Iron Mountain area."

"If the general hesitates for a long time and leaks the news, this battle will not be easy to fight!"

"Well, it's mainly because of the lack of food and grass!" Li Dingguo hesitated for a moment, and finally decided to tell the truth.

"Ah?" Shen Shikui was stunned when he heard this.

Sure enough, you can't do anything with your words. The battle is about to begin. But you told me that there is no food. Are you kidding me?

"Hey, don't mention this!" Li Dingguo couldn't help but said angrily, "Originally, according to His Highness's order, this food and grass should have been provided by North Korea."

"As a result, the King of Korea, Li Zhu, first lied to me with lies, and now he tells me that I can't raise the money. How can I fight this war?"

It turns out that North Korea is not as wealthy as China, and it has been repeatedly blackmailed by Hou Jin, and its own life is also very tight.

So he started to think about it, and prepared to follow the example of Wanli's campaign to aid the DPRK, and waste the logistical equipment of the rebel army.

"Okay, just leave it to me, and I will keep him obediently delivering the food and grass!" Unexpectedly, Shen Shikui couldn't help but sneered when he heard this.

"Oh? What can you do?" Li Dingguo couldn't help but feel strange when he heard this.

"Let me lead three thousand soldiers, rush into Seoul, seize the bird position, and everything will be settled!" Shen Shikui couldn't help but sneered.

"Ah?" Li Dingguo was stunned when he heard this, and immediately laughed, and then sent a letter to Seoul, the capital of North Korea.

"What, Shen Shikui wants to rebel?" Li Zhu was feeling proud when he suddenly got the news and was shocked.

To be honest, Dongjiang Town is entrenched in the Dongjiang area. It not only occupies the land of North Korea, but also attracts "barbarians" to attack. It has always been regarded as a disaster by North Korea.

Kong Youde, Geng Zhongming and others who were originally from Dongjiang launched the Denglai Rebellion, which confirmed this view of the whole country.

Therefore, whenever there is chaos in Dongjiang Town, regardless of whether it is true or false, the monarchs and ministers of North Korea will first believe it.

"Yes, it is said that Shen Shikui, the commander-in-chief of the Dongjiang River, heard that there was a shortage of food and grass, so he incited his soldiers to rebel and claimed that he would go into Seoul to ask for food!" The left and right people reported quickly.

"Rebellious ministers and traitors, rebellious ministers and traitors, how can you rebel against him??" Li Shu's face turned red with anger and he couldn't help but curse.

"Quickly, write a letter to Li Dingguo and ask him to put down the rebellion immediately! Otherwise, I will go to the capital to file a complaint!"

"Li Dingguo also wrote a letter, saying that there was a shortage of food and grass, and he was helpless. Many soldiers were making noise, and if they were not careful, it would lead to the Denglai Rebellion." Left and right people reported quickly.

"He is threatening me, Smecta!" When Li Zhu heard this, he immediately understood what was going on and couldn't help but get angry.

"What should we do?" Everyone couldn't help but look at King Li Zhu.

"Instruct the three armies to prepare for war. I still don't believe it. What can he do to me!" Li Zhu couldn't help but said angrily.

"Your Highness, Your Highness!" At this moment, "Chao Angel" Jin Yu quickly winked at him.

"Jin Aiqing, tell me what you want to say. What are you doing now?" Li Zhu was furious and didn't want to pay attention to him at all.

"Well, if the Dongjiang soldiers take the waterway, they will arrive in an instant," Jin Yu said weakly.

"Uh." The monarchs and ministers of North Korea, who were originally excited, were suddenly dumbfounded.

Only then did everyone remember that "Shangguo" arrived in Seoul by sea a few days ago for a visit.

If Shen Shikui followed the same method, the entire North Korean nation might want to hide in Ganghwa Island, but it would be impossible.

"Forget it, forget it, give it to him, give it to him, and he will be sent away as a beggar!" Li Zhuo's face turned red and white, and he could not help but comfort himself for a long time.

Following Li Zhu's order, North Korea provided another four to five thousand stones of grain and grass, which were escorted to Tieshan by the "Angel of Chao" Jin Yu for military use.

After Li Dingguo received the grain and grass, he crossed the Yalu River and attacked Zhenjiang Fort with Dongjiang General Shen Shikui as the vanguard and the newly formed Korean Battalion and the headquarters Biao Battalion as the backing.

The defender of Zhenjiang Fort surrendered without a fight, and the rebels attacked Xianshan Fort and Tangzhan Fort again. Xianshan and Tangzhan Forts also surrendered, and the rebels then reached the foot of Phoenix City.

Fenghuang City is 350 miles away from Liaoyang. It is close to Fenghuang Mountain. There is an ancient stone city on the mountain, which can house hundreds of thousands of people.

According to legend, Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty stationed here when he was conquering Korea. There is Xue Li Station nearby, which is said to be the place where General Xue Rengui of the Tang Dynasty stationed his troops.

During the Chenghua period of the Ming Dynasty, the city was built and the Liao right guards were set up here to prevent the Jurchens from cutting off the Korean tribute.

Let's say that Li Dingguo, Shen Shikui, and the Korean "Angel" Jin Yu and others broke through three forts in a row and finally reached the outside of Phoenix City.

When everyone looked up, they saw that the city was nestled against the mountain, embedded in the towering Phoenix Mountain, which made people feel fearful.

"This... this is not easy to fight!" Shen Shikui and Jin Yu couldn't help but look at each other.

The terrain of this mountain city is high and it is built of stone. It is easy to defend but difficult to attack. It is a dangerous fortress.

Although the rebels have many soldiers and horses, they cannot deploy them all, and it may be difficult to capture them in a short time.

"The art of war says: attack the heart first, attack the city next." Li Dingguo frowned and said, "Now that the fall of the Donglu is imminent, maybe someone can persuade them!"

After Li Dingguo's plan was decided, he selected one Jurchen soldier to surrender and went into the city to persuade him to surrender.

Who would have thought that not long after the soldier entered Phoenix City, he would have been taken to the top of the city and killed with a knife.

Then the general on the city shouted: "There are generals who have their heads cut off in the world, but there are no generals who surrender!"

"Who is this?" Li Dingguo frowned and asked involuntarily.

Seeing that the rebel army has arrived, it is really foolish to dare to resist stubbornly.

"This person is Wang Yuanzhong!" Unexpectedly, Shen Shikui actually knew him.

"In the past, after Marshal Mao made a surprise attack on Zhenjiang, many people from above and below followed him to Dongjiang. This man returned to Phoenix City and was loyal to the Donglu. He captured and killed those who conspired with me many times!"

"Oh? That's it!" Li Dingguo couldn't help but said angrily after hearing this, "Is this the so-called 'Han people talk nonsense but curse Han people at the top of the city'?"

"He thinks I can't do anything to him while he's hiding in the city, right? He's really looking down on the heroes of the world!"

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