"Urgent report, urgent report, traces of the Ming army found, traces of the Ming army discovered!" A group of cavalry galloped from the southwest and quickly arrived at Juliu River.

When the spies arrived, they jumped down and ran directly into Juliuhe's stronghold.

However, what awaited them was a lit musket and a fully drawn bow.

All of a sudden, these people had no time to react, and they turned into hedgehogs and sieves, and died "violently" in the giant river.

After this wave of scouts were dead, Hou Jin completely cut off news of rebel reinforcements.

However, even without the news sent by the scout, Du Du knew that something was wrong.

There are only 2,000 soldiers in Shengjing City. If each gate is evenly distributed, then each city gate can only be equipped with 250 soldiers.

Logically speaking, two hundred and fifty people are not too few.

But for Shenyang City, which is more than ten miles in circumference, it is simply not enough to protect the entire city wall.

Fortunately, after much mobilization and persuasion, he finally mobilized more than 2,000 men in the city, and then reluctantly completed the defensive work.

His eldest son Duerhu couldn't help but said: "The Art of War says: If you defend for a long time, you will lose. Although my father tried his best to support us today, he will not be able to retreat from the enemy."

"If we can't ask your Majesty to turn back soon, I'm afraid we'll be in disaster sooner or later!"

"How can I not know this as a father?" Unexpectedly, Du Du shook his head and said, "Nai He must be in Tokyo City with Prince Li Lie, so he can't move easily!"

"What should we do?" Duerhu couldn't help being dumbfounded when he heard this.

"I have a plan that can serve as a million soldiers!" Unexpectedly, Du Du smiled and said confidently.

"Where did the soldiers come from?" Duerhu suddenly became curious.

"The soldiers are coming from Horqin!" Du Du pointed to the northwest.

It turned out that after the nine-mini coalition was defeated by Lao Nu, the Horqin tribe turned to form an alliance with Hou Jin.

First, the three brothers Ming'an, Hong Guoer and Mangusi on Horqin's left wing married their daughters to Lao Nu and Mrs. Hong, and then to Dorgon, Azige, Daishan and others.

Later Jin also reciprocated the love and married the daughters of Daishan, Yuetuo, Hongtai and others into Horqin's left wing.

Upon seeing this, Horqin's right wing also married his daughter and started a marriage with Hou Jin.

Of course, after this messy marriage, the ethical relationship between the two parties was already in a mess.

However, the two sides formed a strong political alliance because of this, which is also the fundamental reason why Daishan didn't feel any distress when he gave Zhang Shunhai Lanzhu and Dayu'er.

Compared with Zhang Shun, Baylor, the leader of the banners of the Later Jin Dynasty, had already formed an in-marriage relationship with Horqin that was both prosperous and destructive.

So when the critical moment came, the first force Du Du thought of was Horqin's tribe, especially Horqin's left wing.

"Father, let me go this time. I will definitely invite reinforcements for you!" Duerhu pondered for a moment after hearing the words, and then took the initiative to ask for help.

After the battle of the deer, the star of the Lieutenant General of the Later Jin Dynasty withered.

As the son of Du Du, Du Erhu was originally unable to get involved in higher power, but now he couldn't help but have his thoughts moved.

No one knows his son better than his father, so how could Du Du not know his son's thoughts?

He hesitated for a moment, and then warned: "The most urgent task is to invite reinforcements first. The love between children is long, and we will mention it later!"

"The thief came from the west, so he must have taken over the Juliu River. If you go, you must bypass this place and then go to Horqin!"

"I understand, kid!" Duerhu agreed after hearing the words, and then selected more than ten personal servants, sneaked out through other doors, and then headed towards Horqin.

The rebel army did not have many soldiers and horses, and could not completely surround Shenyang City, so they could only see him from a distance.

The news quickly reached Lu Xiangsheng. Lu Xiangsheng pondered for a moment and immediately understood the whereabouts of Duerhu.

He couldn't help but thought: "Although His Highness has married Horqin's two daughters, he is not as close as Donglu to him after all. If we fight for a relationship, I'm afraid I won't be able to win. What should I do?"

Lu Xiangsheng thought for a long time, but he didn't know what he wanted. He couldn't help but hesitated and took out a brochure bag from his arms.

It turned out that before he set off, Zhang Shun had given him a tips bag and told him to "take action when the situation is urgent."

Now Lu Xiangsheng was at a loss, so he had to open it and take a look, only to see that there were only two big words written on it: Suspicious!

"Doubt it?" Lu Xiangsheng was stunned at first, and then couldn't help but rejoiced, "Yes, yes, everything in the world must be doubted!"

"If this is true for kings and ministers, fathers and sons, and husbands and wives, how much more so for allies?"

Thinking of this, Lu Xiangsheng couldn't help but order: "Come here, this surprise attack on Horqin, a giant river, has been successful. I have sent over a hundred pairs of male and female prisoners, and more than a hundred cattle and sheep, to express my gratitude!"

Following Lu Xiangsheng's order, everyone in the rebel camp suddenly became aware of the commotion.

Later, several Mongolian soldiers went to the camp to select prisoners. As they were selecting, they said: "The general is so generous this time. He actually wants to give Horqin hundreds of pairs of prisoners. It can be said to be a generous gift."

"What do you know? If Horqin hadn't helped me this time, how would you and I have gotten here outside Shengjing?"

"Hush, be careful what you say, be careful what you say!"

Naturally, some of the prisoners who could understand Mongolian were understood immediately, and they couldn't help but think: No wonder this "Ming Army" suddenly appeared outside Shengjing City, and it was Horqin who rebelled!

Thinking of this, Ye Ye deliberately started making noise, causing the rebel soldiers to beat him up.

While the rebel soldiers were flogging these troublemaking prisoners, someone had already sneaked out of the camp and sneaked into Shenyang City.

"What, Horqin has surrendered to the enemy?" Du Du was shocked when he heard this, and then objected, "No, this is absolutely impossible."

"Not to mention that the relationship between Horqin and me is very important. Even if he has intentions, my princess is still in his tribe. News should have come long ago!"

However, at this time, I would rather believe that it exists than that it does not exist.

Du Du thought about it and chose a loyal slave of his family and asked him to sneak to Horqin to remind his son Duerhu.

Not to mention what happened to Dudu, let us say that Duerhu left Shenyang City, traveled day and night, and soon arrived at the Horqin tribe.

Since the Horqin tribe's Left Wing Center Banner had the best relationship with Houjin and was close to each other, Nadurhu took the lead in visiting his tribe.

Now the leader of the Horqin Left Wing Center Banner is none other than Manzhu Xili, Prince of Zasak Dorobatulu County.

This Manzhu Xili was the grandson of Mangusi, the son of Zaisang Buhe, the younger brother of Wu Keshan, the elder brother of Hai Lanzhu and Dayu'er, the daughter of Yue Tuo, and the consort of the princess Huang Taiji's adopted daughter. His status was of great importance.

When Manzhu Xili heard that the "shun thieves" were coming to attack, he immediately expressed his intention and promised five thousand elite soldiers.

Duerhu couldn't help but be overjoyed. He quickly said goodbye to Manzhu Xili and went to Horqin's left-wing front banner.

However, as soon as Duerhu left, someone came to see him on his back.

Although Manzhu Xili felt strange, he still couldn't help but see it.

However, he never expected that as soon as he saw the man, the man would send a hundred pairs of men and women.

Since the compilation of records in the Later Jin Dynasty, the Mongolian tribes generally recorded fifty households per ox.

This is equivalent to this person giving two Niulu as a meeting gift. How can this not surprise Manzhu Xili?

He couldn't help but ask: "Han people often say: No reward will be given without merit. Who are you? How can you give me such a great gift?"

"My master is known as Tian Khan, and now he has adopted his younger sisters Hai Lanzhu and Dayu'er as his concubines," the man couldn't help but smile.

"What! Are you a 'submissive thief'? Get out of here, get out of here!" Manzhu Xili couldn't help but said angrily.

"For the sake of my sister, I won't kill you. Tell that boy not to come to me sooner or later, and I will treat these two sisters as nothing!"

"Your Highness, you can tell me to get out of here, or you can disown Tian Khan's concubine, but there is something I want to say clearly, and then I will be killed or beheaded, it's up to you!" The man smiled.

"Say!" Manzhu Xili frowned when he heard this, not knowing what the hell he was planning.

"This time, Tian Khan's troops did not take the new road to Liaoze, so the Hou Jin Kingdom was unprepared, so our army killed them at the foot of Shengjing City!" The man said with a smile.

"So what?" Manzhu Xili felt a bad premonition.

"Not so good. Our soldiers and horses can't fly. Why do you think he arrived at Shengjing City?" The man also asked with a puzzled look.

"You" Manzhu Xili heard this, and a ridiculous and terrifying thought suddenly came to his mind.

"Could it be that I, Horqin, must leave? It's impossible, it's simply impossible!"

From western Liaoning to Shengjing, there is no other way except Liaoze South Road and Liaoze New Road, except taking the Horqin Left Wing Center Banner.

"Your Highness says it's impossible, and I believe it; I say it's impossible, and His Highness also believes it." The man smiled, "Then the question is, even if we both say it's impossible, you said that person in Shengjing City, you don't know who he is Don’t you believe it or not?”

What does yellow mud fall into your crotch? It’s either shit or shit, that’s it!

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