Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1651 Fraudulent City

"Kill, kill!" On the 21st of the twelfth lunar month, as the new year was approaching, Horqin's left-wing reinforcements of 5,000 cavalry suddenly appeared on the west side of Shengjing.

When they appeared, they immediately launched a fierce attack on Lu Xiangsheng's troops outside the city.

Na Lu Xiangsheng could not resist, so he abandoned the camp, and then withdrew westward by taking advantage of the mobility of one man and three horses.

After Lu Xiangsheng left, Horqin's left-wing reinforcements, headed by Manzhu Xili, quickly gathered their troops and requested the city of Shengjing: "After we receive the news, we will do our best and not dare to waste a moment. Now we are all exhausted and hungry. Extremely thirsty."

"Please also ask the general to open the city gate and let us enter the city to rest for a while before we attack again!"

"Please wait a moment, Prince. I'll ask Lord Beile for instructions!" the general who defended the city couldn't help but responded quickly.

"What? Please give me your instructions, Lord Baylor? I, the noble king of the Qing Dynasty, still need to be treated like this?" Wu Keshan was furious when he heard this and couldn't help but cursed.

"Okay, okay, what's the point of arguing with a slave like him!" Hong Guo'er, the king of Bingtu County, heard this and quickly stopped him.

"When Dudu comes, he will naturally let us into the city."

Not to mention how these four people were arguing, and when Dudu learned that Horqin's left wing reinforcements had arrived and defeated Lu Xiangsheng's troops, he couldn't help but excitedly clapped his thighs and said: "As expected of Horqin's left wing, we in the Qing Dynasty did not marry them in vain. Come back!"

"But...but this time they asked to enter the city!" The general reported quickly.

"Enter the city? Why is this?" Du Du couldn't help but become vigilant after hearing this.

He knew that Hou Jin had been killed many times since he raised his army, and there were countless people who hated him to the core.

Therefore, after a generation of Khan King Lao Nu stayed in Liaoyang for a few years, he had to move the capital to Shenyang, Shengjing.

After the capital was moved to Shenyang in the Later Jin Dynasty, the original residents were either brutally killed or driven out. Now the residents in the city are either relatives of the emperor or officials from the six ministries, or even the worst, they were born in the "Buddha Manchuria" in the Hetuala area.

The so-called "Buddha Manchu", that is, Lao Manchu, were mostly people who were born in the Hetuala area, or who joined during the era of Lao Nu and Hong Tai.

Those who newly raised the flag, such as Horqin and Zahan'er, were generally called "Yi Che Manchu", that is, New Manchuria.

Under normal circumstances, not to mention the Horqin tribe, even Yiche Manchu would not be able to easily enter the city.

"He and the others claimed that they were traveling all the way. In order to get help, they did not have enough water and rice. Therefore, they were extremely hungry and needed to enter the city urgently." The general explained.

"Oh? That's understandable!" Du Du nodded after hearing this, and couldn't help but ordered, "In this case, let the city prepare some food and soup first, and then follow me to meet him!"

As the grandson of Lao Nu and the son of Chu Ying, Du Du had an extraordinary status. He once became one of the Four Little Belles and the leader of the White Flag.

Unfortunately, it was soon merged into Yue Tuo Dao Xianghongqi and became an unknown ordinary Baylor.

If Hongtai, Dorgon, Azig, and Hauge had not died in the battle at the Pass, I am afraid it would not have been his turn to stay in Shenyang.

Now, although his status has been slightly improved, he is still Baylor, which is lower than the three kings of Horqin, Hong Guoer, Manzhu Xili and Wu Keshan, so he does not dare to offend them.

When Na Dudu arrived at the top of the city, he looked down and saw that he saw Prince Wu Keshan of Zhuoliketu, Prince Hong Guo'er of Duoluobingtu, Prince Manzhu Xili of Duoluobatulu, and Duke Guo'er of Zhenguo. Standing at attention outside the city.

He couldn't help but quickly ordered: "Open the city gate quickly and invite all the princes to come into the city to rest!"

Following Du Du's order, sure enough, the gate of Shengjing slowly opened, and three or five soldiers filed out, leading everyone towards the city.

Du Du glanced to the west out of habit, and was about to go down to the city wall to greet him, but suddenly an idea flashed across his face, and his expression suddenly changed: "Wait a minute, wait a minute!"

However, it didn't matter what he shouted, Wu Keshan was immediately alarmed.

Wu Keshan was guilty of being a thief, and he thought it was Du Du who discovered the truth and quickly slashed the soldiers around him with his sword, shouting loudly: "The heavenly soldiers have arrived, why don't you surrender soon!"

It didn't matter what he did, it immediately confirmed Dudu's judgment.

Du Du couldn't help but ordered loudly: "Oh no, Horqin has surrendered to the enemy and rebelled. Hurry, kill them out!"

The Manzhu Xili didn't react until this moment. He couldn't help but cursed secretly, and quickly shouted: "Little Dudu, what do you mean? How can you suddenly kill us when we come all the way?" !”

It turns out that Manzhu Xili believed that his relationship with the Qing Dynasty was of great importance. No matter what Du Du suspected, he would not kill him before he realized it.

In fact, Du Du was just as he had judged. When he was walking down the city wall, he suddenly thought of a contradiction.

If Lu Xiangsheng really retreats to the west, and Horqin's entire left wing army is out, he will naturally worry about being raided from his lair, so how can he have the leisure to enter the city?

However, at that time, he was only suspicious and did not dare to attack Horqin's tribe rashly.

Unexpectedly, Wu Keshan did not remain calm, but instead exposed the fact that Horqin's left wing had rebelled.

"Wu Keshan, Manzhu Xili, Hong Guoer, and Dong Guoer, our Qing Dynasty treats you well, why should you betray them?" Du Du was not a fool either. When he saw Manzhu Xili fishing in troubled waters, he couldn't help but express his position quickly.

Not to mention how these two people yelled and cursed, and as Wu Keshan slashed with his sword, the other Horqin soldiers also took action and started to kill one after another towards Shengjing City.

Seeing that Du Du couldn't resist, he didn't care about yelling and cursing with Manzhu, and hurriedly shouted: "Open the gate quickly, release the Qianjin gate quickly!"

Following Du Du's order, the heavy gate squeaked and almost fell.

Wu Keshan, Manzhu Xili, Hong Guoer and Dong Guoer couldn't help but look at each other and took a few steps back. Then they heard a heavy loud noise and an iron gate weighing a thousand kilograms fell in front of them. Separate the four of them from the dozens of Horqin elites in front.

It turns out that since these four people took refuge in Houjin, they had long since lost their determination to fight for their lives.

So when I heard Du Du lowering the Qianjin Gate, he was afraid that he would be locked up in the city.

In this way, the four of them escaped with their lives, but the matter of seizing the city gate may have ended in vain.

Sure enough, only a burst of fighting and screaming could be heard in Qianjin Gate, and soon dozens of bloody heads were thrown down from the city, declaring that this operation to defraud the city was a complete failure.

The four of them had no choice but to curse again and then left.

"How is it?" Lu Xiangsheng turned back and saw that Shengjing City was impregnable, and he couldn't help but frowned and asked.

"Failed by one's efforts, failed by one's efforts!" Manzhu Xili and Wu Keshan couldn't help but defend themselves in embarrassment.

"It doesn't matter. This plan won't work. There is another way. Now that our army's thousands of kilograms of Hongyi artillery have arrived, let's see how he can defend it!" Lu Xiangsheng did not expect such a sure thing that they could still lose the defense.

However, since these four people were well aware of current affairs, it was hard for him to reprimand them.

"Ten thousand catties of Hongyi cannon?" The four of them were stunned when they heard this, and then they couldn't help but turn from worry to joy, "Okay, this relationship is good, Shengjing can break it!"

They had only seen two to three thousand kilograms of red-clothed cannons before, and their power was already astonishing.

Now that they heard that the rebels actually had thousands of kilograms of Hongyi cannons, everyone suddenly beamed with joy, and the haze of the failure to defraud the city was swept away.

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