"Your Highness!" Dong Xiaowan, Bian Yujing and Bian Min couldn't help shouting as they watched Zhang Shun, who was dressed neatly, preparing to leave.

This voice was sincere and contained all the worries about Zhang Shun and his future.

As a duckweed, they finally had a harbor they could rely on.

However, now there is a storm in this harbor, and they are at a loss as to where to go.

"Ha, are you afraid?" Zhang Shun glanced at them and couldn't help but smile, "How about this? You guys will clean up later and find a place to take shelter first."

"Wait until the war is decided before making any calculations!"

These three women would only have three children in future generations, and Zhang Shun did not force himself on them.

"No, we are waiting for Your Highness!" Unexpectedly, the three weak women shook their heads firmly and said, "Although the world is big, there may not be room for us."

"If His Highness is alive, we will live; if His Highness dies, we can't live alone!"

"Uh... okay then!" Zhang Shun was silent for a moment after hearing this, and finally nodded helplessly.

This is not love, nor romance, nor loyalty.

This world is so cruel, and no one deserves to live with dignity.

Unless you become the strongest, or take shelter under the strongest.

Zhang Shun adjusted his mind mirror, then turned to Wukong and said, "Let's go!"

Since you choose the latter, then I have no choice but to become the former!

It's time for these flowers, which live in the land of prosperous fireworks and the land of wealth and gentleness, to go through some ups and downs, so as not to take everything in the world for granted.

Zhang Shun calmed down, left the palace city and the imperial city, and then passed through the entire Nanjing city to Yuejiang Tower.

Although the Yuejiang Tower is named Yuejiang, it actually does not have a first floor.

It turns out that the Yuejiang Tower is located on the top of Lion Rock in the northwest of Nanjing. After Zhu Yuanzhang made Nanjing his capital, he planned to build a tower here and named it "Yuejiang".

Unexpectedly, just after the foundation laying was completed, Zhu Yuanzhang ordered the building to be discontinued, so only a wide platform remained.

Although this platform is not very high, it can still overlook the Yangtze River to the west, Lime Mountain to the north, and Qingliang Mountain to the south. It can be said to be the gateway to the capital and the hub of the battlefield. Therefore, Zhang Shun chose this place as his command post and viewing platform.

"Ha, are you all here?" Zhang Shun came to the base of Yuejiang Tower and saw Xu Yunjue, the Duke of Wei in the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Guobi, Duke Baoguo, Zhang Gongri, the Marquis of Longping, Li Zushu, the Marquis of Linhuai, Sun Weicheng, the Marquis of Huaining, Tang Guozuo, the Marquis of Lingbi, and Anyuan Marquis Liu Zuochang, Yongchang Marquis Xu Hongjue, Dingyuan Marquis Deng Wenxuan, Xiangcheng Bo Chang Yingjun, Daxing Bo Zou Cunyi, Ningjin Bo Liu Yunji, Nanhe Bo Fang Yiyuan, Dongning Bo Jiao Mengxiong, Ancheng Bo Zhang Guocai, Luozhong Bo Huang Jiuding, Cheng Anbo, Guo Zuoyong, and the city's big businessmen and salt merchants are waiting eagerly here.

He couldn't help but smile, and said pointedly, "I am so late that I have kept you all waiting for a long time!"

"Ah, I don't dare, I don't dare!" Everyone had a ghost in their hearts, and they jumped immediately when they heard this, and they all said "humbly".

"Okay, everyone, please be patient and let's see how I defeat the thief!" Zhang Shun smiled confidently and deliberately emphasized the word "thief", which made everyone even more frightened.

After Zhang Shun finished speaking, he ignored them and just walked forward, walked to the edge of the stage and stretched his head to look outside.

But I saw sails all over the river not far away, densely packed almost covering the entire river.

And just at the edge of the "Sail Forest", there were several sailboats docked on the shore, "dumping" soldiers on the shore one after another. They were obviously soldiers sent by Zheng Zhilong to attack Yifeng Gate.

There are also many sailboats gathered in the Lime Mountain area to the north. They must have ideas about Guanyin Gate, Shangyuan Gate and Funing Gate located in Lime Mountain.

This lime mountain, later known as Mufu Mountain, is located to the north of Lion Mountain. Its altitude is second only to that of Purple Mountain, and it is just outside the city of Nanjing.

If Zheng Zhilong and his men capture this place, they can have a panoramic view of the whole city and have a panoramic view of the deployment of the rebel army and the movement of soldiers.

Zhang Shun had expected this and couldn't help but order: "Wang Ding, you immediately lead your men to the Lime Mountain. The Yifengmen area will be under my control."

"Yes, general, take your orders!" After hearing this, Wang Ding hurried away, and the originally bustling city wall suddenly became much deserted.

"Your Highness?" Wang Duo couldn't help but be startled when he saw this, and quickly reminded him.

You only have 4,000 troops at your disposal, and Liyang and Jintan counties have sent 500 each.

Now that Wang Ding has taken away another two thousand, you now have more than a thousand personal guards left!

"Don't be impatient!" Unexpectedly, Zhang Shun smiled and continued to order, "Where is Wukong? Lead five hundred elites out of the city and prepare to meet the enemy!"

"Master? The general is here!" Wukong was stunned when he heard this. He first glanced at Ji Longfeng, who was the only one beside Zhang Shun, and then quickly accepted the order.

"Only victory is allowed, no defeat is allowed!" Zhang Shun warned again.

"The last general takes command!" After hearing Zhang Shun's words, Wukong immediately understood Zhang Shun's thoughts and replied loudly.

"Your Highness, this...is there a little less people?" After hearing this, Zhu Guobi, the protector of the country, quickly asked pretending to be concerned.

"It's not about having too many soldiers, it's about being good at it!" Zhang Shun said with a smile, "Let's test the thief's strength first, and then we'll make a fuss."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Shun was afraid that everyone would not understand, so he explained: "The Nanjing city wall has four layers, namely the palace city, the imperial city, Nanjing city and the outer city."

"Look, everyone, the other three layers are all layered, but the outer layer is not like that!"

"Due to its proximity to the Yangtze River, there is a missing section between the Huaimen Gate and Yuejiang Tower in Nanjing City. Therefore, this is the main direction of attack for the thieves!"

"The second is the direction of Lime Mountain. The thieves are located on the river and cannot spy on the actual situation of our army. On the contrary, I can see the actual situation."

"Only by seizing the Lime Mountain can they take advantage of their large number of soldiers and generals. Therefore, the direction of the Lime Mountain is the second direction of attack for the thieves."

"Everyone, just look at it carefully and you will know the secret!"

While Zhang Shun was explaining to everyone, "Ping Kou Hou" Xu Chengming was commanding his troops to land.

The so-called Zhenjun soldiers are the local soldiers with the characteristics of western Hunan. They came from the Wuzhai Changguansi area, which was later known as the Phoenix City area.

The people there were fierce and strong, and even in the later Qing Dynasty, they were famous for their strong soldiers. National hero Lin Zexu once led a group of soldiers to participate in the first Opium War.

Not to mention future generations, it is precisely because of having such an elite army that Xu Chengming became one of Xiong Wencan's favorite generals.

When he saw that the rebels not only did not surrender, but instead swarmed out, he was prepared to be surprised and delighted.

Xu Chengming smiled and said: "What a 'submissive thief', he dares to underestimate us, I will let him taste the power of my suppressing soldiers!"

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