Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1717 Dark Lord

It was said that Xia Yunyi and Chen Zilong had made up their mind and decided to "dedicate themselves to martyrdom" to bring peace to the world. They then thought of another good friend.

This man's surname was Xu Fuyuan and his courtesy name was An Gong. He was the great-grandson of Xu Zhi, the younger brother of Xu Jie, the richest man in the former Ming Dynasty. His knowledge and character were not inferior to either of them.

As soon as they thought about this, the two people hurriedly asked the soldiers: "Please tell me that Xia Yunyi and Chen Zilong want to see His Highness King Shun."

"His Highness has just left. He left a message. You two can take care of yourself in the city. We will meet again when he comes back!" The soldier couldn't help but laugh.

"Ah?" The two couldn't help but look at each other, and couldn't help but admire Zhang Shun's magnanimity, and became more determined to follow Zhang Shun.

Not to mention what these two people were thinking, they finally arrived at the Xu Mansion. They never thought that Xu Fuyuan was not there. Instead, they heard the servant say: "My young master has fled away from trouble, and I don't know when he will return!"

The two of them couldn't help but sigh after hearing this, and were about to leave angrily.

"I wonder where your young master has gone?" Unexpectedly, Xia Yunyi frowned and suddenly asked.

"I don't know about that, but in the past few days, my young master has been asking about the big ships at sea. Could it be that they went overseas?" The servant hesitated for a moment before replying.

"In that case, thank you!" Before Chen Zilong could ask, he was pulled by Xia Yunyi, and the two of them left the Xu Mansion.

"Ai Gong, what did you mean by pulling on me just now?" As soon as he reached a quiet place, Chen Zilong couldn't help but ask.

"Hai Chuan! Hai Chuan! I'm afraid he didn't defect to Zheng Zhilong!" Xia Yunyi sighed.

"Ah?" Chen Zilong couldn't help but screamed, "No, His Highness is in danger!"

Xia Yunyi was stunned when he heard this, and his expression changed drastically.

It turns out that the two of them are called "Chen Xia" together, but in fact Xu Fuyuan has an extraordinary relationship with them.

Since both parties knew each other very well, the two of them certainly understood what strategies he would give Zheng Zhilong once he surrendered to him.

In this way, the plan proposed by Xia Yunyi earlier will become Zhang Shun's reminder.

"Quick, let's go to Hangzhou and catch up with His Highness!" the two of them couldn't help but said anxiously.

"No, His Highness said, let us follow you. You can't go anywhere except Songjiang!" As a result, the soldiers following him refused directly.

"It's about His Highness's safety, can't we be accommodating?" Chen Zilong had a fiery temper and couldn't help but asked.

"No!" Seeing that they really cared about Zhang Shun, the soldier couldn't help but add, "Actually, His Highness is a good person and a good person, so you don't need to worry about it!"

"Let me tell you, the last time we were in Luoyang, His Highness's throat was cut, and he was left cold for three days. Isn't he now alive again?"

"What, you are treating me like a fool!" Chen Zilong was stunned when he heard this, and couldn't help but look in disbelief, "A person's throat has been cut, and he can still come back to life? Do you think this is a legendary novel?"

"Hey, you don't believe it? I know you don't believe it! Let me tell you in detail." The soldier smiled, obviously he had seen many such people.

"The common people have seen the gangster marquis!" While the two were listening to the soldier telling Zhang Shun's "glorious past," a scholar in his late forties was bowing deeply to Zheng Zhifeng and said, "I am the queen of the Xu family in Songjiang. His name is Fuyuan, his courtesy name is An Gong, and the former chief minister of the cabinet, Taishi Xu, is my great-uncle!"

"It turns out that your husband is a famous person, so disrespectful and disrespectful!" Zheng Zhifeng was stunned when he heard this and couldn't help but feel in awe.

It turned out that Zheng Zhifeng was only twenty-four or five years old at this time. Suddenly he heard that someone was coming to join him, and he was a scholar with an extraordinary background. Naturally, he couldn't help but be overjoyed.

"Sir, you have come all the way, and I don't know how you can teach me?" Zheng Zhifeng couldn't help but ask as the two parties sat down respectively.

"Echoing the Kouhou!" Xu Fu asked Zheng Zhifeng in the foresight and quickly replied, "Since the defeat in Nanjing, our navy has been lingering in Zhoushan for several months."

"But the 'Shun Thieves' took the opportunity to attack cities and territories, and successively captured Zhenjiang, Changzhou, Suzhou, Songjiang and other places. Most of the essence of Jiangnan has fallen into their hands. If this continues, the country will be in bad shape!"

"In my opinion, firstly, we should seize Chongming, choke its navy on the river, so that it cannot look north and south at the same time, and threaten its belly and back. Secondly, we should occupy its land force in Hangzhou, so that it cannot go south, and then threaten Ningguo. It responds to heaven.”

"In this way, half of it can be saved, and the country can be restored!"

"This," Zheng Zhifeng couldn't help but say with a look of embarrassment upon hearing this, "to be honest, when it comes to fighting on the water, even the people from the Far West will not give them even an inch."

"However, when it comes to fighting on land, in the Battle of Nanjing, Xu Chengming and I combined more than ten thousand soldiers. We should not consider him as a three thousand soldier, but this battle left me completely demoralized!"

"Ah?" Xu Fuyuan couldn't help but be shocked when he heard this. He never expected that the truth was even more outrageous than the rumors, and he quickly asked, "I wonder why this is?"

"Most of the soldiers under my command are from the sea." Zheng Zhifeng couldn't help but smile bitterly after hearing this, "I fight on the sea, whether I advance or retreat, I rely solely on my courage."

"That's not the case on the road. There are spears and halberds arrayed in front, firecrackers and artillery shooting behind them, and heavy armored cavalry attacking them on the left and right. How can flesh and blood be able to stop them?"

It turns out that sea combat is different from land combat, and soldiers in sea combat are mostly used to join gangs.

Its terrain is narrow, and once defeated, there will be no place to die. Therefore, its battles are mostly unarmored and scattered battles, which require high morale and courage of the soldiers.

On land, because the terrain is relatively open and it is easy to advance and retreat, it is necessary to fight in formations, which requires higher requirements for the organization and equipment of the soldiers and the command ability of the commander.

If Zheng Zhifeng's elite group could be dragged to the sea, they would all be heroes.

If they are on the road, to the rebels, except for being a little more bloody, they are almost the same as refugees, so Zheng Zhifeng is a little scared.

"Report~" Just as the two of them looked at each other, they suddenly heard a loud shout, and a soldier hurried over.

"Tell me, this Mr. Xu is not an outsider!" Zheng Zhifeng quickly ordered when she saw that the soldiers were only turning towards Xu Fuyuan.

"I just received an urgent report that the 'shun thieves' have occupied Hangzhou and may peek into Ningbo!" The soldier quickly reported the report.

"What? So fast!" Zheng Zhifeng was shocked when he heard this and quickly ordered an evacuation to Taizhou.

"Great joy, this is a great joy!" Unexpectedly, Xu Fuyuan laughed suddenly when he heard this.

"Sir, how do you say this?" Zheng Zhifeng was confused and asked quickly.

"It's a hundred and fifty miles from Gu Yuan to Suzhou, a hundred and eighty miles from Suzhou to Songjiang, a hundred and twenty miles from Songjiang to Jiaxing, and another hundred and ninety miles from Jiaxing to Hangzhou." Xu Fuyuan couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

"The 'Shun Thief' first fought hard for a day and a night in Gu Yuan, then spent a day and a night to capture Suzhou, and then galloped 180 miles overnight to capture Songjiang."

"It lasted three days and two nights without a wink of sleep. Even a strong man might not be able to survive it."

"I never thought that the 'shun thief' was so greedy that he galloped all day and night to capture Hangzhou."

"Hangzhou is majestic in front of the sea, narrowly strangles three rivers, guides the ladder navigation from Fujian to Vietnam, and is the key to controlling the Yangtze and Huaihe Rivers. It is connected with Qiantang in the south, Changhuai and Yangtze in the north, and the mouth of the Songjiang River all radiates to the seaside, supporting each other. , the journey to Tianjin does not exceed hundreds of miles, and the sail can be used to gallop along it."

"I've also heard that 'shun thieves' have become successful young and indulge in beauty. And Hangzhou is a city of three Wus and has been prosperous since ancient times. How can the 'shun thieves' be controlled now that they are here?"

"Therefore, I use my men who are waiting in defense to attack his soldiers who have been tired for a long time. I use my navy that stretches across the four seas to attack his soldiers who are unable to penetrate Lu Zhen. Use me to plan Zhou Xiang's army and attack his unprepared soldiers. All of this Three victories, how can we defeat them without attacking them?"

When Zheng Zhifeng heard this, her eyes lit up and she immediately became angry.

It turns out that the city of Hangzhou is located on the bank of the Qiantang River, and ships can also enter and exit it. The Zheng Navy in Zhoushan can attack it.

If they win, everything will be fine; if they don't win, they can retreat calmly from the sea; if things go wrong, they can divert water from the West Lake to flood the city.

In this case, why not give it a try?

Thinking of this, Zheng Zhifeng couldn't help but get excited and quickly ordered: "The three armies will listen to the order and immediately mobilize more than a hundred ships, large and small, and five thousand soldiers to attack Hangzhou!"

"In this battle, we can only win, not lose. Anyone who dares to retreat before the battle will be killed without mercy!"

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