Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1739 Five Disadvantages

Of course, although Kong Zhenyun has a bad temper and a tough temper, he is not a fool.

Naturally, just because Zhang Shun proposed a novel concept, he would abandon his previous code of conduct and live and die for it.

Sure enough, after listening to Zhang Shun's words, the old man couldn't help but ask: "The establishment of a country through feudalism is a bad system of Zhou Dynasty. Liu Hedong's "On Feudalism" discussed it to the bone. I wonder what your highness thinks of it?"

What is Lao Shizi's "On Feudalism"? Zhang Shun has heard of it but has not read it.

But fortunately, he has his own "crooked theory": "This moment is the same as that moment!"

"Since the Western Zhou Dynasty, the princes have risen together. The Qin Dynasty followed Shang Yang's method and established prefectures and counties to annex the six kingdoms. It has been two thousand years!"

"This method is certainly the best in China. But in a barbarian land, if you don't know the teachings of the saints, you have no choice but to listen to it!"

"For example, just like the guards in the early Ming Dynasty, today's chieftains are no exception!"

It turns out that the Ming Dynasty's guard system and then the chieftain system were, to a certain extent, a variant of the feudal states of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty.

It's just that due to the different times, the "Gyeonggi" in the Ming Dynasty was extremely powerful. Except for a few chieftains who rebelled, most of the guards and chieftains were quite honest.

"The husband is thousands of miles away, how do you plan to control it?" As soon as Zhang Shun said this, Kong Zhenyun no longer struggled with this, but asked instead.

"Control it? Why control it?" Zhang Shun couldn't help laughing.

"If you don't take it now, your descendants will worry about it in future generations!" Kong Zhenyun smiled and quoted a sentence from "The Analects of Confucius".

The history of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period tells us that if you cannot control the princes from various places, then there is only one end of the feudal system. Raising Gu will create a Gu King, and then completely swallow you up.

"The capital of the Western Zhou Dynasty is only a thousand miles away, and it is not as big as the princes. How can it be undefeated?" Zhang said casually.

"Our China today is no more than ten thousand miles away and has hundreds of millions of people. If we can have enough food and soldiers and enough faith, we can conquer the world with this sincerity!"

"How can we have enough food and soldiers and enough confidence?" Kong Zhenyun heard this and asked again.

"There are five evils in the world today!" Zhang Shun spread his fingers and couldn't help but gesture, "One said: The poor have no place to stand. Food is the most important thing for the people, and the poor have no place to stand, so the world will be in chaos."

"There are two methods, one is to make up for the excess damage, and the other is to make up for the deficiency. If there is excess damage, take the old land honored by the royal family of the previous dynasty to provide peace for the people; to make up for the deficiency, although Liaodong is bitter and cold, it is also fertile land thousands of miles away, and can attract thousands of people. There are countless farmers who can cultivate it, and it is all fertile land!"

The Liaodong area was originally developed by the Ming Dynasty, but by the end of the Ming Dynasty, agriculture had become extremely developed.

As a result, due to the "efforts" of the two generations of Lao Nu and Hong Tai, it has already become a situation where thousands of miles of wasteland and people have no means of livelihood.

Now that Liaodong is about to fall, it is natural to re-immigrate and colonize it and enrich Liaodong.

As for the Jilin, Heilongjiang and Eastern Mongolia areas in later generations, since they were almost all wastelands, it was naturally not an overnight achievement.

"Second: Sea ban. Since Emperor Chengzu of the Ming Dynasty went to the West, many seas were banned in previous dynasties, and the people along the coast suffered."

"When the power of the imperial court weakened, smuggling became rampant and the imperial court was unable to benefit from it. This is also a disadvantage of the previous Ming Dynasty." Zhang Shun continued.

"Therefore, I ordered the sea to be opened, and the three families, the imperial court, the merchants, and the maritime merchants, formed an alliance and divided the profits among the three families. This is a long-term solution to overcome the disadvantages of one family being the only one in the early Ming Dynasty."

"Okay, this is good!" Kong Zhenyun couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction after hearing Zhang Shun's words.

After all, the memory of the Ming Dynasty Emperor Chengzu and his group of people taking pepper and sumac as a discount for their salary is still vivid in their minds, which left many bureaucrats with lingering fears.

Now that Zhang Shun has decided on a profit-sharing strategy among the three families, at least everyone's salary is guaranteed, right?

"Three: Emphasis on agriculture and suppression of business." Zhang Shun smiled again.

"According to what I have seen, the iron from Shanxi can be made into needles and can be sold to Korea and Japan in the east, and to the west of Turpan. Its people can still live without plowing or growing crops."

"The people of Hangzhou and Ningbo bought raw silk, silk, tea and other products from other places, and then went to sea, and their profits were many times greater, which can be said to be rich."

"The former Ming Dynasty did not take advantage of this, but allowed it to happen. This is actually a great disadvantage to the country."

"In my opinion, since the outer sea has been opened, the inland rivers, inland seas and post roads can all be opened to allow merchants to enter and exit."

"The people will benefit from it, and the court will get its wealth."

"This is natural!" Kong Zhenyun didn't say anything, but nodded with great conviction.

It turns out that the economic base determines the superstructure. Since the late Ming Dynasty, a group of scholars represented by Zhang Shenyan have realized the importance of business and began to advocate that "business and industry are both based", which also had a certain influence.

In Shandong, since the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, Qi State has become rich with the "profit of fish and salt".

Influenced by what he saw and heard, Kong Zhenyun, who was born in Shandong, did not have much prejudice against this.

But he still frowned and reminded: "Food is the most important thing for the people. If all the people in the world rush for profit and ruin the land, it will be a big sin!"

Nowadays, there are many natural disasters. Even since he came to Beijing, many famines have been reported in Shaanxi, Shanxi and other places. Of course, Zhang is well aware of this.

Hearing this, he smiled and said: "My husband is short of food, so there are natural and man-made disasters, and moreover, there are too many people and too little land. This is also the fourth disadvantage of the previous civilization, and it is also the original intention of what I call 'colonial development'!"

"Although today's Liaodong is vast, it is only a large province in China. If we go further north to cultivate wasteland, it will only add one or two."

"I heard that the land of Melika in the north and south has fertile land and few people. Westerners call it the New World to distinguish it from the Old World!"

"When the sea route becomes clear, if we can immigrate and join one, two, three, it will be a long-term peace and stability strategy!"

"Ah, this" Kong Zhenyun couldn't help being surprised when he heard this.

The matter was so big that according to his knowledge, he couldn't tell the pros and cons for a while.

This sounds like a good thing, but China has always attracted people, and there is no reason to push people outside?

"Fifth day: Keep slaves and maidservants!" Zhang Shun continued to tell when he saw that Kong Zhenyun remained silent.

"At the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, all industries were in decline. Zhu Yuanzhang, the founder of the Ming Dynasty, only allowed officials to keep slaves and maidservants, but not others."

"However, nowadays, the wealthy families in the south of the Yangtze River often keep slaves ranging from hundreds to thousands. This is contrary to the teachings of the saints and is not tolerated by the king."

"I want to free all the slaves and untouchables in the world, and promise them to become commoners and organize them into households. I don't know what to do?"

"This is the way of a sincere saint!" Kong Zhenyun couldn't help but chanted after hearing this.

No matter which dynasty or generation, freeing slaves is also good governance.

When Kong Zhenyun saw Zhang Shun's courage, he couldn't help but praise him.

However, he couldn't help but remind Zhang Shundao: "Your Highness certainly has good intentions, but I am afraid that some people may misinterpret His Highness's meaning and cause disaster!"

"What kind of trouble?" Most of the slaves in the Jiangnan area have fled. This time, I am going with the flow and solving the problem at once. Why do you still talk like this?

"Liaodong!" Kong Zhenyun couldn't help but reach out and point to the northeast.

"Oh? You said it was him!" Zhang Shun suddenly realized, and then sneered again.

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