Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1752 Postscript

On October 3rd of the first year of Tongtian (1637), under the order of Zhang Shun, Zhennan Gong and General Zhengnan Xiao Qinhu led Hong Chengchou, Cao Bianjiao, Huang Shoucai, and Huang Sunmao with a 60,000-strong army by land and water to attack Xiangyang, Wuchang, and Jiujiang. attack.

When Xiong Wencan was in dire straits, Li Zicheng first led an army to raid Nanchang, and then joined forces with Huang Shoucai in Jiujiang.

After Jiujiang fell, the Tang king and his troops were trapped in Huguang, so they asked King Gui of Guangzhou and King Shu of Sichuan for help.

At this time, Li Zicheng personally led a surprise attack on Changsha from Yuanzhou, Jiangxi.

After Changsha fell, the puppet emperor Zhu Yujian, Xiong Wencan and others were besieged by the rebels in a small area around Xiangyang, Wuchang and Yuezhou, completely losing their strategic initiative.

And just when Huguang was fighting an inextricable battle, Zhang Yingchang, the commander-in-chief of Lintao who had not made any movement, suddenly entered Hanzhong Prefecture from Gongchang Mansion along the Tea Horse Road.

The Ancient Tea Horse Road from Gongchang Prefecture to Jiezhou passed through the minority areas of Taozhou Junmin Division and Minzhou Military and Civilian Division. Fan Yiheng, who was in charge of military affairs, was unprepared and was attacked by Zhang Yingchang into Jiezhou.

Before the Ming army could expel Zhang Yingchang, Chen Changzhen sent two battalions, Liu Wenxiu and Ai Qineng, to attack from Chencang Road and Baoxie Road respectively.

Fan Yiheng could not resist, so he had to withdraw from Hanzhong and stationed heavy troops in Long'an Prefecture and Baoning Prefecture to prevent the rebel army from going south.

Unexpectedly, Chen Changzhen captured Long and did not look forward to Shu. Instead, he sent Ai Qi to seize Xing'an Prefecture eastward and press Yunyang.

Yunyang is located upstream of Xiangyang. Once below Yunyang, Xiangyang was completely trapped by Yu's army.

On November 9, the first year of Tongtian, seeing that nothing could be done, You Shiwei teamed up with Zuo Liangyu and others to attack and kill Zhou Wang Zhu Gongqiu and Wu Zong, and then opened the Wuchang city gate and surrendered to Dayu. Chen Yongfu and his son also surrendered.

On November 17, the city of Yuezhou was defeated and the guard general Xu Chengming died in battle.

On December 23, Xiangyang City guard You Zhaiwen tried to open the city gate and surrender to Dayu. Unfortunately, Xiong Wencan discovered and killed him.

Seeing the chaos in the city, the rebels took the opportunity to launch a fierce attack.

The two sides fought fiercely all day and night. The Ming army fought and retreated, and retreated to Xiangyang Fuyamen.

The Dayu army then deployed Hongyi artillery to bombard Xiong Wencan and other officials, big and small, and the whereabouts of Tang Wang Zhu Yujian were unknown.

After the Tang king's line was destroyed, Dayu's army calmed the people while secretly dispatching troops.

On New Year's Day in the second year of Tongtian, while the Ming armies in Sichuan and Guangzhou were immersed in the joy of the New Year, the rebel forces suddenly split into two groups.

One group was led by Prince Ning Li Zicheng, who advanced by land and water with Huang Shoucai's navy, crossed the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River, and headed straight for Kuizhou, Sichuan.

On the other hand, Zhennan Gong and General Zhengnan Xiao Qinhu led Cao Bianjiao's 30,000 elite troops to attack Guangzhou.

Duhong Chengchou's troops stayed in Huguang to deal with the uprising of the gentry.

The King of Shu and the King of Gui were caught off guard and were immediately killed by the Yu army.

In the spring and summer of the second year of Tongtian respectively, Dayu was defeated one after another.

Among them, King Gui Zhu Youlang was rescued by Zheng Zhifeng and hovered along the coast of Fujian. The king of Shu, Zhu Zhishu, fled to Yunnan and Guizhou under the protection of Fan Yiheng.

In the summer of the second year of Tongtian, the Dutch colonists submitted a humble letter, proposing to send troops to attack the "sea pirate" Zheng Zhifeng at the same time as Dayu. Zhang Shun sternly refused, and the Dutch began to frequently attack Dayu's merchant ships.

On September 13, the second year of Tongtian, Xiao Qinhu sent Cao Bianjiao to attack Fujian, and Zheng Zhifeng had no choice but to flee to the sea.

As a result, the conflict between the two sides intensified. Zheng Zhifeng led more than 10,000 naval forces in an attempt to seize Taiwan. Unfortunately, they failed and Zheng Zhifeng was killed by the Dutch.

After Zheng Zhifeng died, the rest of his troops surrendered or dispersed. Zhang Jing was helpless, so he was killed by Cao Bianjiao on November 7 of that year. Zhu Youlang was captured and sent to the capital.

On the third day of the twelfth lunar month in the second year of Tongtian, Zhang Shun decided to defeat the Dutch and monopolize trade with Japan, so he sent Zhao Lizi to Fujian to prepare the navy and prepare to assist Cao Bianjiao in crossing the sea.

Following Xiao Qinhu, he led his troops to the west and joined forces with Chen Changzhen to attack Yunnan and Guizhou.

After Yunnan and Guizhou fell, Zhu Zhishu fled to Burma.

Zhang Shun issued an edict to denounce Burma's crimes, and asked Xiao Qinhu to prepare troops and horses to prepare for the conquest of Burma.

The king of Burma was greatly frightened, so he sent an envoy to send Zhu Zhishu, the king of Shu, to him, and the world was settled.

On March 6, the third year of Tongtian, Zhao Lizi led 200 warships to cross the sea and attack Taiwan.

The two sides still encountered each other at sea. The five "Fengzhou" ships exerted powerful firepower, completely defeated the Dutch navy, and then occupied the Penghu Islands.

Afterwards, Zhao Lizi invited Cao Bianjiao's tribe to work together to capture Taiwan.

In this war, due to his outstanding performance in the Battle of Zheng Zhilong, Zheng Sen was appointed as a maritime guerrilla general by Zhang Shun and given the name "Success".

After Taiwan was conquered, Zhang Shun sent Sun Kewang to lead the navy to Japan to demand "exclusive trade".

The third generation shogun, Tokugawa Iemitsu, did not dare to disobey, so he ordered the expulsion of Dutch merchants and the monopoly of foreign trade by China.

After Japan recovered, Zhang Shunsui ordered Japan, Korea, Annan, Siam, Burma, Ryukyu and other countries to pay tribute, claim vassal status, send envoys and receive gifts.

All countries followed, but Japan was the only country that was only willing to pay tribute and refused to be called a vassal, send envoys, or receive gifts.

At that time, natural disasters occurred one after another in the country. Zhang Shunqi suppressed his anger and only issued a "reclamation order" to attract refugees from the four northern provinces to go to Liaodong for reclamation.

Within three years, Liaodong's agriculture was completely restored and the warehouses were full of grain.

Therefore, Zhang Shun sent Zhendong Gong and General Zhengdong Zhang Sanbai as the general to conquer the barbarians, and Zhao Lizi as his deputy, to mobilize soldiers and horses from Jianzhou, Horqin, Korea and Ryukyu to conquer Japan.

The Japanese navy was weak and soon the entire army was destroyed.

Tokugawa Iemitsu was so frightened that he quickly issued an edict to ban trade with Dayu and allowed trade with Spain and the Netherlands in order to gain support from both.

Unexpectedly, Spain and the Netherlands were frightened by Yu's power. They only dared to smuggle secretly and did not dare to openly support Japan. Japan was then attacked by Da Yu and conquered Kyushu.

After the Jianzhou Jurchens and Horqin, who had experienced hundreds of battles, landed in Mongolia, they exerted their extremely strong fighting power and killed only the Japanese who were not afraid of death and left corpses everywhere.

At that time, Zhang Sanbai heard that there was a stone and silver mountain in Japan's main state, so he sent troops to seize it.

The domestic forces that were originally extremely rebellious suddenly stopped after hearing that a silver mountain was discovered in Japan.

However, the war had been going on for more than a year, and natural disasters continued in the country, so Zhang Shun himself hesitated.

At this time, Lu Xiangsheng, who had restored the Jilin Shipyard, reported that he had discovered a route to Japan in the "East China Sea".

Therefore, Zhang ordered Lu Xiangsheng to build ships and recruit Sauron's troops to attack Japan from the north.

After Lu Xiangsheng completed preparations, he recruited three thousand elite Sauron troops, then sailed along the Heilongjiang River and arrived at Sakhalin Island. Then he went south and met the "Ezo people" who were oppressed by Japan in Hokkaido.

Under the guidance of the Ezo people, Lu Xiangsheng finally arrived in the north of Honshu, Japan.

The Japanese did not expect the magic weapon to descend from the sky, and they were so frightened that their livers and gallbladders were broken.

Tokugawa Iemitsu also died of fear. It was said that he died by caesarean section, and his son Tokugawa Ietsuna surrendered with the new Emperor Gosai.

When Tokugawa Ietsuna and Emperor Gonishi were escorted to the capital, Zhang Shunli counted their transgressions, killed the emperor, destroyed their orthodoxy, and deprived Tokugawa Ietsuna of his position as shogun.

At that time, there was a censor who impeached Zhang Sanbai for being domineering, killing innocent people indiscriminately, committing many murders, and supporting his troops with self-respect and self-reliance.

Zhang Shun couldn't help but laugh and said: "Since the Yuan Dynasty, Japan has been disobedient to the king for a long time. Now that Zhang Sanbai has destroyed his country, he has done a great job."

"If you are not a great general, you will not be able to repay his merits. How can you make it your own?"

Then the northern part of Japan's Honshu and Ezo were cut off, and they were canonized as the Ezo Kingdom. Zhang Ping'an was granted the title here, and thousands of households were considered to be Lu Xiangsheng's settlement. Zhang Sanbai was appointed as the general to conquer the barbarians and rule Japan.

Now that Japan is under attack, the world is in great fear, and they send envoys to the throne one after another, not daring to disobey.

Having gained the advantage, people at that time heard that Luzon also had "mountains of gold and silver", so they couldn't help but clamor to take Luzon again.

Spain was greatly frightened and asked for peace. Zhang Shun overcame all objections and agreed.

In the tenth year of Tongtian, Wei Wenkui had been dead for many years, and Galileo had also died. His disciple Xue Fengzuo continued his ambition, and finally discovered "Kepler's three laws" on his own and formulated an extremely accurate calendar. Zhang Shun gave him the name "Tongtian" "Celestial Calendar".

In the fifteenth year of Tongtian's reign, Zhang Daojun and Han Lin finally further improved on Galileo's work and invented the steam engine.

During these five years, Dayu launched military operations to seize Southeast Asia, basically expelling the Western colonists except Luzon, and re-established the Sanxuan, Liuwei and Jiugang Xuanwei Departments here.

However, since then, the southern coast has made huge profits, which has aroused dissatisfaction from the northern and western forces. On the contrary, the voice of overseas expansion has become stronger.

Zhang Shunsui focused on the north and vigorously developed the heavy industry in the north with steam engines as the core technology.

Thanks to their coal and iron resources, Shanxi and Beizhili provided the army with a large number of artillery, ordnance and other products, and their economies also developed.

At this time, the colonists of the Rakshasa Kingdom also came to the Waixing'an Mountains, eyeing the Heilongjiang Basin.

While Zhang Shun ordered Lu Xiangsheng to do his best to support the Sauron tribe, he was also worried that the safety of the Heilongjiang Basin could not be guaranteed due to the distance.

In the 21st year of his reign, the young astronomer, mathematician, and physicist Mei Wending discovered the three laws of mechanics and invented the steam engine ship.

Zhang Shun ordered people to introduce it to the army and merchant ships and vigorously promote it.

Soon after, the young scientist Dai Zi was inspired by Mei Wending and invented the train and steam car.

Zhang Shun was overjoyed and ordered people to build a railway from the capital to Jilin.

In the 35th year of Tongtian's reign, the Beijing-Jilin Railway was completed, and a steady stream of military pay and supplies could be transported to the Jingqili River area through the Beijing-Jilin Railway and the Songhua River and Heilongjiang River.

The Sauron tribe had been fighting the Rakshasa colonists for twenty years, and finally gained the upper hand. They even crossed the Waixing'an Mountains and destroyed the Rakshasa colonial points.

Since Dayu had successively developed steam ships, steam trains and steam automobiles, Zhang Shun ordered people to develop ironclad ships and steam tanks on this basis.

With the industrialization process of Dayu Kingdom, the mountains of products stimulated the unbridled expansion of this ancient and new empire.

In the thirty-seventh year of Tongtian's reign, Chen Changzhen's son Chen Ruhu regained the Western Regions and established the Protectorate of the Western Regions.

In the thirty-eighth year of his reign, Zhang Sanbai sent a steam engine ship to land in America and clashed with the colonists there.

In the forty-seventh year of his reign, Xiao Poman, the son of Xiao Qinhu, defeated the most powerful Mughal dynasty in mainland India, prompting them to surrender and pay tribute, and open ports and trade.

In the 50th year of his reign, Dayu successively entered the Middle East and America, and forced the people there to accept Zhang Shun's status as "Emperor".

In the fifty-seventh year of Tongtian's reign, Dayu and Europe finally collided, and World War I broke out.

This war lasted for more than ten years. At the end of the war, the old Zhang Shun died.

Before his death, Zhang Shun requested that the funeral be kept secret and that he should continue to use the title of Tongtian to fight against Europe.

It was not until two years later that the European countries were defeated, the Pope removed his title, and recognized Zhang Shun's status as the "Son of God". Only then did Zhang Huaji, the "Prince of Sixty Years", ascend the throne.

After Zhang Huaji ascended the throne, according to Zhang Shun's orders, he ennobled his brothers and heroes as kings of various countries, finally realizing the ultimate dream of "all the land in the world is the king's land, and the shores of the land are all the king's ministers".

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