Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 19 Zhang’s Three Hundred Formation Kills the Enemy General

Zhang Shun was furious and immediately ordered his assassination. Those guys who rushed towards the formation were immediately stabbed with several bloody holes in their bodies by their comrades in front of them. They fell to the ground and wailed, not knowing whether they could be saved.

Until then, the enemy really caught up. The leading official was shocked when he saw Zhang Shun's formation. When he took a closer look, he saw that there were not as many people as him. Their clothes were in tatters and their weapons were only long and short crude spears. So they felt relieved and ordered to charge into the formation. .

It turned out that this guy was the inspection envoy of Meng County. When he got the news this time, he led all the archers of the inspection department and some government officials and Minzhuang in the county to suppress the bandits. He admits that he has been hunting thieves for many years, and his subordinates are all brave men, while most of the thieves are cowardly and ignorant. With just one charge, they can take down the head of the bandit leader and go back to collect the reward.

When Zhang Shun saw the enemy rushing over in a chaotic manner, he did not panic. He just shouted loudly: "Steady, steady, don't move! Take a step back and kill without mercy!"

When the enemy came close, he shouted loudly and shouted: "Kill!" Everyone heard the sound and stabbed, only to hear the sound of sharp weapons piercing the flesh. Everyone pulled out their spears and saw the fierce officers and soldiers in front of them fell. All over the place.

It turned out that the inspector had no experience in military combat. Although he was brave, he did not expect that when he rushed forward, the bandits with dense eyes stabbed out ten spears at the same time. Even though the archers and yamen servants had three heads and six arms, they could not resist, and they were stabbed to death one after another. land.

The patrol officer ordered people to charge again, only to find that the opponent's front row and back row could stab, and our own officers and soldiers had no power to fight back. When the inspection envoy was about to withdraw, he suddenly heard a burst of killing sounds from behind, but it was Zhang Sanbai and Zhang Wuhao who came to kill them.

The officers and soldiers were immediately surrounded and allowed to be slaughtered. Although the officers and soldiers were surrounded and had to fight desperately, how could they ever fight? The officers and soldiers were surrounded and crowded together, with no way to go, but they never thought that some officers and soldiers would be squeezed to the right side of the gun formation.

The right side of the gun array is where the ravine that Chen Jindou and others retreated from just now is located. Although it is difficult to walk through the mud, it is really the weakness of the gun array set up by Zhang Shun. Sure enough, several officers and soldiers who looked like mud monkeys rolling in the gully attacked from the right side. Several gunners on the right side of the gun array were cut down several times in a row, and the entire array was shaken.

Zhang Shun was shocked and quickly ordered Chen Jindou and others who were nearest to the right to block him. Chen Jindou's men happened to have many swordsmen and axes, so they wielded their axes and machetes and chopped down the ravine headlessly. The crowd was condescending and standing on solid ground, and they actually pressed the officers and soldiers firmly into the ravine and muddy ground.

This patrolman was also a ruthless man. When he saw this situation, he knew something was going to happen and he quickly shouted: "The thieves are fierce and the only way to survive is to fight to the death. Everyone, follow me and kill behind."

As the saying goes, a trapped beast still fights, not to mention that the teams led by Zhang Sanbai and Zhang Wuhao have neither force nor formation, so they can't resist it. They were immediately killed and retreated steadily, and they were about to be broken through and surrounded by the enemy.

At this time, Zhang Sanbai was a little anxious. He has always been proud of his natural power. A few days ago in Mengjin County, he specially made a twenty-pound three-pointed two-edged knife for himself. Others just said it was because he was curious and fancy.

In fact, this is not the case. This three-pointed two-edged sword is the weapon of Erlang Xiansheng Zhenjun Yang Jian. He uses it as a weapon to express his dissatisfaction with Wukong's martial arts and his intention to compete with him. I think that even though the Great Sage Qitian made a big fuss in the sky, he was not captured by Erlang Xiansheng Zhenjun in the end.

In the past few days, Zhang Sanbai had seen everyone doing meritorious service, but he himself had done nothing, so he felt unwilling to do so. What's more, because of the quarrel between my sister and my lord, if I don't make some contributions, my ability will be underestimated.

Thinking of this, he saw that the most fierce enemy was the leading official, so he went to fight him with a three-pointed two-edged sword. The inspector was good at martial arts, but Zhang Sanbai was very strong. The two of them had their own strengths, and they fought for several rounds, but they never thought that the three hundred cards could not hurt the inspection department at all. Instead, the other party gave them a wound under their armpits. Fortunately, the wound was not deep, so I gritted my teeth and persisted, and I was still able to fight.

At that time, the inspector couldn't help but swallow the spit in his mouth, and kept moving the waist knife in his hand to guard his midline. He seemed to be fine at this moment, but in fact, his arms were sore and painful, as if the skeleton was falling apart, and the pain between the thumb holding the knife and the other four fingers was like tearing. He didn't need to lower his head to see, he knew His tiger's mouth was shattered.

His face remained calm, but in fact he was extremely shocked. Since he became the patrol envoy, countless robbers and bandits have been pursued, some are cunning and cunning, or some are highly skilled in martial arts, but he has never encountered such a character. This guy is so strong and willing to fight for his life.

Although the three-pointed, two-edged sword was unorganized, it was longer than the waist sword in his hand and was extremely heavy. When the man swung it, he and I couldn't get in. If you want to get close, you can only block the person's weapon before you can fight back. But this guy is very strong and wields weapons with both hands. How can he block it? And if you can't block it, you can't attack. If you have to trade one life for a life, the inspection department has a bright future. How can it be willing to trade lives with these mud-legged people?

He listened to the screams of his familiar colleagues behind him, and knew that he didn't have much time left for him. So he gritted his teeth and made a new move. He first made a fake move to try to lure away Zhang Sanbai's weapon. Then he held the knife in both hands and struck Zhang Sanbai with all his strength.

Who would have thought that Zhang Sanbai was a rookie, but when he shook him, he subconsciously took two steps back, just in time to make all the calculations of the inspector come to nothing. It looked like he had a flaw in this three hundred. He was not willing to give up. He just picked up the three-pointed two-edged knife in his hand and waved it sideways. The poor inspection officer's stomach was cut open by Zhang Sanbai directly, and his intestines flowed out.

For a moment, the inspector was rolling on the ground in pain, trying to stuff his intestines back, but where could he find it? At this time, Zhang Sanbai was not without any injuries. The moment the two of them fought, when Zhang Sanbai was scratching the opponent's belly, the inspector changed his move and wiped Zhang Sanbai's neck. Because Zhang Sanbai hit the opponent first, the opponent's movements were deformed. As a result, the opponent slashed Zhang Sanbai's left shoulder.

Zhang Sanbai was about to bear the pain and kill this man, but he never thought that Zhang Wuhao arrived just in time and stepped forward to kill this guy with a knife. When Zhang Sanbai saw it, he was furious: I have worked so hard here, does this guy want to take advantage of me and take my credit?

Zhang Wuhao was so happy that he had snatched the head. When he looked back at Zhang Sanbai's miserable state and unswerving expression, he immediately understood what was going on. His foundation was too shallow and he had no backing. He felt that he could not afford to offend Zhang Sanbai, the general of the "Zhao Party", so he could only say in a low voice: "Brother Zhang, please don't be angry. Brother Yu is not trying to take your credit. I just see that you are a little inconvenient to move now." , I’m just here to help you.”

When Zhang Sanbai heard this, the colors began to unravel.

Dear readers, I would like to personally inform you that the author's data for this book has reached a bottleneck, and the collection has barely increased in the past two days. The author personally searched for it and found that it can only be found in the 20 or so places in the historical category of the newcomer signing list. There is no other way but to degenerate from the KKK to the KKK in order to have good-looking data and let more people read the author's book. However, the author is still doing 6K a day recently, just adding some chapters.

In addition, I once again beg for collection and recommendation votes! Thank you for your support. The author would like to break down the historical classification of the new signing list. Thank you.

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