Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 209 Escape (Part 2)

Zhang Shun's infantry were not easy to deal with either. When Yang Hewei's officers and soldiers rushed dozens of steps, Li Shi'an immediately ordered his men to release the Crouching Tiger Cannon.

Dozens of artillery pieces fired dense barrages amidst the deafening sound. The brave Yanghe Guard officers and soldiers were wiped out by shotguns in an instant. However, after careful analysis, the casualties caused were obviously much less than those of the officers and soldiers encountered before.

It turned out that the Yanghe Guard officers and soldiers had excellent armor, and some warriors even wore double-layer armor, which greatly reduced the losses caused by shotguns.

Although Zhang Wenheng's men were hit by artillery, they were not directly defeated like the officers and soldiers they encountered before. On the contrary, the following officers and soldiers continued to charge forward without hesitation, but the formation was relatively sparse.

At this time, Li Shian smiled sinisterly and asked his gunners to push out the last nearly ten artillery pieces. In accordance with the law, they shot at the charging Yanghe Guard officers and soldiers again, and in an instant the Yanghe Guard infantry suffered another terrible blow.

To be honest, Yang Hewei officer Zhang Wenheng was shaken for a moment when he saw this. However, Yang Hewei has fought against the Mongols and Jurchens for many years, and has encountered many brave and durable enemies. Although he is not a famous general, he also knows the principle of working hard at one go. If he is relieved, the opponent's artillery will be loaded, and he does not know how many lives it will take to rush to the enemy. So he gritted his teeth and ordered the infantry to continue charging.

In fact, Yang Hewei's infantry charge this time was no longer as decisive as the previous two. After all, how can flesh and blood resist artillery bombardment?

However, Li Shi'an no longer had the loaded artillery in his hands. Zhang Shun knew this very well, so he quickly ordered Zhang Sanbai, Wei Congyi and Li Jiyu to attack.

When the two sides first started fighting, they were inseparable for a while. As a result, after a while, Zhang Shun's infantry began to retreat steadily. Zhang Shun took a closer look and found that the tactical details of the officers and soldiers on the opposite side were very beautiful.

The rotation of personnel on the front line and the combined use of long and short weapons of the front and rear infantry put Zhang Shun's infantry in an unfavorable situation where one person was fighting against multiple people. Moreover, the opponent will also use small firearms such as fast guns, three-eyed guns, and flanges to shoot from the gaps in the front row to suppress Zhang Shun's battle line.

Li Shi'an also quickly ordered the Feimeng gunners to fight back, and at the same time ordered the loaded artillery to be pushed to the front of the formation again to fire. As a result, the opponent's formation was divided into three columns, and each column was separated by a certain distance. Although the first line of troops maintaining the front line was opened by Zhang Shun's artillery, there were not many casualties because the formation of the officers and soldiers was not heavy.

Moreover, after Zhang Shun's team's artillery bombardment was completed, the second column of officers and soldiers quickly replenished the gap in the first column, and the two sides returned to the original stage of stalemate on the front line. Xuanda's officers and soldiers were really powerful, and Zhang Shun was amazed by a series of "micro-management".

Zhang Shun wanted to send cavalry around to attack the backs of Yanghe guards. However, because the officers and soldiers lined up behind the city, they could not achieve it, and the war fell into a stalemate for a while.

Zhang Shun was anxious in his heart and quickly looked at the Chinese army. Sure enough, the "Purple Gold Liang" was also at a disadvantage. Fortunately, the "Purple Gold Liang" had many infantrymen and a steady stream of lives to fill it, so it could hold on for a while.

However, Zhang Shun was blocked by the Chinese army and could not watch the battle between Xing Honglang and Nine Dragons. These two groups of rebels were weak, and Zhang Shun was a little worried that they wouldn't be able to hold on.

As Zhang Shun feared, Xing Honglang and Jiu Tiaolong also had many men and horses, and together they had more than 10,000 men. However, no matter how many people there are, there are only so many contact points for the two sides to fight, and the others can't even exert the slightest effort.

The two rebel armies did not have the thousands of elite cavalrymen like the "Purple Gold Liang" to supervise the battle, which could ensure that the infantry under their command had no choice but to step forward desperately and risk their lives. The men and horses under Xing Honglang and Jiu Tiao Long were slaughtered over and over again in the front row. After holding on for a while, they finally couldn't hold on any longer.

The front row infantrymen, who were extremely frightened, not only did not dare to attack the officers and soldiers again, but turned around and fled back.

But there are people behind these people, how can they escape? Some people could not squeeze out, so officers and soldiers took the opportunity to kill them from behind. And in a critical moment of life and death, how can anyone care enough?

These people feared the enemy more than they feared their own robes and military skills, so they turned to fear and turned their weapons to kill their companions behind them. The companions behind them refused to give up after suffering a loss unprepared, and quickly picked up weapons to fight with them.

It didn't matter that they were fighting, their formation immediately became chaotic. The officers and soldiers took the opportunity to cover up the attack, and the troops of Xing Honglang and Jiu Tiaolong suddenly rolled back. The defeat and chaos spread to the rear of the formation like a ignited flame, until the entire left wing collapsed.

"Purple Gold Liang" was in the Chinese army, and when he saw the left wing collapse, he knew that the situation was about to end. He always had the experience of losing an army, so he quickly ordered his 1,500 cavalry guards to turn around and flee.

Zhang Shun had long been staring at the Chinese army flag at "Purple Gold Liang". When he saw "Purple Gold Liang" moving, he knew that something was wrong. Fortunately, Zhang Shun saw the opportunity earlier, and before others could react, he quickly ordered Chen Changzhen and Liu Cheng's cavalry to withdraw to deter the officers and soldiers who were fighting with his infantry.

He took the opportunity to order Li Jiyu and Zhang Sanbai to retreat. As soon as the two troops retreated, the officers and soldiers tried to take the opportunity to surround Wei Congyi's tribe.

The officers and soldiers surrounded him from the left and right sides, immediately exposing both sides of his back. Chen Changzhen and Liu Cheng took the opportunity to charge, but defeated the officers and soldiers who were stunned by the victory. They took the opportunity to rescue the besieged Wei Congyi.

By this time, the defeated officers and soldiers had been reorganized, and Zhang Shun's cavalry had no chance to expand their results again, so they had to retreat as ordered.

Seeing that Zhang Shun's troops were defeated but not in disarray and showing strong strength, the officers and soldiers did not dare to push too hard. Instead, they left a part of the troops to monitor the movements of Zhang Shun's troops while sending people to hunt down Xing Honglang, Jiu Tiaolong and the infantrymen under "Zijin Liang". Get up.

Seeing this, Zhang Shun did not dare to be careless. While personally leading the personal guards to command Chen Changzhen and Liu Cheng in the rear, he ordered Zhang Shenyan to take charge and Li Xin to command the infantry as deputy to retreat with the "Purple Gold Liang".

Soon after Zhang Shun's infantry retreated, several more groups of cavalry came from far south of Duanshi Town and joined the pursuit of the rebels.

At this time, Zhang Shun had no time to protect himself, so how could he still have the energy to rescue other rebel infantry? He had no choice but to lead his cavalry in formation and retreat slowly.

When the officers and soldiers who came for support saw that Zhang Shun's troops were advancing and retreating in an orderly manner and that their formation was complete, they did not dare to forcefully pursue him. They only sent some cavalry behind to keep an eye on Zhang Shun's movements.

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