Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 217 Will attack Liaozhou (6)

The majestic flag fell to the ground, indicating Zhang Zongheng's embarrassing defeat. Zhang Sanbai and Jiang He couldn't help but be overjoyed when they saw this, and quickly led their team to chase them from behind. When he saw someone who was alone, he cut him down with his sword. When he saw someone who was kneeling and surrendering, he ordered the soldiers around him to tie him up.

Zhang Zongheng finally ran out and heard the sound of horse hooves galloping towards him. He couldn't help being shocked, and thought to himself: "I am dead, but I must not fall into the hands of bandits!"

Thinking of this, Zhang Zongheng pulled out his sword and committed suicide. As a result, someone from the cavalry in front shouted loudly: "Where is the military gate? I am as fierce as a tiger, and I have brought the cavalry here to rescue!"

Zhang Zongheng escaped from death. He couldn't help but feel great sadness and joy. He cried with joy and said: "The Governor of Xuanda, Zhang Zongheng, is here. You have indeed lived up to me! Where is the majesty of the tiger?"

"The great power of the tiger is here, please relax!" Another general shouted.

The two sides met at a close distance, and it turned out that the second general of the Tigers came to the rescue. Zhang Zongheng called it a fluke. It turns out that the Ming army can fight smoothly. If it encounters a defeat, its generals often abandon their commanders and troops and flee.

Although Zhang Zongheng made clear arrangements in the previous episode, he couldn't help but feel uneasy, fearing that if the second tiger general abandoned him, he would really die without a burial place.

Zhang Zongheng couldn't help but sigh: "Although you two are surrendered from outside the Great Wall, you are really loyal and righteous people!"

The two tiger generals didn't even dare to say anything and escorted Zhang Zongheng to escape. But I never thought that Zhang Shun would give up so many cavalry under his command.

The sound of horse hoofbeats was heard in front of them, and about a thousand horses came towards them. Zhang Zongheng and the Second Tiger General knew that there could not be so many cavalry among the officers and soldiers here, so they led the charge forward without saying a word.

The two sides rushed closer and met each other. Zhang Zongheng looked at the cavalryman who intercepted him. He was wearing a green robe and holding a Qinglong Yanyue Sword. He was not "Er Guan Gong" Chen Changzhen, or which one?

It turns out that most of the cavalrymen under Zhang Shun were skilled in martial arts and were well fed and clothed in the past. On the contrary, there were fewer people with "night blindness". Zhang incidentally selected 800 cavalry and led Chen Changzhen to intercept Zhang Zongheng.

Zhang Shun had fought two battles with Xuanda's border troops, and he knew that the other side was not easy to deal with, so he did not insist on capturing Zhang Zongheng or beheading Zhang Zongheng. It's just that Liu Cheng killed Song Tongyin, the governor of Shanxi, by mistake. If he killed Zhang Zongheng, the governor of Xuanda, he would really have no use for Liu Cheng anymore.

Therefore, in order to maintain the loyalty of the emperor and his ministers, Zhang Shun specially arranged for Chen Changzhen to lead the team. If Zhang Zongheng was killed, at least his generals would have a balance.

In fact, this was Zhang Shun's overthinking. Zhang Zongheng's men were as fierce as tigers and Hu Dawei were originally nomadic and had high martial arts skills. When it comes to fighting on foot, these two men are no more than second-rate warriors. If fighting on horseback, Liu Cheng may not be able to defeat these two men one on one.

Fortunately, the "Second Guan Gong" Chen Changzhen met these two people. Under the darkness, the two sides couldn't see each other clearly. After a round, they passed each other.

The fierce and powerful tiger took this hand and couldn't help but be shocked. It turned out that both of them were good at using spears, and they wanted to take advantage of the enemy general's unpreparedness and catch him off guard. Prepare to kill the enemy general to break today's siege.

Unexpectedly, Chen Changzhen, the "Second Guan Gong", was able to fight one against two and still remain unscathed. Chen Changzhen was also shocked. He was facing two ordinary cavalrymen, and he was planning to kill their opponents with one blow.

As a result, as soon as he matched the opponent's weapon, he felt that the opponent's strength was wrong. Fortunately, Chen Changzhen reacted quickly and "heard" the opponent's strength, so he deflected a spear with a knife and saved his life.

Fortunately, personal bravery is not everything in cavalry warfare. Since the cavalry sent by Zhang Shun are all carefully selected, not only did they not lose in this round of battle with the officers and soldiers, but they actually made a small advantage.

Zhang Zongheng and others had already passed behind Chen Changzhen's cavalry, so they continued to flee without any entanglement. Chen Changzhen was determined to pursue him again, but he knew that his cavalry was not as good as the officers and soldiers.

It was not easy for the rebels to win this battle. If he pushed too hard and caused a deadly fight between officers and soldiers, and he would suffer too many casualties, it would not be worth it. However, Chen Changzhen was chased by Zhang Zongheng for a long time, and he always felt that he was holding back a breath of bad breath.

Although Chen Changzhen has been an escort for many years, he relied on his strong martial arts skills and favors with his friends on the road. He rarely used crooked moves before.

But after staying with Zhang Shun for a long time, he also became cunning. After thinking about it for a long time, he came up with an idea and ordered Li Daliang to lead more than a hundred cavalry to assist the infantry in combat and completely eliminate the infantry abandoned by Zhang Zongheng. And he personally led seven hundred cavalry to hunt down Zhang Zongheng.

It is not easy to ride a horse at night, and the mountain road is rugged and steep. One unlucky person accidentally fell into the valley, and many people fell off the cliff. For those who were slightly more lucky, some horses stumbled, broke their horses, and had to fall behind.

These fallen cavalrymen were caught up by Chen Changzhen's team. Those who resisted were killed on the spot, and those who surrendered were tied up first. After chasing like this for half an hour, he caught up with Zhang Zongheng, the governor of Xuanda.

At this time, Zhang Zongheng and others were like frightened birds. They couldn't figure out the enemy's situation, and they didn't know how many rebels they had caught up with. They didn't dare to fight back.

Chen Changzhen asked his soldiers to shout from behind: "Don't leave Zhang Zongheng! Whoever gets Zhang Zongheng's head will be rewarded with a thousand taels of silver!"

The words that Zhang Zongheng used to shout out were actually renamed and sent back to him as they were.

Zhang Zongheng was shocked and angry when he heard this, but he did not dare to talk back. He was afraid that the rebels would hear his whereabouts and capture him again.

The tiger was as fierce and powerful as a hero. Seeing this, he couldn't help but advise Zhang Zongheng: "The thieves are chasing after them in a hurry. If they run for their lives blindly, they may be chased by the enemy like hungry wolves chasing sheep. First kill the old and weak, then reduce the population, and finally Launch an attack again, kill him with one blow, and destroy the whole army! We should hit him with a 'return', so that we can win in defeat!"

When Zhang Zongheng saw them taking the initiative to join the enemy, how could he not obey? So they sent these two men with 500 cavalry to find a suitable place with suitable terrain, and launched a countercharge towards Chen Changzhen.

Although the night was dark, Chen Changzhen listened to the wind and heard the direction of the officers and cavalry, so he quickly led his team to avoid their sharp edges.

Although it was as fierce and powerful as a tiger, it never thought that the charge could not hit the side of the rebel army. Instead, Chen Changzhen led the team to avoid most of the paths.

The charge of the Tiger General failed to cause huge casualties to the rebels. On the contrary, Chen Changzhen took advantage of the large number of people and took the opportunity to rush up and kill many officers and soldiers in a chaotic fight.

It turns out that the officers and soldiers were well-dressed and heavier than the rebels. After a night of fighting, they were already at the end of their game. Now, even in a head-on battle with the rebels, they are no longer evenly matched.

Chen Changzhen couldn't help but be overjoyed when he saw this. He quickly fought and killed the two tiger generals again and was defeated.

After two chapters, the writing finally became smoother, and the author burst into tears. I really don’t want Kavin’s pain to happen again. Thank you everyone for your support and understanding!

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