Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 233 Chinese New Year (Part 1)

The "King of Chaos" returned to the camp of the "King of Chaos" in frustration, and relayed the request of Shanxi Governor Xu Dingchen to the "King of Chaos". Hearing this, the "King of Chaos" couldn't help but became furious, and drew out his knife and split the table in front of him with one blow.

Han Tingxian was silent for a moment. He didn't know what he was thinking, so he had no choice but to persuade him in vain: "'King of Troubled Times', calm down, calm down! Everything needs to be considered in the long term."

"A long-term plan? A long-term plan is nothing!" "The King of Troubled Times" scolded, "If the thief doesn't kill the thief, I won't do such a thing even if I die! Otherwise, what's the difference between me and that 'Purple Gold Liang'?"

"King of Hunshi" heard this and agreed: "Brother is right, if a thief kills a thief, then he really can't even be a thief!"

When Han Tingxian heard this, he couldn't help but slandered him: "He's just a thief, how can he talk about loyalty? He's really stupid and ridiculous!"

However, Han Tingxian had no choice. He himself was coerced into joining the gang, and now he was also a bandit. If he had escaped from the bandits' ranks, he would have become a hawk of the imperial court. He had no choice but to advise the "King of Troubled Times": "It's the New Year now, and brothers haven't had a good meal for a long time. If we continue to act together with the 'Eight Kings' and others, I'm afraid we won't be able to plunder anything." "

"Now the governor of Xuanda, Zhang Zongheng, is focusing all his energy on the north. How about we send troops to the vicinity of Zezhou to find some supplies? It would be better to have a stable year!"

After hearing this, the "King of Troubled Times" felt that what Han Tingxian said was very reasonable, and thought to himself: "This guy is a cultural person after all, and he still has a lot of clever ideas. Since this guy has fallen out with Zijin Liang, there is no way out, so why not stay here?" It’s good for him to be a dog-headed strategist by your side!”

Therefore, the "King of Chaos" took the opportunity to keep Han Tingxian by his side, and then he took his younger brother "King of Chaos" to visit the "Eight Kings" and other leaders. He said to them: "The new year is approaching. Now the governor of Xuanda, Zhang Zongheng, has few troops and there is nothing to be afraid of. It is better to divide the camp into four groups and have a good year. What do you think?"

Robbery was originally the favorite thing among the leaders. Now that there is no threat from officers and soldiers for the time being, they no longer want to act as a group. Why do they have any objections? They want to celebrate the New Year, completely ignoring the fact that people in Zelu and other places also want to celebrate the New Year.

The "Eight Great Kings", "The King of Troubled Times" and others are planning to celebrate the New Year. "Purple Golden Liang" actually also wants to have a good New Year. Unfortunately, Xu Dingchen, the governor of Shanxi, also thinks so.

It's just that "Zijin Liang" wants to spend a stable New Year in Liaozhou City, and Shanxi Governor Xu Dingchen also wants to spend a stable New Year in Liaozhou City. Although everyone wants to get together, there is no room for two tigers in one mountain, and it is absolutely impossible for the two of them to drink and talk and spend the New Year together.

So Xu Dingchen, the governor of Shanxi, rushed to Liaozhou City under the cold northwest wind. Not caring about the cold weather and rest, he ordered You Shilu and You Renlong to test Liaozhou City first.

At this time, "Zijinliang" saw that it was already New Year's Eve and thought he had escaped this incident. As a result, I heard that the rebels reported that the officers and soldiers had arrived at the city and began to attack the city. "Purple Gold Liang" couldn't help but push away the beauty in his arms and cursed: "Fuck you, don't let me live a peaceful year!"

There was no other way. Now that "Optimus Prime" and "Chuang Jiang" were both sent out by him, "Purple Gold Liang" had no choice but to brave the cold wind and go to the city wall to take command in person.

You Shilu and his son You Renlong were both brave and brave. They suffered losses due to the lack of soldiers in the previous battle, and now they are somewhat interested in getting back.

Now Shanxi Governor Xu Dingchen led the army to suppress the battle, and You Shilu no longer had any worries, so he personally led the army again to attack Liaozhou City. This confrontation between the two sides immediately revealed the depth of each other.

It turns out that among the rebels today, Zhang Shun and the "Chuang Jiang" troops are the most elite and dare to fight. Those under the command of "Zijin Liang" who can fight are only a thousand or so old camp cavalry from their hometown.

It's not that these cavalry couldn't dismount and fight on foot, but "Purple Golden Liang" was reluctant to let its elite troops be lost here, so they had to send other troops to resist.

Although these people are stronger than the mob, after all, their strength is limited. They could use the city to fight with You Shilu and others, but once they waited for You Shilu to get there first, they would be unable to withstand it immediately.

Poor "Purple Gold Liang", although he had 20,000 men under his command, was still unable to defend Liaozhou City until midnight. He had to lead his men to evacuate Liaozhou City miserably on the night of New Year's Eve.

When the "Purple Golden Liang" retreated, they originally planned to join up with "Chuang Jiang" or Zhang Shun, but they didn't expect that not far from the city gate, a group of people came out to kill the general. It was none other than Governor Xuanda who had been delayed for a long time. Zhang Zongheng.

It turned out that after Zhang Zongheng fought against the "Eight Kings" and others, seeing the strength of the rebel army, he avoided them and turned around to do both, for fear that Xu Dingchen, the governor of Shanxi, would take away his credit.

Just in the west of Liaozhou City, "Zijinliang" blocked the way of "Zijinliang". Seeing the strength of the officers and soldiers, "Zijinliang" had no choice but to lead his people to the north.

At this time, Xu Dingchen, the governor of Shanxi Province, was ecstatically leading his troops to occupy Liaozhou City. He did not care about chasing the "Purple Golden Liang". On the contrary, the Governor of Xuanda, Zhang Zongheng, lost the credit for regaining Liaozhou City and fell into the "Purple City" again. Zijin Liang" behind him, trying to annihilate it in one fell swoop.

Fortunately, Zhang Shun first captured more than a thousand war horses under Zhang Zongheng's command and caused him losses of more than a thousand elite troops. As a result, Zhang Zongheng did not dare to push too hard, and the "Purple Gold Liang" fought and left. During the Chinese New Year, Not to mention the journey north.

Others did not have a good time during the Chinese New Year. Although Zhang Shun barely had a place to stay, he was not much better off.

It turned out that he was currently in the Inspection Department of Huangyu Pass that he had just captured. Not only was this pass a small city, it was also built of stone.

This stone building is inherently rough, with large gaps, and its warmth retention is better than nothing. There are more than 2,000 people under Zhang Shun's command, and it is impossible to accommodate them all.

Zhang Shun had no choice but to order everyone to set up camp and stay here. Zhang Shun himself originally wanted to live in the camp, but after the unanimous opposition of his subordinates Zhang Shenyan, Xu Ziyuan, Li Xin and others, he reluctantly moved into the cave-like city.

The facilities in the city were rudimentary, so Zhang asked Li Sanniang and Zhu'er to tidy up a few rooms and found a bedroom and a hall.

The wind and snow have stopped, but the weather is getting colder. There was no weather forecast at this time, and there was no thermometer. Of course, the thermometer had actually been invented, but Zhang Shun didn't know it yet. He didn't know what the current temperature was below zero, but he just felt unbearably cold.

Due to the hasty departure of the rebel army, Li Sanniang ran to the baggage camp and searched for a long time, but no red paper was found. I had to find a small piece of red cloth and asked Zhang Shenyan to help write the word "福" and stick it on the door of the bedroom. It was better than nothing to show that it was different from the past.

As for food, there was not much left, and the large white fish I had brought with me had already been eaten up. Fortunately, there are 2,500 shi of food supported by the second master "Purple Gold Liang", so I don't have to worry about going hungry.

It’s just the Chinese New Year after all, and I have to improve everyone’s lives no matter what. Zhang Shun simply ordered some Chen Changzhen to take some mountain people to hunt in the mountains to add some meat to everyone.

Zhang Sanbai, Liu Cheng, Wei Congyi and Li Jiyu also thought that their archery skills were good, and they also shouted to follow them. Seeing that the camp had been set up and that Jiang He, Li You, Li Daliang and others were helping to take care of it, Zhang Shun agreed to their request.

A large group of people worked hard all afternoon and ended up hunting some pheasants, birds, rabbits and other prey. If we calculate the energy consumption and harvest, they would definitely be unable to make ends meet.

Fortunately, Li Jiyu and Zhang Sanbai were lucky enough to find a wild boar. Originally, the wild boar was covered in a thick layer of mud, making it difficult to shoot. Fortunately, Li Jiyu's longbow and Zhang Sanbai's tiger-sinned bow were both strong bows, and the heavy arrows they shot were enough to break through the defense, so they were able to hunt this thing down.

But this wild boar was tenacious, and the two of them missed their vital points. It was running all over the mountains and fields with its wounds, and the blood on its body drew long traces in the snow in the mountains. It was only after the wild boar had lost all its blood that it died of exhaustion.

When Li Jiyu and Zhang Sanbai carried the wild boar back, Li Sanniang looked at it for a long time before smacking her mouth and sighing: "What a pity! It's such a pig's blood!"

Zhang Shun also rushed over to take a look, and saw that the wild boar was not big, like a big mouse. It probably only weighed more than a hundred kilograms of bones and meat, which was not enough for everyone to share.

Seeing that it was not getting dark yet, he had no choice but to let Li Sanniang lead people to deal with it first, and then he took Li Xin and Wukong to the mountains and forests to have a look.

Zhang Shun had never practiced bow and arrow, and he didn't really want to practice it. After all, we have entered the age of firearms, and his inherent impression makes him believe that firearms are the masters of the era. Previously in Liaozhou City, the rebels had captured a lot of good things, so he took the opportunity to ask "General Chuang" for a firecracker.

He didn't know what type of gun it was. He had tested it several times and found that the quality of the gun was good and the accuracy was quite high. In fact, it is just the three-coin bird gun commonly used by the Ming army. Because of its small caliber and small dosage of gunpowder, its shooting accuracy is okay.

Zhang Shun and others wandered around for a long time, but found nothing. Seeing that it was getting late, he prepared to return to the camp. Suddenly Wukong stood firm, let out a "shush", and pointed at the forest for Zhang Shun to take a look.

Zhang Shun turned around and saw nothing. Wukong scratched his head anxiously, and Zhang Shun looked carefully for a long time, but there was a sika deer hidden in the forest. Because of the pattern on the deer, it’s easy to tell the difference.

So Zhang ordered Li Xin to lead people to hunt him down. Unexpectedly, the deer was very vigilant, and Li Xin and others started running before they even got close. Zhang Shun couldn't help but lose the deer, so he asked Li Xin to lead people to chase it, while he led Wukong closer to the deer.

As a result, he couldn't get close, and Li Xin shot several arrows but failed to hit. Zhang Shun was anxious, so he simply loaded the firecracker in his hand and shot at the sika deer.

There was only a "bang" sound, and the sika deer fell to the ground. Zhang Shun was stunned, was he hit? He thought he would have to shoot several times before it was possible.

The author shamefully said that he only managed to squeeze out 3,000 words today. Let’s write this much first, and try to make up for it later.

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