Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 243 True and False

As the saying goes, "Don't chase the enemy when you are poor." War with cold weapons is different from the war in the era of hot weapons. Due to the low efficiency of cold weapon combat, the two sides often fight for a day, but they may not gain much advantage. Therefore, morale is the most important thing in the cold weapon era. If morale is high, the enemy will be invincible; if morale is low, it will collapse at the first touch.

Only when one party is defeated and the other party is chasing and killing can a larger exchange ratio emerge. If one party pursues the opponent relentlessly, leaving the other party cornered and desperate, it will often cause great losses to the pursuer, and even change the outcome.

Now that Zhang Shun saw this officer and soldier trying to fight for his life, he couldn't help but feel a headache. Fortunately, there should be no other reinforcements around, so he and others can slowly trap this person to death.

Thinking of this, Zhang smiled at the "general" and said: "This Lu Xiangsheng is indeed a scholar, extremely pedantic. He is good at martial arts. If he wants to escape, we can't restrain him. Now he is risking his own death and is trapped on the top of a mountain. . All we have to do is surround this person tightly and bring in artillery to bombard him. If we let him have only three heads and six arms, he will be reduced to nothing!"

Seeing that the officers and soldiers were in full order, "General Chuang" didn't want to hurt his brothers for no reason, so he originally wanted to retreat. But after he heard Zhang Shun's words, he felt a little reassured and said: "If it is easy to attack, Huang will follow the younger brother and become this person; if the bone is too hard and cannot be chewed off for a while, then don't blame it on your brother." Backed off.”

"We and the rebels left Shaanxi, entered Shanxi, and crossed Taihang, all just to survive. It is not our will to fight fiercely and bravely. There are so many officers and soldiers in the world. If they are all so difficult to chew, our casualties will be too high. I'm afraid we won't wait. If the officers and soldiers come to surround us, we will be dead!"

Zhang Shun knew that he wanted to quit, and secretly cursed in his heart that he was "a small farmer with a weak sense of revolution." He quickly promised: "Brother Huang, don't worry, I, Optimus Prime, will kill Song Tongyin, the governor of Shanxi, and Zhang Zongheng, the governor-general, and the world will be shocked." , how could it be so unwise? If you can win, fight, if you can't, just leave! I won't let everyone lose their troops in vain."

"Jiang Chuang" breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this, but he didn't know that these were just Zhang Shun's words to comfort him. According to Zhang Shun's thoughts, he took the art of war as a secret book from future administrators. It is better to cut off one finger than to hurt the enemy with ten fingers. If Lu Xiangsheng was directly destroyed, it would be better than fighting ten battles with a hundred victories, but these remarks should not be told to him truthfully.

Zhang Shun and "Chuang Jiang" led their troops to surround Lu Xiangsheng, preparing to wait for Li Shi'an's artillery to arrive before attacking. As a result, the rebels had not yet launched an attack, but Lu Xiangsheng couldn't wait any longer.

It turned out that Lu Xiangsheng knew that there was only his own army nearby, and there were no other reinforcements. If they are surrounded by Zhang Shun and others, even if the rebels cannot attack, they will only be surrounded for a few days. The officers and soldiers will be short of water and food, and they will collapse without a fight.

Lu Xiangsheng personally led the team this time, taking advantage of the height of the hillside to launch a desperate attack down the mountain.

The breakthrough location chosen by Lu Xiangsheng happened to be where the "Chuang Jiang" headquarters was located. Originally, the gap in numbers and combat effectiveness between the officers and soldiers and the rebels was not particularly large. The previous episode was just that Zhang Shun and "Chuang Jiang" caught Lu Xiangsheng off guard.

Now Lu Xiangsheng leads his team to fight against the enemy, and the "general" can no longer withstand it. In particular, Lu Xiangsheng is highly skilled in martial arts and extremely powerful. "Chuangjiang" sent "Yiyihu" and "Jixuan" up, but was beaten back by Lu Xiangsheng.

At this time, "Jiang Jiang" thought of the good things about "Mountain Harrier" Gao Jie, and couldn't help but think in his heart: What if "Mountain Harrier" was here. But when he thought of "Mountain Harrier", he thought of Xing's family, and the thought came to his mind again. nausea.

With mixed feelings, "Chuang Jiang" personally led his team to charge forward, and together with "Yi Hu" and "Jixuan" resisted Lu Xiangsheng's attack.

Lu Xiangsheng immediately felt that the resistance increased and the attack of the officers and soldiers was contained, and he couldn't help but feel anxious. Unexpectedly, at this time, the commander-in-chief Liang Fu and the counselor Kou Conghua also led their troops to rush forward. They looked like they would either die together or break through the encirclement.

"Chuang Jiang" and others were immediately frightened, as the saying goes, "One man fights for his life, but a thousand men can defeat him easily." It's not that this person is brave and others are timid, it's just that one person is determined to die, but others don't want to die in vain.

Now Lu Xiangsheng and others have the former mentality, and "Chuang Jiang" and others have the latter mentality. As a result, this desperate effort showed that cowardice was lost, and Lu Xiangsheng's troops immediately broke out of the encirclement.

Zhang Shun was fighting with the guerrilla general Dong Weikun over there. When he saw that Lu Xiangsheng was about to run away, he couldn't help but panic. Unexpectedly, Dong Weikun, who was originally mediocre, suddenly became violent at this moment, and actually pestered Zhang Shunbu and refused to retreat.

Zhang Shun's troops couldn't get away for a while to pursue Lu Xiangsheng's troops, but he watched helplessly as Lu Xiangsheng broke through the "general's" defense line and headed west.

At this time, the "general" felt that he had lost face, but he did not want to force Lu Xiangsheng too much, so he turned around and surrounded the guerrilla general Dong Weikun with Zhang Shun.

Zhang Shun knew that it was useless to complain about the "intrusive general" at this time. After all, the two of them were from two different worlds, and their entire thinking and methods were completely different.

The rebels headed by "Chuang Jiang" do not regard the officers and soldiers as enemies. They are just trying to survive. The officers and soldiers are just one of the factors that interfere with their plundering and affect their survival on their way to survive.

Although Zhang Shun had few troops and weak horses, his first goal was to conquer the world. So from his point of view, one less officer and soldier is killed, and one less officer and soldier is lost. In short, no matter how hard it is, one day he and his officers and soldiers will change positions, and then destroy the Manchu Qing Dynasty in the north and the remaining Ming Dynasty in the south. This is his ultimate goal.

The two sides have different starting points and naturally draw different conclusions. Zhang Shun knew that things could not be forced, so he sighed with regret and ordered to persuade the guerrilla general Dong Weikun to surrender.

As a result, Dong Weikun laughed and scolded: "You little toad, what a big tone! I was saved by Envoy Lu Lian, now I just want to return it to Envoy Lu Lian, you will have to humiliate me after a short break!"

Zhang Shun did not expect that Lu Xiangsheng was so charming that he would be killed by others. Then he said to the people around him: "This is a true hero, let him be buried well!"

At this time, Li Shi'an's artillery had already arrived, and he set up his artillery to blast the officers and soldiers. Dong Weikun personally led the team and tried to rush out, but failed, and eventually died under the gunfire.

Zhang Shun ordered people to bury the guerrilla general Dong Weikun, and at the same time persuaded "General Chuang" and himself and others to go and show off their power. As a result, "Chuang Jiang" refused on the grounds that he needed to go back to Xishan to gather the men under "King Lu Yan".

Zhang Shun ordered several banners under his command and led his troops to Lincheng County. Sure enough, Lu Xiangsheng and others had not gone far and had retreated to Lincheng County.

Zhang Shun knew that he had few men under his command, and the "Chuang Jiang" troops had not followed, so he could not attack by force. Then he ordered Chen Changzhen to ride to the city on horseback and shout in a show of force: "I am Lu Xiangsheng, the envoy of Zhili in the Ming Dynasty. I am chasing the traitor Lu Yanwang here in Xishan. Who is so bold as to let the bandits enter the city? I will report to the court tomorrow. If you read one copy, his entire army will be punished for the crime of treason!"

Immediately everyone in the city heard about it, their hearts were in a state of confusion, and they couldn't tell the truth from the lies for a while.

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