Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 267 Camp Decision

Seeing that most of the people did not agree with him, Xiao Qinhu was afraid that the red lady would object, so he quickly directed the "war" to the younger generation and asked: "Chen Jingzhi, Zhao Lizi, and Liu Yinggui, what do you three think about this matter?"

Chen Jingzhi thought for a while and replied: "Originally, it is up to you to make the decision. I am too quiet to interrupt. Since Brother Xiao asked me, I should know that I have to say everything. In my opinion, it is still necessary to find out the officers and soldiers in time. It’s better to monitor the trends. Whether fighting or not, we can also estimate the threat to the camp from officers and soldiers.”

Zhao Lizi couldn't help but his eyes lit up when he heard this, and he also answered: "Brother Chen's words are reasonable. Just leave this matter to me. Since I claimed that my lord has led the army, I have been responsible for all matters of detecting intelligence. I will definitely handle the officers and soldiers." Let’s find out clearly the strength and trends!”

Xiao Qinhu couldn't help but be very happy when he saw that both of them supported him. He was about to continue talking, but he never thought that Liu Yinggui would also reply at this time: "My lord has arranged for me to be responsible for fishing, so I will be responsible for fishing."

"It's just that my lord once told me that Shengwangping is too close to Yangcheng and is in the middle between Yangcheng and Shunwangping. When I am fishing, I must not ignore the movements of Yangcheng. Although I am not a very good person. Smart, but let’s boldly guess what the lord is thinking this time. I think the lord is not just letting us cower in King Shun Ping, but he is trying to pay attention to the surrounding situation in case something unexpected happens."

Everyone was stunned when they heard this. Liu Yinggui had been taciturn and rarely spoke since he followed Zhang Shun. Everyone thought that he would do something boring again this time, but they didn't expect that he also expressed his opinions.

The red lady couldn't help but frowned when she heard this. In fact, Xiao Qinhu, Chen Jingzhi, even if Chen Jindou, Zhao Yutou and others were included, although she respected their opinions, it was not impossible to make a decision.

Although they have some constraints on themselves, given their status, they can make up for it as long as they don't make too many mistakes.

Only Liu Yinggui caused the red lady the most headache. After she joined Zhang Shun, it wasn't like she hadn't inquired about the situation of Zhang Shun's men.

Everyone thinks that Chen Jindou and the "long-dead" Taoist Ma "come from Long", but this is not the case. Everyone ignored that before Chen Jindou and Ma Daochang, there was already someone who followed Zhang Shun wholeheartedly.

This person is none other than Liu Yinggui, who has no sense of existence. Despite his young age, he is actually Zhang Shun's number one confidant.

The Red Lady even secretly suspected that Liu Yinggui was deliberately left in the camp by Zhang Shun to act as eyes and ears to monitor and supervise everyone in the camp.

Thinking of this, the Red Lady felt that the words of the "main battler" also had some truth, so she decided: "Everyone's words are reasonable. The lord entrusts the camp to us, so we must be cautious. Since the surrounding situation is changing, , we must not know it either.”

"Zhao Lizi listens to the order. I order you to lead your scouts to go to Jiangxian and Yuanqu counties to find out the news, and report to us in time the strength and movements of the officers, soldiers and rebels."

"Xiao Qinhu listens to the order. I order you to rectify the capable soldiers in the camp, prepare for the defense of the camp, and be able to draw out the troops under your command at any time."

"Ma Yingniang listens to the order. You will lead the women's camp under your command and pay attention to the movements of Zhang's female family members at all times to prevent the Zhang family from taking the opportunity to cause chaos."

"And Liu Yinggui, fishing matters have become a routine. You don't have to do everything personally. At this critical moment, you also bring a dozen people to pay attention to the movements of Zhang Luxuan, Wu Xian and others. If there is any abnormality with these two people, I allow you to kill them first and report later. !”

Everyone responded one by one after hearing the words. Only Ma Yingniang was quite dissatisfied and pouted and responded: "I know!"

When Zhao Yutou and Chen Jindou heard Lady Hong's order to Liu Yinggui, they couldn't help but be shocked, and quickly reminded: "The Zhang clan has a deep relationship with the lord, and their leader Zhang Shenyan is a great talent that the lord relies on and cherishes. We'd better appease him." It’s best. Even if these people act strangely, they should be controlled in time and handed over to the Lord for handling!"

"Compassion does not command troops!" The red lady raised her eyebrows coldly, stood up and said, "When my lord was leaving, he entrusted Shun Wangping camp to me, but never entrusted me to the Zhang clan. Now the situation is urgent, and the camp How can we act emotionally when everything is in danger! If something unspeakable happens, you should make a decision immediately, and I will be responsible for all the consequences!"

Chen Jindou and Zhao Yutou both came from stable environments in the mainland. Although they sometimes had the desire to kill, they also had a lot of hesitation in their hearts. Now that I saw the red lady actually killing decisively and showing no fear on her face, I couldn't help but admire her for a moment.

The two of them bowed to the red lady and praised her: "A true woman's husband is the only one who is afraid of her!"

After hearing this, Ma Yingniang's eyes lit up and she was impressed by the beauty of the red lady. She suddenly took two steps, walked up to the red lady and said, "What a female general, I will definitely not lose to you!" After saying this, she turned around and left.

The red lady had no intention of arguing with them, she just bowed expressionlessly and asked them to retreat.

Seeing that everyone had retreated, Jian'er beside the red lady asked in a low voice: "What happened to Madam today? Although the Lord dotes on Madam now, he is also a hero after all. If you disobey him, If you hurt his clansman, he will never bear a grudge against you in the future. Why are you doing this?"

The red lady looked at her and sighed: "It is precisely because our leader is a hero that I have to act like this. There are many people in the Zhang clan, and they all have their own agendas. If they take advantage of the chaos and rise up, not only will the leader's camp We can no longer keep it, and we have lost our 'use'."

"Sex is the best way to treat people. When lust fades, love will relax. When love relaxes, kindness will be severe. The head of the house can keep bringing in one woman after another. We can't compete with each other for a while, but we can't compete for a lifetime. Sooner or later, we will no longer be able to get along with those girls. Bi, what should we do then?"

"Only by disregarding one's own safety and working hard can one be invincible. If it's just because his people rebelled and I killed these people and the leader alienated us, then he can't be considered a hero. !”

After saying this, the red lady secretly sighed and thought to herself: If I see the wrong person again, I will be blind, even if I die, it is natural! I hope you won’t be mistaken by me.

Zhou Jian'er also fell silent after hearing this. Her heart was filled with Zhang Shun's sweet words, and she couldn't listen to the red lady's "unfaithful advice" at all. Her thoughts are very simple. You guys who are the masters have so many ideas, but what does it have to do with a servant like me?

I don't have any ambitions, let alone old age. If she could be an aunt and give birth to a baby for her lord, she would be satisfied in this life.

Thank you to fans for the tip of "Start moving in the opposite direction" and "Nine Leaf Emperor" for the large tip, thank you! Time has been so tight lately, I update so often, I'm really sorry. When I have a little more leisure time, the author will definitely update more and more!

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