Of course, Zhang Shun couldn't use the game he was playing to argue, so he could only ask: "What if it was a pure team? A pure spear team, pure swords and shields, pure bows, arrows and firecrackers. During the battle, each performs his or her duties and forms a large formation. , I wonder if it’s feasible?”

"If this is the case, it is feasible. At the beginning of the founding of the Ming Dynasty, Emperor Taizu of the Ming Dynasty was weak in wealth and had few weapons, and the only weapons were spears. Therefore, the military system of the Ming Dynasty was passed down to today, and spears were mostly used. This is quite similar to what my lord said. This is a poor soldier. Dharma."

"I heard that in the prosperous Tang Dynasty, both people on foot and on horseback were equipped with horses, holding long spears, carrying long knives on their waists, wearing armor, and carrying bows and arrows. In battles, they used spears when forming formations, knives for self-defense, and swords when reaching far distances. With bows and arrows, if you are astride a horse, you will be a knight, and if you are dismounted, you will be a foot soldier. This is why you will be victorious in every battle and will be feared by all enemies."

"After the Ming Dynasty was established for a long time, some people wanted to change the method of using only soldiers. In the past, Qi Jiguang's "Yuanyang Formation" recommended the flower method. People in a team would each practice their weapons, and when they were successful, they would form a "Mandarin Duck Formation" , Ten is worth a hundred, and the enemy cannot stop it."

"Changzhen also knows the 'Mandarin Duck Formation'? Can you teach me this?" Zhang Shun was overjoyed when he heard this. He had read time travel novels in his previous life and was well aware of the power of Qi Jiguang's "Mandarin Duck Formation", so he began to practice some "Mandarin Duck Formation" ".

"After hearing about it roughly, I only heard about its formation, but not its method. I only know about its formation, with spears and rakes, firecrackers, bows and arrows, swords and shields and other soldiers. I don't know how to change the formation. If you force it, you can only do it. It's not true." Chen Changzhen said with shame. He originally wanted to be a martial artist, so he only needed to acquire good martial arts skills, and he did not think about the principles of formation and formation changes in detail. He originally thought that once he won the election, all his troops would be long-trained soldiers, and he would only need to take them into battle to kill the enemy. How could he have thought that today would happen?

After Zhang Shun heard this, he had no choice but to chat for some time and found that Chen Changzhen was only proficient in martial arts, but he still knew nothing about fighting tactics and training. Zhang Shun had no choice but to leave them to practice martial arts in the school grounds while he returned to the county government office to see how Zhao Yutou and others were working.

Unexpectedly, he happened to meet Chen Wei and Chen Jing who came to look for him. Zhang Shun asked strangely and learned such a thing.

It turns out that Chen Wei was originally a scholar in the county, that is, Wen Xiang was born in Yixiang. If scholars at this time wanted to gain fame, they had to pass the Boy's Examination and be admitted to Xiangzhong. This "庠" is the school, and the "庠" in the county is the "邑庠".

If you study well in Yixiang, you can take the college examination of the province or prefecture where you are. Only after passing the examination can you be called a "shengyuan", also known as a "scholar". Only then will you have the opportunity to take part in the provincial examination, and those who win will be called "Juren". As a result, Chen Wei was jealous because of his excellent studies, and was actually reported by his classmates for cheating during the college examination.

At that time, the officials in Henan Province were so stupid and incompetent that they listened to and believed the false accusations of his classmate, canceled his exams, and dismissed him from his job as a student member in Yixiang to serve the people. After Chen Wei's father found out about this, he was deeply shocked and couldn't help but die in depression.

Before his father died, he was crowned with a crown and given the title "Jingzhi" in the hope that he would have the talent to navigate the world. After the crowning ceremony, his father held his hands tightly and said, "I wish I could see Jingzhi and Qiaoer get married with my own eyes!"

But Chen Jingzhi had a childhood sweetheart named "Qiao'er", and they had already become a "baby bride". Originally, the two families agreed to hold the wedding after Chen Jingzhong was elected. Unexpectedly, at this time, the Qiaoer family broke their promise and canceled their engagement.

When Chen Jingzhi talked about the sad part, he burst into tears, prostrated himself before Zhang Shun, and said, "I have two great regrets in life: one is that I can't kill someone who falsely accuses me, and the other is that I can't take advantage of others, and I hope that the Lord will make the decision for me!"

When Zhang Shun heard this, he thought to himself: Why is this so difficult? Now that I am the master of Meng County City, why not fulfill Chen Jing's wishes and appease his heart, so I took Wukong and dozens of others with Chen Jing. After walking for half a day, I arrived at the home of Chen Jingzhi, a classmate.

At that time, his classmates were not there, and only his old father was at home. When the old father saw Chen Jingzhi coming with a few fierce-looking people, he didn't realize that they were coming for revenge. He quickly grabbed the ground with his head, told his classmates and their past relationship, told his son how he later regretted it, and hoped that Chen Jingzhi would let him go. Brothers and horses.

This Chen Jingzhi was a kind-hearted person. At first, he was motivated by grief and anger to seek revenge. But now that he saw how pitiful the old man was, he couldn't help but understand his compassion, and could only look at Zhang Shun eagerly and plead with him.

Zhang Shun is a kind-hearted person, so he can't help but feel a little soft-hearted when he sees this situation. Fortunately, he is a bystander and is more sober than Chen Jingzhi. Then he said: "If you let the tiger go back to the mountain, the trouble will be endless. Think about it for yourself."

"I have no parents, no brothers, no relatives, and no money left. What else is there to deserve revenge on?" Chen Weizhi sighed after hearing this.

"Is the wife clan considered to have no relatives?" Zhang Shun asked suddenly after hearing this.

Chen Weizhi was silent for a long time, speechless. Everyone waited for another half an hour, and sure enough, his classmate came back drunk. Zhang Shun ordered someone to capture him, tie him up in the house, and asked, "Are you going to do it yourself, or will we do it for you?"

Chen Jingzhi thought for a long time and said: "My lord and others came to help me. If I am soft-hearted and let you get your blood, it is because I, Chen Jingzhi, am hypocritical and hypocritical. This person has a big enemy against me. I should kill him. His father His old age has nothing to do with this, please don’t hold him responsible any more, my lord.”

After Zhang Shun heard this, he ordered someone to bring the old father out. Chen Jingzhi entered the house with a knife. The old father was struggling differently. He pleaded for his son's mercy, and his head was smashed. Several people couldn't hold him back. He even claimed that he could die on his son's behalf.

At this time, different battle formations were fighting. Zhang Shun witnessed the separation of life and death with his own eyes. Humans are not grass and trees, how can they be ruthless? Zhang Shun covered his eyes with his hands and couldn't bear to look at him. After a while, screams rang out in the room and died out after a few breaths. Zhang Shun put down his hand and took a look, but it was Chen Jingzhi walking out of the room with a bloody knife.

Zhang Shun looked at the dumbfounded old man, and did not ask Chen Jingzhi how to deal with this man. He just asked the soldiers to put away their swords, let the old man go, and called Chen Jingzhi to leave together. Along the way, Chen Jingzhi wanted to stop talking several times, but Zhang Shun stopped him and said: "This is your enemy. You can deal with it yourself without telling others."

Afterwards, everyone came to the home of Chen Jingzhi's childhood sweetheart. Qiaoer's father was frightened and welcomed everyone into the house. Chen Jingzhi was about to say something, but Zhang Shun stopped him. Zhang Shun said: "Let's talk to the old man, you just look for Qiao'er!"

Chen Jingzhi calmed down his depressed mood this time and walked into Qiaoer's embroidery room. Qiaoer's father was shocked and angry, and shouted: "Who are you, thieves who want to keep someone else's daughter innocent?"

"Don't be angry, old man. Since you know we are thieves, why are you making so much noise? Do you want the neighbors to hear about it? Or do you want the government to hear about it?" Zhang Shun said with a smile.

The third update has been completed. It is announced in advance that this volume will end tomorrow and the protagonist will soon enter the magnificent next volume. Tomorrow is supposed to be the day to notify whether it will be recommended next week. I saw many people rushing to make the list. If you have recommendation votes, I hope you can vote quickly and see if you can give me a recommendation spot.

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