Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 273 Breaking into the Camp (Part 1)

Although the camp of "Crashing General" Huang Lai'er is not as large as the camps set up by the rebels such as "Purple Gold Liang" in Licheng County, it is better because of its well-planned and well-organized camp. It has both defensive functions and residential convenience. Zhang Shun couldn't help but feel a little envious when he thought about his simple camp in Shunwangping.

Fortunately, the person who planned and constructed this project has already been included in his pocket. Presumably, when I return to Shunwangping, the construction of my own camp will not be any worse than this one.

Although Huang Lai'er, the "advanced general", was not good at words, fortunately he also had a desire to win. Although he did not brag about himself along the way, there was a look of pride on his face.

Until "General" Huang Lai'er led everyone inside the camp, no one was seen to receive them. Instead, bursts of noise came from the Chinese army's tent.

Huang Lai'er, the "traveler", took a look at Zijin Liang, Zhang Shun and some of his staff with a face on his face. He was shocked to find that the generals and stewards he had left behind were gathering people there to gamble.

Three or five people gathered around each other, with a few strings of copper coins and some scattered silver and other objects placed in front of them. They all shouted loudly: "big", "small", "big".

Coupled with the seven or eight people watching from the side, these three or four places were as lively as a vegetable market.

"General Chuang" Huang Lai'er saw this and said angrily: "You are so brave, how dare you violate my military orders!"

While everyone was smiling happily, they heard Huang Lai'er's roar, which was like a thunderbolt on a sunny day. Some of them dropped the dice in their hands after eating this; some were timid and even peed their pants.

"General" Huang Lai'er has always been strict in running the army, and he can't tolerate any sand in his eyes. When everyone saw him suddenly rushing in, they immediately turned pale at each other. One by one, they knelt down with a plop and kowtowed without paying. He kept shouting: "'General Chuang,' spare your life. 'General Chuang,' spare your life! We were fooled by lard for a while, just playing around, please forgive us, General!"

Huang Lai'er was angry at first that these people dared to violate his military orders and challenge his authority; secondly, he was angry at these people for making him lose face in front of the second boss "Zijin Liang" and Zhang Shun, so he couldn't help but cursed: "Thief who kills with a thousand swords" Birds, how dare you do this when I'm not here for a while! If the officers and soldiers take the opportunity to attack, it would be a pity for you to die. Wouldn't we and other soldiers not even have a place to stay?"

These people are obviously the masters who are not afraid of boiling water. They don't mind Huang Lai'er's scolding.

"General Chuang" Huang Lai'er also understood this and shouted: "Military law is ruthless. One must have two, and I won't let you go. Come here, take them out and chop them up as a warning to others!"

The faces of this group of people suddenly turned pale. Huang Lai'er always spoke the truth in the camp and strictly enforced the law. This was also the fundamental reason for the reputation of "'Chuang Jiang', good at attacking".

Seeing that they could not help but beg for mercy, one of them cleverly recognized that it was the second master "Purple Gold Liang" who came with "Chuang Jiang", and his thoughts suddenly became vivid, and he cried loudly: "Second master Renyi, please tell us something." Love me! I can't wait to make a small mistake and am willing to accept the punishment. I just hope that you will open your mouth and save our lives. We kowtow to you!"

"Purple Golden Liang" frowned when he heard this. He was originally here to watch the show, but why did the show involve him?

At this time, Qixu Taoist hurriedly stepped forward and whispered to "Purple Gold Liang", then "Purple Gold Liang" smiled and said: "You thieves know how to climb along the pole when we get together, 'Chuang Jiang', since they are attacking me Please forgive me, I have no choice but to show off my old face."

"These days we traveled south and north, and finally cleared away the officers and soldiers east of the Taihang Mountains and north of Henan. It was a time of freedom and ease. The three of us brothers were invited to your camp as guests. It was a happy day. Why bother with these few little ones? People care about each other, which ruins the mood of brothers. Let's put the heads on their necks. If they do it again, they will be beheaded without delay!"

Zhang Shun originally wanted to take the opportunity to persuade them, but then he thought that these people did not ask for help from him, and the second master spoke to them again. If he tried to persuade them, it seemed like they were forcing them, so he stopped talking.

Seeing that "Purple Gold Liang" had opened his mouth, the "general" responded and said, "What the second master said is true. How dare Huang disobey his orders?"

After saying that, he turned around and shouted at the group: "Today, the second master will beg for mercy and spare your lives for now. However, the death penalty can be avoided, but the living crime is difficult to forgive. I will pull you down and give each of you twenty military sticks."

"However, if we hear that crying and yelling and spoil the fun of me, the second master, brother Optimus Prime, and others, we will definitely kill him without mercy!"

How dare these people not obey after narrowly escaping from death? Immediately, everyone kowtowed to the second head of the family, "Purple Gold Liang", and thanked him for saving his life. Before they could finish thanking them, they were pulled down by the law enforcers and then started to be beaten with "thump" and "thump".

At this time, "General Chuang" asked the soldiers to clean up the main tent and clean up the silver coins, dice and other gambling equipment. While ordering the soldiers to serve tea, he also ordered his subordinates to prepare meals to entertain the second master, Zhang Shun and others.

Several people then started chatting while having tea. Zhang Shun was originally from the north and was not used to drinking tea. He reluctantly drank a few sips and started chatting nonsense with them.

Since it was a formal occasion and there were no female relatives to follow, they took the opportunity to compete with each other in terms of guns, sticks, fists, and military skills. Among the three of them, "Zijin Liang" is experienced in military affairs and has the most experience, but he is not familiar with writing and has no knowledge of elegance; "Chuang Jiang" has empty ambitions and can only talk in general terms without a gun or stick; only Zhang Shun had both practical strength and theoretical guidance, and he talked a lot, which amazed the two of them.

The three of them were talking in the alley when they suddenly heard a grunting sound, which was quite harsh. After further questioning, it turned out that Wukong's stomach was making a noise.

At this time, everyone realized that an hour had passed. After "Champion" Huang Lai'er reacted, he was immediately embarrassed. He couldn't help but became angry and said: "If it's been a long time and no food or drinks are served, wouldn't it mean that I, Huang Lai'er, have neglected this distinguished guest?"

After a while, three or four cooks came up and served three-color side dishes and a pot of wine, allowing the three of them to take their time.

"Zijinliang" frowned, these three dishes are decapitated dishes, how can I eat them with chopsticks?

Huang Lai'er and Zhang Shun didn't know much about this custom, but Huang Lai'er was also quite angry and shouted sternly: "What if these three dishes are made in this hour? Now the second master and 'Optimus Prime' We have brought many distinguished guests, how can we share the food, are you just entertaining me?"

Seeing that they could not deny it, these cooks were afraid that Huang Lai'er would kill them all, so they quickly explained: "Your Majesty, spare your life. It's not because we are being negligent. It's really hard for a clever woman to make a meal without rice!"

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