Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 29 Rushing across Tianjing Pass

The towering Taihang Mountains and Tianjing Pass are absolutely stunning.

To the south of Shanxi and to the north of Henan lies Taihang. There is a path leading to it, its west is called Zhiguanxing, its east is called Baijing, among which it is called Taixingjing.

This Taixingjing is a strategic route connecting Henan and Shanxi. If you live in Shanxi, you can leave Taihang from here and go straight to Huaiqing Mansion, which threatens Luoyang and is an important route to the Central Plains.

From Henan to Shanxi, you can attack the Shangdang area. You can look at Hebei from the east, you can peek into Hedong from the west, and you can attack Taiyuan from the north. This is the only way to fight for world supremacy.

When Cao Mengde was marching north to conquer Yuan Shao's nephew Bingzhou Gaogan, he passed by here and left a famous poem: Going north to the Taihang Mountains is so difficult and so majestic! The yangchangzaka is defeated, and the wheel is destroyed!

The Yangchangzaka in the so-called "Yangchangzaka Jiequ" is the first step from Henan to Shanxi. Youchangzaka, as the name suggests, the road is rugged and winding in the mountains, shaped like a sheep intestine. Yangchang Ban starts from Changping Village, Qinyang, Huaiqing Prefecture, Henan Province in the south, and reaches Wanzi City, Zezhou City, Shanxi Province in the north, with a total length of about seven or eight miles. This is the most dangerous section of Taihangxing Road, which governs the throat of the ancient Jingluo Road. The terrain is dangerous, easy to defend and difficult to attack. It has always been a battleground for military strategists and has an important strategic position.

Zhang Shun and his deployment of more than a thousand people went here. A few days ago, they were in Meng County, Henan, making weapons, buying horses and cloth, and then repairing them for a few days. When Zhao Lizi discovered the movement of troops sent by Huaiqing Mansion, he went west to attack Wen County with great fanfare.

When the officers and soldiers of the Huaiqing Guards hurried to Wen County, Zhang Shun and others immediately turned north and rushed all the way to Hanoi County. Hanoi County is the seat of Huaiqing Mansion, the seat of Prince Zheng's Mansion and the headquarters of Huaiqing Guards. The officers and soldiers of the Huaiqing Guard Station were afraid of being trapped in key areas. When they first arrived in Wen County, they had no choice but to eat and drink, and there were people following them in a hurry.

Zhang Shun and others ignored the chasing officers and soldiers and crossed the Qinshui River. Then they hid their flags, changed their names, and rushed into Taihangjing under the name of Chenzhou Prefecture to transport grain to Shanxi officers and soldiers.

Regardless of the officers and soldiers of the Huaiqing Guard Station, when they arrived near Huaiqing Fucheng, they lost sight of Zhang Shun and others. They were frightened and frightened, so they sent out scouts everywhere to investigate. Zhang Shun and others have walked out of the Yangchang Slope Road and arrived at Wanzi City.

This city was built by Guo Ziyi, a famous general in the Tang Dynasty. It was the place where troops were stationed at Tianjingguan in the past dynasties, guarding the strategic points of Ze and Huai. When everyone came forward, they saw the four characters "Northern Arrival at the Capital" written on the city gate. The area of ​​this city is not large. It only covers an area of ​​about one acre. It is built on the cliff and built with bluestones. It looks like a bowl, so it is called Wanzi City. But when you hear its name, you know that it is dangerous. It really has the power of one man to be able to block it and not even ten thousand others can open it.

Since there has been no war in the mainland for two hundred years, there are not many troops stationed in the city, and only some soldiers are checking people coming and going. When Zhang Shun and others arrived, the interrogating soldiers suddenly became nervous.

Zhang Shun quickly asked Ma Daozhang to take Lu Yin to deal with it. Daochang Ma has traveled extensively, has rich experience in the world, and is very eloquent. He can fool the interrogating soldiers into confusion with just a few words. But there was a young soldier who didn't know the importance and shouted sternly: "Which company needs so many bodyguards to transport food? Just wait."

Before he finished speaking, he was kicked to the ground by a leader who looked like an army officer, and cursed: "I haven't spoken yet, why do you dare to listen?"

After hearing this, Taoist Ma laughed and gave the leader five or six taels of silver. The leader happily accepted it and explained: "Young people don't understand the rules and are just laughing."

Taoist Master Ma didn't care, he just reported it to Zhang Shun, and everyone passed on. More than a thousand people and a hundred grain trucks took an hour to finish. As the saying goes: Money can make the world go round, but because Taoist Master Ma gave the personnel, everyone was not hindered or inspected at all. It turns out that Tianjing Pass is under the jurisdiction of Zezhou Prefecture and is not connected to Huaiqing Prefecture. Unexpectedly, he didn't know that Huaiqing Prefecture was chasing Zhang Shun and others, but Zhang Shun and others took advantage of it.

After everyone had gone away, the young soldier asked aggrievedly: "Uncle, why are you so blind? These people are not good people at first glance."

The leader was so angry that he kicked him again and cursed: "You are blind. These people are armed with knives and guns. They are in a neat formation. Where are the bodyguards? They are either officers and soldiers or thieves. How could I not know?" ?”

"Then you still want those few taels of silver?" the young man questioned unconvinced.

"What do you think that is? That's life money! Life money for a dozen of us. If we don't accept it, people will swarm us and chop us into pieces. How can you stop us? If you are still so blind next time Son, go home and plow the fields as soon as possible, so as not to waste our lives!" The leader of the officers and soldiers shouted sternly, changing his silly image just now.

Not to mention how the officer and army leader taught his nephew a lesson, Zhang Shun and others passed through Wanzi City. Zhang Shun looked back and saw the four characters "Nantong Yiluo" written on the north gate of Wanzi City. I couldn't help but think, Jincheng Tangchi is so-called, and it occupies a strategic point. If a hundred people block it, ten thousand people will not be able to pass it. But I never expected to be easily crossed by myself and others. As expected, "the weather is not as good as the right place, and the right place is not as good as the people." People are lazy and fearful, how can they hold on even if they have copper and iron walls?

After passing Wanzi City, there are passes such as Xiaokou Pass, Hengwang Pass and Xingjin Station, and finally we reach Tianjing Pass. This is really a pass for five miles and a pass for ten miles. The south is centered on Tianjing Pass, and the north is centered on Wanzi City. There are dozens of large and small cottages and piers in between, ultimately forming a terrifying defense. system.

Zhang Shun was born and raised in the plains during his two lifetimes. He occasionally passed through the mountains, but due to his travel mentality, he never thought about it carefully. This crossing was really shocking to him. There is a line between two mountains, and the dangerous and strange scenery reaches into the sky. It is really not as well-known as seeing it, and it is also intimidating.

He thought to himself, such a majestic gate, where one man is in charge, is everywhere. There is no need for famous generals to be stationed here. As long as you have the will to persevere, even if you give me a thousand men and horses to mediocre people, you can defend the place before the food and water are exhausted.

On the other hand, does this really mean that the Ming Dynasty has run out of energy? The little-known Tianjing Pass is so dangerous, but how dangerous are the world-famous Shanhaiguan and Juyong Pass? And why did the Ming Dynasty control the dangers of the world, but the Manchu and Qing Dynasties frequently broke in and plundered the capital?

After everyone passed Tianjing Pass, Zhang Shun felt at ease. Then he felt that his back was wet with sweat. The mountain wind blew by, which made him shiver. He couldn't help but sigh: "It's a dangerous and majestic pass. It's so majestic. It makes people feel at ease." I was trembling with fear, as if I was walking in an abyss, as if I was walking on thin ice, and I was sweating profusely!"

When Wukong heard this, he laughed heartlessly and said: "Master is too timid, but some dead objects such as bricks and stones are not monsters, so why should you be afraid?"

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