Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 315 Failed to Steal the Chicken

"King Zuo Jin" really didn't expect that his new master would be of such virtue. I didn't look like I was sneaking around all day long, I just felt uncomfortable all over.

Look at how excited everyone is watching the two fighters, and look at how brave and fearless these two people are on the field. In your eyes, the beautiful things in the emotional world are only the victory or defeat of the war?

Well, winning or losing the war is indeed more important. "King Zuo Jin" thought for a while and found that his lord was still smarter.

So, under Zhang Shun's secret command, "King Zuo Jin", "Ge Liyan", Wukong, and Li Shi'an were all in place, and sneaked towards Zuo Liangyu's camp.

In fact, according to Zhang Shun's thoughts, it would be best to bring his own infantry over and directly launch a battle of annihilation against Zuo Liangyu.

But currently, he only has Zhang Sanbai as an infantry general, and the others have their own tasks. If too many troops and horses are mobilized, I am afraid that the central army will be empty. Just in case, Zhang Shun had no choice but to ask Zhang Sanbai to act accordingly and put the whole army first before leaving with peace of mind.

At this time, Zuo Liangyu, Tang Jiuzhou and others were also paying close attention to the victory or defeat in the field. Zuo Liangyu was quite happy when he saw that his own general had fewer arrows than the opponent's general. It was obvious that his own general had the upper hand.

Zuo Liangyu didn't want to come to the formation this time. Zhang Shun was actually right at the beginning. Deng Qi was a general soldier and Zuo Liangyu was also a general soldier. He was quite dissatisfied.

However, the situation is stronger than the people. Firstly, Deng Qi, the commander-in-chief, has been famous for a long time. Secondly, his troops and friendly forces are all better than his own, so he has no choice but to obey his orders.

Zuo Liangyu knew very well that his troops were small and weak, and his morale was low. If he was not careful, he might be annihilated again.

Therefore, he had already made it clear in his mind that if he won this battle, he would say, "You and other warriors in the army are no good, so why should you compete with our Changping army? Why not surrender early to avoid losing your life!" Then he took advantage. Let's go and quickly lead the army to retreat back to Huixian City.

If he fails this time, he will continue to send people to challenge. If you win two out of three battles, just boast about what you said before. If you win one out of three games, then fight two more, and strive for three wins out of five. You can't lose your own prestige.

Zuo Liangyu was watching the battle attentively, but he never thought that Zhang Shun had already mobilized troops and detoured behind the officers and soldiers.

Zhang Shun originally wanted to steal the chicken, but when he saw Zuo Liangyu, Tang Jiuzhou and others were so careless, he instantly came up with the idea of ​​​​gathering and annihilating this group of officers and soldiers.

Therefore, Zhang Shun simply ordered the entire army to attack, and at the same time ordered Li Shian to use artillery to target the formation of officers and soldiers to bombard them.

The officers and soldiers were caught off guard and were stunned by several cannons under Li Shian's command. When Zuo Liangyu and Tang Jiuzhou heard the sound of cannons, they couldn't help but look around blankly, wondering where the attack was coming from.

At this time, Zhang Shuncai took the lead and personally led the "King of Zuo Jin" and "Ge Liyan" to charge against the officers and soldiers.

At this time, Zuo Liangyu and Tang Jiuzhou realized in confusion that the "thief" was attacking from behind.

Zuo Liangyu was shocked. This thief actually wanted to cut off his and others' return. He really had a huge appetite.

Zhang Shun's charge was indeed unexpected and caught the officers and soldiers off guard. Just because Zuo Liangyu and others were stationed on a high ground, which slowed down the impact of the horse, Zhang Shun was unable to break through Zuo Liangyu's military formation.

At this time, Zhang Sanbai's Chinese army camp received Zhang Shun's signal, and quickly waved the Chinese army's flag, beat the war drums, and ordered the entire rebel army to attack.

As a result, the "Eight Great Kings", "Living Cao Cao" and "The King of Troubled Times" did not know the reason and did not dare to easily order the war.

As soon as Zhang Sanbai saw that something was wrong, he quickly ordered his soldiers to continue beating the drums and urged other rebels to go to war. At the same time, he personally led his soldiers to attack Zuo Liangyu, Tang Jiuzhou and other officers and soldiers.

At this time, when the other rebels saw the movements of the main force of the Chinese army, they woke up from a dream and hurriedly moved forward according to the order.

It didn't matter that the rebels hesitated, but veteran general Zuo Liangyu saw the flaw. He couldn't help shouting: "Now the thieves are attacking from both sides. If we can't defeat the enemy behind us in time, we will definitely die."

"All armies listen to the order, the rear team becomes the front team, the front team becomes the rear team, turn back and attack fiercely, and annihilate the enemy behind you!"

The two battalions of the Changping Army under Zuo Liangyu and Tang Jiuzhou were also considered elite. At the moment of life and death, they suddenly burst out with unprecedented combat effectiveness.

They actually took advantage of the hillside location to suppress the momentum of Zhang Shun and others. At this time, Zhang Shun's view was blocked by the hills where the officers and soldiers were, and he didn't know what the battle was like.

Fortunately, he still understood that if the officers and soldiers stayed on the hill, it would be detrimental to the rebel attack no matter what.

Therefore, he used the speed of his cavalry to retreat, trying to get rid of the entanglement of Zuo Liangyu and Tang Jiuzhou.

But Zuo Liangyu is a master who is unreasonable and unforgiving, so how can he be willing to give up? He quickly sent out his cavalry and followed Zhang Shun's cavalry.

Zhang Shun turned around and looked, and couldn't help but be surprised and angry: He didn't expect that he would start a group without permission, but it would be like stirring up a hornet's nest.

The officers and soldiers fired arrows and muskets behind the rebels. The rebels turned around and fought at a disadvantage, so the officers and soldiers took the opportunity to knock down many people and dismount them.

In fact, Zuo Liangyu and Tang Jiuzhou didn't know that the enemy they faced was the new leader of the Thirty-sixth Battalion, "King Shun", whom they hated to the bone. They just recognized that this was the thieves cavalry who had harassed them and others many times, so they pursued him relentlessly.

At this time, Zhang Shun couldn't help but secretly regret: he had underestimated the enemy, but it was Meng Lang, and now he could only lose the rice by stealing the chicken. If he can't delay the arrival of the rebel army, I'm afraid today will be his death anniversary next year.

At the same time, Zhang Shun was also puzzled: Why did the officers and soldiers completely ignore the rebel army and look like they were trying to kill him? Could it be that the news that he, as the leader of the Thirty-sixth Battalion, personally led the troops, was leaked?

How could Zhang Shun know, because the other rebels were not his real subordinates. After receiving the unreasonable military order, their first consideration was whether it would harm their own soldiers, but instead delayed the opportunity to fight.

When they saw the Chinese army led by Zhang Sanbai begin to move forward, they reluctantly followed, giving Zuo Liangyu, Tang Jiuzhou and other officers and soldiers time to turn around and chase Zhang Shun and others.

Although Zhang Shun didn't know what happened, he also understood that if he couldn't get rid of this cavalry in time, his life would be in the hands of others.

Zhang Shun looked around while running away, thinking about opportunities to escape. It wasn't until he saw a higher hill not far ahead that his eyes lit up and he came up with an idea.

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