Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 347 Attack from both sides

It turned out that the news was that Zhang Sanbai was mobilizing troops instead of Zhang Shun. When Zhang Sanbai saw the smoke rising from Huixian County from a distance, he knew it was done.

In the classical era, communication was relatively difficult, so methods such as carrier pigeons and beacons were often used for simple communication.

When Zhang Shun left the camp, he had exchanged signals with Zhang Sanbai. If the battle is defeated, a pile of wolf smoke will be lit in the wild; if the battle is won but Huixian cannot be captured, three piles of wolf smoke will be lit in the wild; if Huixian is captured, three piles of wolf smoke will be lit in the city of Huixian.

Now three wolf smokes are rising slowly in Huixian City, which is the signal of victory for the rebels. Of course, if other accidents occurred, they would be defeated by the officers and soldiers, and their contact information would be intercepted, so Zhang Sanbai's order would be a dead end.

Therefore, the key to being a general is decisiveness. The military situation is ever-changing. Once you make a mistake in judgment, you will be overthrown, kill your generals, or even die and your country will be destroyed.

Zhang Sanbai issued orders under the guise of Zhang Shun this time, which was different from last time. The military situation last time was simple, as long as you were on the right track, you would be fine. This time, Zhang Sanbai was really a little nervous and didn't dare to make the decision without permission.

But now whether there is any other backbone in the army that he can rely on, Zhang Sanbai thought over and over again, and finally gritted his teeth and ordered: "Send the order and the whole army, immediately rectify the troops and go all out to attack the officers and soldiers camp!"

When things come to an end, you have to do it if you can, and you have to do it if you don’t! Zhang Sanbai was furious. In the past, he was quite unconvinced with Zhang Shun, but this time he finally felt that Zhang Shun was much better than him.

The seemingly simple order actually put the lives of tens of thousands of people under his command on the line. If he won, it would be easy to say; if he failed, all these living lives would be lost by his own hands.

Zhang Sanbai finally understood why generals in storybooks often committed suicide after losing battles.

Headless and brainless, he attacked the officers and soldiers camp, which made other rebel commanders very dissatisfied. However, remembering that Zhang Shun had commanded and defeated the officers and soldiers many times, he dubiously carried out the order.

This time when the officers and soldiers heard the noise in the rebel camp, they still thought it was the rebels sending people to harass them and didn't take it seriously.

Unexpectedly, the entire rebel army was dispatched this time, and the officers and soldiers were caught off guard. Fortunately, the chieftain soldiers under Ma Fengyi's command were of good quality and quickly blocked the gap created by Li Shi'an's artillery, and the position was temporarily stabilized.

The two sides went back and forth and fought fiercely for about an hour, but the rebels still could not attack the officers and soldiers camp. When the two sides were in a stalemate, Zhang Shun and his men finally came from Huixian.

Although the more than 10,000 men and horses are just a mob, from a distance, they look like flags fluttering, and their momentum is like a rainbow.

It turned out that Zhang Shun was afraid that they would scatter in the middle of the road, so he had to divide them into several groups according to their respective commanders, and each group was further divided into several groups according to the small leaders who commanded the subordinates.

They kept a large distance between each other so that Zhang Shun's cavalry could gallop back and forth and control the team.

Although these people were all a mob, once they broke away from the team and ran to the center where the cavalry was galloping, they would be killed by Zhang Shun's cavalry, and they suddenly became more cautious.

Regardless of the chaos of the team, they managed to maintain their lineup. As Xin Qiji of the Southern Song Dynasty said: The way to use troops consists of two aspects: form and momentum. Predicate shape? Small and big, yes. What is potential? Virtual reality is also true.

Now Zhang Shun knew that these men and horses could not engage in battle, but he could show them in order to frighten the officers and soldiers. If the officers and soldiers fight to the death, they will definitely find out the true strength of this group of people and know that they are unstoppable!

At first, Deng Qi only thought that it was King Pu of the Beijing Camp who came to help, and he couldn't help but said with great joy: "The reinforcements have arrived. Please follow me to kill the enemy bravely and annihilate them in one fell swoop!"

If one person shouts, a hundred people will shout! Suddenly, like a flash flood and a tsunami, the rebels were frightened and turned pale.

The unstable "Living Cao Cao", "King of Troubled Times", "Eight Kings" and others could not help but order to slow down the attack and prepare to wait for an opportunity to escape.

Well, Zhang Sanbai saw that the situation was not right. He quickly personally led three thousand men and horses under his command to the front, and rushed forward and shouted loudly: "These are reinforcements from our rebel army. Attack quickly and don't hesitate!"

More than ten thousand soldiers formed a large formation, like a dragon, with its head but not its tail visible. How did the others know about Zhang Sanbai's movements? They just saw Zhang Shun's army's banner moving forward to engage in battle, so they only thought that Zhang Shun personally led the troops into the battle.

Suddenly, "Living Cao Cao", "King of Troubled Times" and "Eight Kings" lost their doubts and were ready to hold on for a while to see the situation. The rebels were able to barely hold their line and resist the charge of the officers and soldiers.

This was Deng Qi's misjudgment as the commander-in-chief. If he had used his camp to defend against the rebel attack, and in turn mobilized Ma Fengyi's chieftain soldiers and his own Chinese army, in turn to fight to the death against the reinforcements brought by Zhang Shun, this battle would have been The outcome is still unclear.

The officers and soldiers used all their strength to face the enemy in front of them, and naturally relaxed the defense behind them. Zhang Shun was a little closer and saw that the officers and soldiers were sparsely defended, so he quickly ordered "King Zuo Jin" and "Ge Liyan" to break away from the team and trample on the enemy camp.

The rest of the rebels slowed down and reorganized their formation first. While reorganizing, they also sent out troops to wave the captured Beijing camp flags, armors, helmets, as well as the heads, flags and other items of the guerrilla general Yue Zhifei under his command.

While showing off their power, they shouted loudly: "The Jingying camp has been completely wiped out. Huixian County will be more loyal and die, and all the food and grass will fall into my hands. Why not surrender early and save your family and life?"

Sure enough, the officers and soldiers were caught off guard, and they found out that the ones charging over were not reinforcements, but rebels. They couldn't help but look at each other. I even heard that the reinforcements had been defeated and the food and grass had been robbed, which made me even more shaken. They were only lightly charged by "King Zuojin" and "Grey Eyes", and then returned in defeat.

Only then did Deng Qi realize that he had made a mistake in his judgment. Not only did he fail to wait for reinforcements, but instead waited for the enemy, he even lost all his food and grass. The entire army was on the verge of life and death.

What a Deng Qi, he made a prompt decision. He shouted: "Don't listen to that traitor's rumors. The food and grass we are waiting for are not in Huixian, but we have come to defend ourselves; the reinforcements we are waiting for are not from the Beijing camp, but from the frontier troops!" He immediately ordered Ma Fengyi to withdraw from the battle and the front team He moved to the rear to resist Zhang Shun's cavalry, while he personally led his own troops to block the vacancy left by Ma Fengyi's withdrawal.

Although Deng Qi's words sounded nice, in fact when he saw the flags and armor captured by the rebels, he completely believed the words of the rebels, as did other informed Zuo Liangyu, Tang Jiuzhou and Ma Fengyi.

These four people were all caught in a huge panic. Fortunately, they were all veteran generals. They knew that once the news spread to the entire army, it would be the end of collapse. They had no choice but to stay calm and barely maintain the current situation.

Ma Fengyi's chieftain soldiers were very powerful in combat, and the "King of Chaos" they were fighting could barely resist. Seeing her retreating, they didn't dare to pursue her.

Ma Fengyi then withdrew from the battle line and turned around to face the cavalry of "King Zuo Jin" and "Ge Liyan". Although she is a woman and has experienced hundreds of battles with her mother-in-law Qin Liangyu, now that the situation of the officers and soldiers is critical, she still has a fierce spirit.

The "King of Zuo Jin" and "Ge Liyan" were also careless. Seeing that the officers and soldiers were about to collapse at the first touch, they only thought that victory was in front of them, so they rushed forward immediately.

In this era, cavalry is the king of war. Especially the cavalry in East Asia are very difficult to deal with.

For example, in order to deal with the Mongolian and Jurchen cavalry, the Ming army not only equipped various firearms, but also equipped a large number of chariots, broadswords, and long axes.

This is because due to technological advancement, both Mongolian and Jurchen cavalry can be equipped with heavy armor, and ordinary spear formations can no longer resist the opponent's cavalry charge.

"King Zuojin" and "Ge Liyan" were originally from the Shaanxi frontier army and knew the tactics of cavalry and infantry. The cavalry under their command are all equipped by the "Purple Golden Liang" with all their strength, and they are not even half as good as the cavalry from the lower army.

In their opinion, a spear array like this was simply not enough to look at. Therefore, they did not stop and directly divided their soldiers into dozens of teams, going back and forth to attack.

"King Zuojin" was on the left, and "King Liyan" was on the right. They each charged from one corner of the stone pillar chieftain's square formation.

Ma Fengyi was not afraid and even ordered the chieftain soldiers to form a dense formation to defend.

The "dong-dong" sound of horse hoofs sounded again on the battlefield. The two soldiers in the front corners of the chieftain's phalanx stared at the five hundred cavalry in front of them with earth-colored faces as they crashed into them like a mountain torrent and a tsunami.

The second update is completed, wow, it’s not easy!

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