It turned out that Taoist Master Ma had already seen that he was going to look for Chen Changzhen, so he said: "My lord, Chen Changzhen and Xiao Qinhu are both righteous men. Now Xiao Qinhu is righteous to Chen Changzhen, and Chen Changzhen cannot retaliate. If my lord tells this matter, With Chen Changzhen, how can Brother Chen deal with himself? It is difficult to have both loyalty and righteousness. If Chen Changzhen is loyal to his lord, he will not be loyal to Xiao Qinhu; if Chen Changzhen is loyal to Xiao Qinhu, he will not be loyal to Chen Changzhen. So, why not Let nature take its course, in the name of Quan Chen Changzhen's loyalty?"

When Zhang Shun heard it, it made sense. Since he planned to make money from Xiao Qinhu, he might as well make money with Chen Changzhen. When Xiao Qinhu finds out about this in the future, even if he falls out, he still has to worry about Chen Changzhen's face. It's hard to say that Xiao Qinhu's success rate will be higher. If Chen Changzhen knew about it, it would put him in a dilemma. If Xiao Qinhu reacted in the future and thought that he and others had collaborated to deceive him, it would not be a good idea. So, he quickly saluted Taoist Master Ma and said, "Without Taoist Priest's warning, I almost missed something important."

After Zhang Shun left, Taoist Master Ma was just about to continue arranging the meal preparations when he heard someone say: "Why should the old Taoist Master be so kind and righteous? Others don't know what he said. So what do Chen Changzhen and Xiao Qinhu have to do with me? I can't say. It’s unclear whether he will become an enemy in the future!”

Taoist Master Ma turned his head and saw that it was Chen Jindou. He couldn't help but smile and said: "You are short-sighted. No wonder you are not as important as Zhao Yutou."

"You! Why do the old Taoist masters talk like this?" Chen Jindou said angrily, "It sounds like you are trying to gain the prestige of others and destroy your own ambition!"

"My lord is a great hero, and he has a big heart that cannot be saved by you or me. Why do you, my lord, reuse Zhao Yutou but not you? Zhao Yutou has talents that cannot be compared to those of us who only talk business." Daochang Ma He smiled and said, "Who are you and me? We are charlatans and sorcerers. They are just advocating destiny. What's the use? There are a lot of charlatans and performers in the market. Why are we so valuable? We are the first to be Conglong. also."

"However, how can one day's affection be worth decades of listening and listening? In the future, some people will vote for the lord to make plans, some will vote for the lord to lead the army to fight, some will vote for the lord to govern, and some will vote for the lord. How can we compare with obtaining money, food and property for our lord?"

Chen Jindou was stunned when he heard this. He only saw some heavenly books in his dream, and his own knowledge was really average. After hearing Taoist Master Ma's analysis, he immediately knew how to compare with the above people, so he had to say: "I am not as good as the above people. I don't know how the old Taoist Master can teach me!"

Taoist Master Ma quickly helped him up and said: "You and I are both ministers and cannot worship each other. However, you and I both serve the dragon and are loyal to the lord. We must do our best for the lord and plan for the future. When I was young, I was taught by a stranger. One volume of "Emperor's Physiognomy" and one chapter of "Yingyao Chapter" are all the techniques of the emperor. If you are willing, I can teach you them!"

"Ah!" Chen Jindou was shocked. These were all secrets of the master's sect. Taoist Master Ma actually wanted to teach him his box-pressing skills. Doesn't that mean he wanted to worship him as his master?

When Chen Jindou was about to pay his respects, he never thought that Taoist Master Ma waved his hand and said: "That's not necessary. Old Taoist priest, I have no plans to accept a disciple. I'm just afraid that you will get into trouble, so I want to teach you some self-protection techniques." Chen Jindou couldn't help hearing this. Very happy.

Besides, Zhang Shun said goodbye to Taoist Master Ma and was casually strolling around. Unexpectedly, he happened to meet Zhang Sanbai. This three hundred is also interesting. Originally, Zhang Shun saw that this man had outstanding appearance and strength, and wanted to train him to be his own Zhao Zilong, but in the end, this guy ran away in the direction of Yang Erlang. Ever since Professor Chen Changzhen gave him some techniques for three-pointed and two-edged swords, he has practiced them dozens of times every morning.

Zhang Shun stepped forward and said hello to Zhang Sanbai, but he didn't expect that Zhang Sanbai saw him and hesitated to speak. Zhang Shun was surprised that this was not the style of Three Hundred Brothers. This guy became angry. He never even looked down on his lord, so he asked: "Three Hundred Brothers, if you have something to say to me, why do you want to be your daughter?" Attitude?"

"Um, lord, where can we get water here?" Zhang Sanbai asked sheepishly.

"What do you want water for? Are you thirsty? Just go to Taoist Master Ma and ask for a bowl." Zhang Shun thought to himself, could this guy also be a clean person, but he wants to wash his hands?

"Um. Hehe, our sister needs to use it to wash up." Zhang Sanbai said awkwardly. It turned out that the camp was full of men, so Zhang Sanbai had to let his sister live in his tent, and blocked the door himself, fearing that some prodigal would wander around at night.

I just didn't expect that this woman was different from the man. Now she was hiding in the tent. She couldn't wash up or use the toilet conveniently, so she had to ask her brother to come out and find a way. Zhang Sanbai is also a fool. Yesterday he and Chen Jindou got into a fight. Chen Jindou was the closest to Taoist Master Ma, so he had no shame to ask for water this morning.

When Zhang Shun heard this, he knew what he meant and said with a smile: "Three hundred brothers, this matter is easy to handle. Even though I borrowed water for you, it was still a little inconvenient. You go to Taoist Master Ma to borrow a load and say it is for you." He carries water. You go from here, go farther, there is no one to go to the toilet, you can take your sister there with you. If you are done, it is good to go to the creek to wash up. "

After hearing this, Zhang Sanbai couldn't help but thank him, and happily went to borrow a pole and bucket. Taoist Master Ma didn't know that Zhang Sanbai had been given some advice. He just said that Zhang Sanbai was enthusiastic and helpful, which just reduced the burden on himself and others. Therefore, this incident unexpectedly made Taoist Ma have a better impression of Zhang Sanbai and eased the relationship between the two parties.

Zhang Shun resigned from Zhang Sanbai and strolled back to his tent after nothing happened. As soon as they arrived at the door, they saw Chen Changzhen and Xiao Qinhu waiting at the door. Zhang Shun's heart skipped a beat, and he thought to himself: Could it be that his plan to earn money from Xiao Qinhu was revealed? It shouldn't be. So he suppressed his guilt and asked pretending to be strange: "Good morning, you two, what's the matter?"

At this time, Xiao Qinhu bowed his hands and said directly: "Master Zhang, I want to leave for a while and will come back at noon."

"Oh? What's the matter? If there is something that cannot be handled, Brother Xiao will tell Zhang in time, and Zhang will do his best." Zhang Shun replied grandly.

These words actually made Xiao Qinhu feel a little embarrassed. He originally thought that he had suffered some sins on behalf of Chen Changzhen, but now that the matter is not over, Mr. Zhang will definitely not let him go back easily. If he ran away, where could Mr. Zhang catch him and bring him back to pay for his crime? He was originally planning to use the tiger skin he peeled off last night despite the pain as a bargaining chip to exchange for a trip home. The goodwill doubled for a while, and Zhang Shun didn't even notice that he changed his name to "Brother Xiao".

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