Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 350 Death of Deng Qi

After waiting for half an hour, everyone finally brought the ten Hongyi cannons and Li Shian's twenty cannons of various types.

After the artillery was neatly placed, Zhang Shun ordered the northern team that besieged the officers and soldiers to withdraw, and then used artillery to bombard the officers and soldiers.

So how can the Sichuan soldiers under Deng Qi compare with the elite Shizhu chieftain soldiers? After only one round of fighting by the rebels, a commotion broke out.

Deng Qi was a veteran general, but when he saw this, he didn't know that this was a sign that the entire army would be defeated.

He quickly ran over with his bodyguards and said to Ma Fengyi: "The Sichuan soldiers under my command are dying. The defeat of the entire army is inevitable. The only solution for now is to fight to the death! There are also thieves among them. People who know the art of war well, if we come out from the north, we will definitely be annihilated."

"I want to personally lead my bodyguard and rush to the location of the thief 'King Shun'. If I am lucky enough to kill 'King Shun', we will still have a chance to survive; if unfortunately we die in battle, we will not lose our reputation of loyalty and bravery, and we can keep our descendants rich and honorable." also!"

When Ma Fengyi heard this, she knew that Deng Qi also had a death wish, so she asked: "Now that the traitor's flag is flying, there are two flags that are most conspicuous. Where should we rush to kill him?"

"Now that the thieves are besieging us layer by layer, we and the seven thousand men and horses can only charge at one place, and it is difficult to form a formation. How about we charge at one place, one on the left and the other on the right, and live or die?" Deng Qi said with a bitter smile after hearing this.

"Okay!" Ma Fengyi agreed immediately, "I think the enemy here is the strongest, and it must be where 'King Shun' is. I want to attack here, let's try to see how this life's fate will be!"

Deng Qi followed Ma Fengyi's finger pointing and saw that it was where Zhang Sanbai's army was. Deng Qi thought to himself: This generation has strong soldiers and strong horses, which is even better than the other side. Ma Fengyi doesn't know what is true here, so it is perfect for me to attract the main force of thieves!

But Ma Fengyi actually had more plans in mind. After she reconciled Zhang Shun, she suffered enough from the artillery fire. She was afraid that Zhang Shun would have another trick, so she prepared to hand over this "hard problem" to Deng Qi.

The two of them had decided on their plan. Without waiting for the rebels to take a break, they each led their troops and rushed straight towards the Chinese army's banner they had chosen, regardless of life or death.

The rebels didn't pay too much attention at first, just treating it as a confrontation. It was June, and the Wei Hui Mansion was already scorching with scorching sun. Not to mention wearing cotton armor like a big cotton-padded jacket, even the hard-working farmers did not want to stay under the scorching sun for too long.

Now the two sides had been fighting fiercely for about half an hour, and they suddenly felt as if they were being steamed, and their whole bodies were red.

My whole body was covered in sweat, and the wet and sticky clothes clung to my body, weighing as much as a thousand pounds.

What's more, the sweat on his head flowed down itchingly, making his eyes wet and unable to see clearly from east to west.

The two sides had been fighting from morning to night, and now the sun was in the west. They had been fighting fiercely for a day, and they were already exhausted. They were also seriously short of water and thirsty.

After the charge is over, the rebel officers and soldiers will retreat and wait for the team to reorganize before fighting again.

Who would have thought that Deng Qi and Ma Fengyi were both desperadoes, but they refused to retreat. Instead, they held back their breath and continued to fight.

When the two armies are fighting, the critical moment is to watch that breath. If you are weak, your enemy will be strong; if you are strong, your enemy will be weak. The rebels only thought they were sure of victory and had long since lost their determination to fight to the death. They were immediately suppressed by the officers and soldiers.

Li Shian saw it from a distance, feeling restless. After the previous round of artillery fire was completed, when he ordered the gunners to load the artillery again, he found that the rebels, officers and soldiers were in a mess, and they could no longer distinguish between you and me and started bombarding.

Fortunately, Zhang Sanbai had Zhang Shun's elite troops under his command, as well as other rebels to help him. For a while, he was inseparable from Ma Fengyi.

Zhang Shun's opponent against Deng Qi was Zhang Shun's newly transferred "Eight Kings". In addition, there are only more than a thousand cavalrymen of "King Zuojin" and "Geri Eyes" and 200 personal guard cavalry under their own command. For the sake of his own safety, Zhang Shun could easily retreat. Deng Qi's men were all infantry, so he would naturally be unable to catch up.

If it was just to annihilate all the officers and soldiers in front of him, if Zhang Shun retreated slightly, he would open the encirclement, and Deng Qi would take the opportunity to escape.

Zhang Shun saw that Deng Qi was killing the "Eight Kings" army formation and rushed towards him and others. He couldn't help but get angry. He had managed to make all kinds of calculations and calculations to trap his staff here. How could he let the "cooked duck fly"?

Zhang Shunfa became cruel and ordered: "'King Zuojin' is on the left, and 'King Liyan' is on the right. Each leads a cavalry to threaten its two wings. Wukong and Wang Jinyi will lead their bodyguards with me to counterattack."

"Deng Qi said that those who rely on them are nothing more than a bloody bravery. We only need to fight strong against strong, strong against strong, king against king, and if we weaken his edge, we will kill him!"

Speaking of which, Deng Qi had just defeated the "Eight Kings" army formation and was immediately overjoyed. But when he looked up, he saw Zhang Shun himself leading two hundred cavalrymen galloping towards him.

Deng Qi was not only shocked, but also overjoyed. He laughed and said: "A man who fights attack with attack and is strong with force, this man must be 'King Shun' without a doubt!"

"This is my opponent, Deng Qi. If I can kill this person, my trip will not be in vain; if I can kill him for this person, my life will not be in vain!"

After saying this, Deng Qi also got on his horse, led more than a hundred personal guards and three to four thousand Sichuan soldiers under his command, and rushed towards Zhang Shun.

Zhang Shun has fought many times in battle now, and is no longer what he used to be. Despite his young age, he was not afraid and just took the lead in killing Deng Qi.

Wukong and Wang Jinyi were afraid that Zhang Shun would make a mistake, so they had no choice but to follow him and kill the officers and soldiers.

The generals on both sides did not know the other's difficulties. They only knew that if they could not take the opportunity to kill the other, the battle might fall into catastrophe.

Needless to say, Deng Qi is in a place of death. If he fights quickly, he will survive. If he doesn't fight quickly, he will perish!

However, Zhang Shun knew that the more than 10,000 troops behind him were all flag-waving and cheering people, and if they encountered a fight, they would disperse in a rush. He seems to have a large number of people under his command, but in fact they are more or less the ones who act according to the wind and are the icing on the cake.

If part of the rebel army is really defeated, it is unknown whether it will take the opportunity to cause the entire army to collapse!

It's too late to say it, but it's soon! Zhang Shun, in a show of bravery, actually jumped ahead of Wukong and Wang Jinyi.

The two men were secretly anxious, but they couldn't shout out on the battlefield to avoid damaging their morale.

Fortunately, Wang Jinyi is thin and looks good on a horse. He hurried slowly and finally caught up with Zhang Shun before Zhang Shun and Deng Qi fought.

At this time, Deng Qi had already picked up the spear in his hand, preparing to shoot Zhang Shun to death.

Wang Jinyi stretched out the spear in his hand and caught Deng Qi's spear. Then he lifted the tip of his spear to a high place with a strong thrust.

Zhang Shun saw Deng Qi flick his spear in front of him, and he disappeared as soon as his eyes flashed. Zhang Shun didn't have time to understand what was going on, so he just threw his mace forward and hit Deng Qi's breast mirror.

The heavy breast shield was pierced by a heavy steel mace, and was torn open like a piece of paper. It was inserted into Deng Qi's heart, and Deng Qi's heart was penetrated from front to back.

There is only one update today, sorry. The author came back very late and changed the content of the first three chapters continuously. There was really no time to write the second chapter.

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