Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 361 Different ways do not work together

Let's say that the "King Zuo Jin" and "Ge Liyan" were deceived by Song Xiance, and they were determined to follow Zhang Shung to the end.

Song Xiance still felt that it was not enough, so he personally found the "King of Zhengshi" and "King of Zhishi" and pretended to win them over to follow "King Chuang".

These two people were so fundamental that they could not leave Zhang Shun, so they pretended to stabilize Song Xiance, and then sold him to Zhang Shun.

Zhang Shun didn't know whether to laugh or cry when he heard this, and quickly ordered someone to call Song Xiance to the main tent for questioning. When Song Xiance arrived at the tent, he was not polite. He poured a cup of tea and drank it before smiling and said: "Don't worry, my lord, I have already secured the 'King Zuo Jin' and 'Ge Liyan'. He has more than a thousand cavalry under his command. They are strong soldiers and horses. They are the elites under the command of the second master, Zijin Liang. They must not be won over by King Chuang."

"As for the followers of the 'King of the World' and the 'King of the World', although it is not important, I deliberately deceived them!"

Zhang Shun couldn't help laughing when he heard this: "The old Taoist priest is very loyal. He doesn't avoid suspicion and doesn't care about gains and losses. Aren't you afraid that I might have resentment or doubts in my heart?"

"King Shun is an extraordinary person, and old Taoist priests do extraordinary things." Song Xiance said with a smile, "I am under the command of Zijin Liang. Although I have all kinds of strategies, I am helpless. Why? People who have no ambitions and no destiny. . God’s will is like this, it’s just that it can’t happen.”

"I have only known King Shun for more than a year, but I am very capable but I have exerted 17 or 10% of my ability. Why? Firstly, I go with the flow, and everything will go against me; secondly, King Shun is magnanimous and employs people without suspicion! If it were anyone else, My old Taoist priest has been skinned and cramped a long time ago, and he is going to die!"

Zhang Shun couldn't help laughing when he heard this. This elegant and refined flattery made him feel very comfortable when he was photographed. He almost wanted to say: If you can talk, just talk more!

However, Zhang Shun did not continue to joke with Song Xiance. Instead, he asked seriously how to deal with the current matter.

Song Xiance was already confident, so he smiled and said: "I heard that if the name is not right, the words will not go smoothly, and if the words are not right, the things will not work.' Now King Shun is the leader of the thirty-sixth camp, no matter how powerful the 'King Chuang' is, In the end, we can only succumb to King Shun."

"For the present plan, my lord should not easily conflict with him. Why don't we go our separate ways, each attack one side, and when we meet again in the future, we can all rely on our abilities."

Zhang Shun smiled bitterly when he heard this and said, "You don't know, after I got the news today, I went to look for you, but something happened."

"Song is all ears!" Song Xiance was confused and had no choice but to respond.

"When I returned to the camp without finding you, there was a boy of fifteen or sixteen years old among the rebels. His clothes were in tatters, his skin was dark, and his eyes were like those of a wolf and a tiger."

"When he saw me, he threw stones at me. I ordered Wukong to catch him and asked: Why did you throw stones at me, but you have a grudge against me?"

"How do you think the young man answered? He actually said: The hatred is as deep as the sea, and we will never live together!"

"I asked him, I don't know you, how can I make enemies with you?"

"He replied: First, you don't allow us to plunder, second, you don't allow us to commit adultery, and third, you don't allow us to do our own thing. It's more uncomfortable than killing me. Isn't this sworn hatred?"

"I couldn't help being stunned, and quickly explained: Don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you. We are originally from poor families, how can we bully other poor people?"

"As a result, the young man said angrily: We are thieves, not officials. What's more, since the government can do these things, why can't I do it? I am a thief, robbing to feed myself, committing adultery to be happy, and doing my own thing to be free, how can I bear this? Are you so restrained?"

"What does other people's sufferings in life and death have to do with me? I don't want to be a saint. Since I am a thief, I want to be a thief!"

"People like you are more hateful than dog officials. Although dog officials hate you, they only want to kill me. You are constantly drinking and eating, you have many wives and concubines, and you control the lives and deaths of thousands of people. You are happy and happy, but I can't survive. I can’t die, and I can’t live happily even for a moment!”

Song Xiance was silent for a long time after hearing this, and then said with a wry smile: "Since ancient times, the sky has the sun and the moon, the earth has mountains and rivers, the air has yin and yang, and it is divided into upper and lower. My lord has always had great ambitions. He is a saint born and raised by the earth. How can this generation be like this? Can he be compared with my lord? This person is cunning and cruel, and his nature is evil. He is a heinous person. My lord must not let him affect his mind."

Zhang Shun was stunned for a moment, but he did not expect that this era not only did not recognize that all people are born equal, but specifically emphasized that all people are born unequal, and even formed a systematic theory.

Zhang Shun can now be regarded as a master, although in the eyes of high-ranking officials and gentry, he is just a thief.

He himself has benefited from it, and he can't live with his own ass. What's more, it's too late to kill others, so where can you have time to kill yourself?

He could only laugh and said: "Mr. Song is overthinking. What I mean is that this person's words are sharp and logical. They are not words that an ignorant boy can say. Someone must be instigating him behind his back."

"You can see the big from the small. From this point of view, the other rebel commanders have been dissatisfied with me for a long time. As the saying goes, 'Rotten wood cannot be carved, and a wall of dung cannot be demolished.' This person has already fanned the flames in the camp and incited other rebels to attack me. Dissatisfied. Nowadays, the rebel army seems to be prosperous and prosperous, but in fact, if you are not careful, it will end up killing the hozens and even killing each other."

"I put in a lot of effort in this battle, and managed to defeat the officers and soldiers with great difficulty. I killed Deng Qi, the commander-in-chief of Sichuan. I wanted to use this reputation to command the heroes to defeat Cao Wenzhao again, so I occupied both sides of Taihang and regarded it as the foundation of the world. Now look at it Come on, this generation is all short-sighted and lacks the ability to make plans."

"I heard that in order to achieve a great cause, you must first strengthen its roots. If the roots are not strong, the leaves will not grow; if the roots are not strong, the wood will break easily. Now I have only three thousand men and horses, which is not enough to control other commanders, so they are all superficial. I am convinced but my heart is not convinced. I want to abandon these constraints and return to Shanxi to establish a foundation. What does Mr. Song think?"

But whether Song Xiance was a planner or not, he couldn't tell whether it was good or bad for a while, so he could only respond: "Song actually doesn't know, and everything is based on the lord. But I have a different view on establishing a foundation alone."

"If a gentleman wants to achieve great things, he needs to rely on his own strength and the help of others. If my lord is willing, I can go and persuade 'Living Cao Cao', 'Chuang Jiang' and others to help your lord."

"'General Chuang' has always been kind to me, so it's still possible. It's just that 'living Cao Cao' is already the person who talks about his rebellion. Can he still be persuaded to come back?" Zhang Shun was quite doubtful.

"When I listened to my lord's account of what happened at the beginning, I felt that this person's words were flashy, and he was not someone who wholeheartedly followed the 'Chuang King'. If I take this opportunity to find out my interests, I may not be able to persuade this person to vote for me." Song Xiance said confidently. replied.

Zhang Shun thought for a while, if he hit a pole with or without dates, there would be no loss anyway, so he smiled and said: "In this case, we will trouble Mr. Song again! But Mr. Song must be careful and don't let this person take advantage of him." It hurt lives.”

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