Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 364 Disastrous Failure

"Living Cao Cao" saw Zhang Shun's intention to refuse, and quickly persuaded him: "This time everyone knows that you are like a god with your troops, and they are still waiting for you to come to the rescue. If the siege is solved this time, we will all listen to you, you If you say east, we will never dare to go west; if you say south, we will never dare go north!"

"That's nice!" Zhang Shun snorted coldly after hearing this. Since he returned to Shun Wangping Camp, he has not wanted to hear more news about the rebels, and he has not specifically asked Zhao Lizi about the current situation east of Taihang Mountain. What's more, today's transportation is inconvenient and separated by mountains and rivers, so I don't know how many inaccuracies there are.

Zhang Shun didn't know how true or false his words were, and he didn't want to get involved in the war with them anymore. He refused resolutely and said: "Those who are always busy and unjust, don't talk to me anymore!" After saying this, he called Wukong to push this "living Cao Cao" out.

"Living Cao Cao" was shocked when he saw this, and quickly winked to signal Zhang Shenyan, but Zhang Shenyan looked at his nose, nose, and heart and was completely unmoved.

At this time, the tall Wukong walked in and lifted "Living Cao Cao" up by the collar of his coat like he was carrying a chicken.

"Living Cao Cao" had his feet off the ground and struggled twice, but couldn't break free at all. He couldn't help being shocked. He couldn't care less in his hurry. He grabbed the front of his clothes and pulled open the cotton-padded jacket with force, revealing the inner garment.

Seeing this, Zhu'er said "Yeah", turned around quickly, hugged the "little baby" and hid in the house.

The "living Cao Cao" took advantage of this and fell out of the cotton-padded jacket directly, and fell to the ground with a plop. Zhang Shun was about to help him, but he didn't expect that "living Cao Cao" got up, knelt on the ground, kowtowed several times, and cried loudly: "King Shun is benevolent and righteous, now the rebel army is in trouble. Please save me!"

When Zhang Shun saw "Living Cao Cao", his forehead was bruised, and blood flowed down his nose and directly to the corner of his mouth.

Although Zhang Shun knew that this was a cruel trick of "Living Cao Cao", he was already the commander of the rebel army. If he performed this great ceremony, something big would happen.

He quickly supported "Living Cao Cao" and said: "If you have something to say, how can you behave appropriately at such an old age? What is it that deserves this gift from you?"

"Living Cao Cao" was a smart man. When he saw Zhang Shun's compassion, he knew that there was a reason for this. He quickly did not dare to hide it and told the story in detail.

It turned out that after the commanders of the rebel army separated from Zhang Shun that day, under the leadership of "King Chuang", they conquered Qinghua, Xiuwu and other places respectively, and besieged Huaiqing Mansion and Weihui Mansion.

It happened that the summer grain harvest had not lasted long at that time, so the rebels took the opportunity to loot and gather the grain and grass, and then went all the way north to attack Shunde and Zhending.

But "Chuang King" didn't expect that when his own strength expanded, Lu Xiangsheng's strength also expanded.

After Zuo Liangyu and Tang Jiuzhou were defeated, they lost their supplies and food. They did not dare to fight with the rebels, so they had to flee near Daming Mansion and seek refuge with Lu Xiangsheng.

It happened that the husband of Shizhu Chieftain Ma Fengyi, Ma Xianglin, was also nearby. When he heard that his wife was missing, he quickly led the Shizhu Chieftain soldiers to come to her aid.

Lu Xiangsheng simply asked Ma Xianglin to gather the defeated chieftain soldiers, plus Ma Xianglin's men and horses, there were exactly more than 3,000 people. Zuo Liangyu and Tang Jiuzhou temporarily took charge of Deng Qi's Sichuan troops, which also increased to three to four thousand troops.

The "Tianxiong Army" recruited by Lu Xiangsheng himself had almost three thousand troops, totaling 13,400, which was even more powerful than Deng Qi's original strength.

After "Chuang Wang" collected the food and grass, Lu Xiangsheng also took the opportunity to rectify the three troops.

When "King Chuang" led the army to Shunde Mansion and Zhending Mansion, he thought he would encounter the trembling Lu Xiangsheng, but he did not expect that the other party was already waiting for him.

The two sides set up camp, deployed their troops and horses, and fought dozens of battles, with each other winning and losing. The fight was inextricable for a while.

At this time, Cao Wenzhao, who was stationed in Pingding Prefecture, suddenly led a large army to raid Huangyu Pass. Unfortunately, the rebel Huangyu Pass guard "Pojiazui" died in the battle. "Chuang King" was attacked from both sides by officers and soldiers. He resisted for half a day, fought hard but could not win. He had to retreat to Shunde Mansion in defeat.

Lu Xiangsheng joined forces with Cao Wenzhao and pursued the victory. The rebel army was defeated again and retreated to Wu'an. From then on, the rebel army was bound to lose every battle, losing seven games in a row. Corpses were everywhere. They successively lost Wu'an, Linxian, Huixian, Xiuwu and other places, and were defeated all the way back to Jiyuan County.

At this time, the rebels remembered Zhang Shun's good intentions, and had no choice but to propose that Zhang Shun be allowed to come out to command the armies in order to survive in the face of death.

But no one could blame Zhang Shun. Only "Living Cao Cao" had some sympathy with Zhang Shun, so he had to be sent to persuade Zhang Shun.

Zhang Shun couldn't help being shocked when he heard this. He was just letting the rebels suffer a loss. How could he lose so miserably? If the entire rebel army is wiped out and I am left alone to support myself, I will probably not be able to gain any favor.

Zhang Shun quickly asked: "Then 'King Chuang' is also a man who knows the military. How could his marching formation be full of loopholes and suffer such a disastrous defeat?"

"Living Cao Cao" was afraid that Zhang Shun would not believe it, so he quickly explained: "Originally, the deployment of the rebel army was not a problem. Lu Xiangsheng is just an inspector. He is a civilian official. I understand that he does not know much about the art of war."

"I didn't expect that this guy would integrate Zuo Liangyu, Tang Jiuzhou and Ma Xianglin in such a short period of time. Especially since Ma Xianglin is a third-grade commander, I was impressed by him."

"When we arrived at Zhending Mansion, Lu Xiangsheng was already waiting for us. We were unable to advance and retreat, so we had to fight to the death."

"At that time, please don't mind. We thought that King Shun was famous and Cao Wenzhao should go all out to deal with you, so we relaxed our vigilance. However, we also arranged 'Mangyaxing' to guard Jingxing Pass, and arranged' Go and guard Huangyu Pass with the Armor-breaking Cone."

"I never thought that Cao Wenzhao brought a large number of Hongyi cannons and bombarded them day and night. How could the rebels resist? The 'armour-breaking cone' was shot dead on the spot. It is said that the whole person was bombarded into seven or eight pieces, and his body was exhausted Not coming back."

It turns out that Zhang Shun was still to blame for these two incidents. He dealt with Lu Xiangsheng a lot earlier, which made him overestimate the fighting power of the rebels. In addition, Ma Fengyi was captured alive by the rebels, so Ma Xianglin knew with his butt that his wife must have been played all over by the rebels.

One, Lu Xiangsheng and Ma Xianglin, were highly skilled in martial arts and could easily win over Qiu Ba; the other was eager for revenge and did not care about many things, so they hit it off when they met and joined forces to deal with the rebels.

And Cao Wenzhao, because of his previous support, was blocked by Li Xin in Baixing for more than ten days, sitting back and watching Deng Qi's defeat. This was a great shame and humiliation for him. So after this battle, he deliberately borrowed the Hongyi cannon from elsewhere to prevent such a thing from happening again.

So many unlucky things have happened to "Chuang Wang" and others, and they are lucky to be able to escape unscathed.

If the author is fast, then there will be one more chapter, it depends on luck

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