It was difficult to return, and Zhang Shun couldn't just leave it alone. He was angry and made up his mind to rip them off hard to express his bad temper.

When "Chuang King" and "Chuang General" rushed back in a state of embarrassment, they were somewhat embarrassed to see Zhang Shun.

Zhang Shun was not like the mother-in-law, so he went straight to the point: "Food is the most important thing for the people. Even if we have all the skills and helplessness, we cannot let the rebels starve. Otherwise, we will not wait for the officers and soldiers to attack. We will fight on our own." Collapse!"

"King Chuang" was speechless, so he had to cup his hands and say: "King Shun is kind and righteous. He doesn't care about grudges and comes to help from thousands of miles away. Gao is deeply grateful!"

"It's just that the rebel army only occupies this Jiyuan area now, and the food has been exhausted. We are helpless. If King Shun has any idea, just say it. As long as we can do it, we will do anything!"

Zhang Shunzheng was waiting for his words, and said with a distressed look: "This year, God is not open, there is a severe drought in Shanxi, people are in dire straits, and food prices are soaring. I have some connections and can transport food from other places, but this way People eat horse chews, plus merchants make profits, the price is really not low!"

It's easy for the rebels to get money, so they don't care much. When the "Chuang King" heard that Zhang Shun had a solution, he quickly responded: "There are not many other things in the rebel army, but there are many external things. Please give me a price, how much food we have, how much food do we want for the rebel army!" "

Zhang Shun actually doesn't have any connections. His cheap father-in-law Li Baihu has not shipped food again since he sent 5,000 shi of food last time.

Fortunately, because the rebels had a falling out with Zhang Shun last time, they saved a lot of food and grass for him. In addition, the red lady was diligent in running the house. She produced some from Shunwangping and Shengwangping, and bought some on a daily basis, so she could barely manage. Collect three or four thousand stones.

Zhang smiled and said: "It's so easy to say, one stone and ten taels of silver, I'll have someone send me two thousand first."

"Okay, it's a deal!" "King Chuang" was overjoyed when he heard this and didn't bargain. This made Zhang Shun regret immediately, but he forgot to quote a few more taels of price.

It turns out that in normal times, the price of food is only over one tael per stone, or more than two taels at most. Zhang Shun's price increased seven to eight times. It's just that when the rebel army's life and death are at stake, how can they care about it?

Zhang Shun had previously extorted wealthy people in the city in Zezhou, but he only got thirty to forty thousand taels. He spent a lot of money this year on raising and training soldiers, purchasing armors and weapons, and building camps, and he was already close to running out of money.

Now that he has received this windfall, Zhang Shun also likes it quite a lot. For a while, he even came up with the idea of ​​letting his father-in-law, Li Baihu, buy grain everywhere, while he acted as a second-rate dealer and sold it to the rebels to make a fortune.

Fortunately, Zhang Shun clearly understood the rule of "having a gun is a grass-headed king" in troubled times. Without the guarantee of force, no matter how much money he has, he can only make wedding clothes for others.

The two sides had decided on a plan, and Zhang Shun quickly ordered Li Jiyu to lead his troops back to the camp to provide food and grass to stabilize the morale of the army, while he rectified the troops and fought with the officers and soldiers.

After Li Jiyu shipped food and grass, the morale of the rebel army was slightly improved. Zhang Shun ordered "King Chuang" and "General Chuang" to lead the elite to cover the battlefield, and he personally led his men to attack Wanzi City in an attempt to break through Tianjing Pass.

However, Yansui Deputy General Li Bei was on guard, and the terrain of Tianjingguan was difficult. Zhang Shun ordered Li Shi'an to bombard them with more than a dozen artillery pieces for three days, but they were unable to capture them.

It wasn't until Zhang Shun received the news that Cao Wenzhao led a large army to help that he retreated early to avoid being taken advantage of by the officers and soldiers.

This time Zhang Shun planned very carefully, but he was still frustrated by Wanzi City. The other rebel commanders understood the current predicament and did not complain, but they still could not stop the morale of the rebels from falling.

Just when Zhang Shun was about to regroup and think of countermeasures, Chen Changzhen from Shunwangping camp sent another message.

For some reason, Cao Wenzhao discovered the Shengwangping camp and launched a surprise attack, causing heavy losses to the camp. Cao Wenzhao followed the defeated troops to King Shunping. Chen Changzhen personally led the defense and repelled three attacks by officers and soldiers.

However, considering that the officers, soldiers, horses and horses are strong and the number of people is overwhelming, I am afraid that it will not last long. I hope Zhang Shun will return as soon as possible and repel Cao Wenzhao.

Zhang Shun couldn't help but be shocked. His camp was quite secretive. Except for a few rebels, no one else knew about it. How could the news leak out?

Zhang Shun suspected for a while that other rebel commanders deliberately leaked the information to Cao Wenzhao in order to retaliate against him for not engaging in battle with Cao Wenzhao, which resulted in the rebel army being attacked from both sides.

Although at first one was because he was not strong enough and did not want to provoke Cao Wenzhao, the other was because Cao Wenzhao had fought with him and did not want to provoke him. But unable to bear the darkness of people's hearts, some people resent themselves for this.

Zhang Shun knew that now was not the time to care about this, so he kept it in mind for the time being. He hurriedly summoned Zhang Shenyan and Song Xiance to weigh the pros and cons, and then summoned Jiang He and ordered him to lead the five hundred sword and shield men back to the camp. Let him help the camp contain Cao Wenzhao's attack, and wait for an opportunity to help the whole camp retreat through Yuanqu to near Jiyuan.

More than ten days passed, and Zhang Shun still failed to make much military progress. At this time, the entire Shunwangping camp retreated to Jiyuan.

Although they had suffered a lot of losses before, there were still 7,000 to 8,000 men and horses left. In addition to the 7,000 to 8,000 men of the rebels, there were more than 3,000 soldiers under Zhang Shun's command. This small Jiyuan City gathered nearly 20,000 people, and the pressure on food and grass suddenly increased greatly.

The red lady, Li Sanniang, and Li Xiang all rushed over together, and their expressions were not very good. Li Xiang has just moved into a new home, but her "home" is gone; Li Sanniang rushed here with a hungry stomach; not to mention the red lady, every plant, tree, brick and tile of Shun Wangping was built by her herself. It was done, but now it’s all gone. You can imagine how they feel?

Zhang Shun hurriedly comforted them and finally managed to stabilize their situation. However, the morale of the rebel army was inevitably frustrated for the second time.

At this time, Zhang Shun finally understood what was said in "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu: "Who is the master? Who is the general capable? Who has the heaven and the earth? Who can carry out the laws? Who is the strongest among the soldiers? How well the soldiers are trained? Who knows the rewards and punishments? We This is how you know the outcome." What does it mean?

The weather is cold and the ground is freezing, and the battle is unfavorable; the rebels are reluctant to join forces and cannot move their arms like an arm; there are many officers and soldiers, but the rebels are few; the officers and soldiers are all elite, but the rebels are uneven; as for rewards and punishments, it is not something you can interfere with, so look at it , the rebel army will definitely lose this battle, it is beyond human power!

what to do? If you can win, fight, if you can't, leave! As the saying goes, "If you keep green hills, you won't have to worry about running out of firewood." This is exactly what it means.

Zhang Shunsui wanted to quit. But now the rebel army faces enemies on three sides, and only south of the Yellow River is where the defense of officers and soldiers is weak.

It's just that the officers and soldiers had already expected this place and cleaned up the boats on both sides of the Yellow River. Now there are not even half a boat on the river.

This chapter is purely a transition, the next chapter will be released soon

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