Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 38 Winning over heroes

After everyone dispersed, Zhang Shun took Chen Changzhen and said, "Brother, don't be surprised. I didn't expect everyone to object to this. Shun had to say this to make everyone agree. Zhang Shun admired his two brothers very much. That’s why we had to take this step.”

Chen Changzhen felt quite uncomfortable after hearing Zhang Shun's remarks: We treat you sincerely, but you actually use your interests to plot against us. How unjust. After hearing this again, I felt a little more comfortable.

He thought to himself: If my lord really wants to plot against us, why would he accept to be his younger brother? If he obeys everyone's opinions and becomes his elder brother, I can't do anything to him. It seems that he is sincerely sworn sworn brother to us.

Later, Chen Changzhen went to see Xiao Qinhu, cut off the head and tail, and told Xiao Qinhu about the matter. He said: "All the subordinates of the master's family are opposed to this matter. Only the master can argue with reason and fight against all opinions." This matter."

Xiao Qinhu liked it after hearing this. He didn't expect that this wealthy young master was such a loyal and loyal man. I can't let him suffer in the future and let his slaves look down on him.

After several days of this, the scouts sent by Zhao Lizi still did not find out any news about the officers, soldiers or "rogue bandits". Zhang Shun really couldn't stand the humidity and chaos in the camp where he was stationed, so with the help of his "Second Brother Xiao", he found another camp and camped again.

This time the camp was stationed on a south-facing hillside. The ground appeared very dry due to the sun's rays and the natural drainage of groundwater. And not far below the hillside, there happened to be a clean stream, and it was much more convenient to get water.

Zhang Shun also specially ordered people to dig a simple toilet next to the camp, where he could defecate and defecate in the morning and evening, which made the camp smell much better, not to mention all the conveniences. But the problem of Ma Yingniang is not easy to solve. There are already men in the camp, so it is still not safe to open toilets and other facilities for a woman alone.

Anyway, on this day, Zhang Shun had an idea. He did not expect that he had read "The Art of War" several times, but could not find much practical help for the time being. On the contrary, the unknown "Wei Liaozi" helped him a lot. In fact, this is Zhang Shun's ignorance. "Wei Liao Zi" is one of the Seven Classics of Martial Arts and one of the officially designated military textbooks. It is originally a famous art of war.

This "Wei Liao Zi" Jing Zu Ling says:

The soldiers who are passing through the army are divided into three parts according to the order of the war: the left army has a green flag, and the soldiers wear cang feathers; the right army has a white flag, and the soldiers wear white feathers; the middle army has a yellow flag, and the soldiers wear yellow feathers.

There are five chapters for death: the first line is blue, the second is red, the third is yellow, the next is white, and the next is black.

What do you mean? That is to say, the soldiers were divided into three. The left army held a blue flag and the soldiers wore blue feathers; the right army held a white flag and the soldiers wore white feathers; the center army held a yellow flag and the soldiers wore yellow feathers.

Then the soldiers wore five kinds of coats of arms, the first row wore blue coats of arms, the second row wore red coats of arms, the third row wore yellow coats of arms, the fourth row wore white coats of arms, and the fifth row wore black coats of arms.

Zhang Shun thought this method was very practical, so he imitated it. But although he had some cloth that could be used, he lacked tailors. So Zhang incidentally came up with the idea of ​​recruiting some female soldiers. In this era, the so-called female soldiers were either camp prostitutes or the bodyguards of female generals. There were no serious female soldiers like those of later generations.

Zhang Shun wanted to take advantage of women's characteristics of being good at tailoring and cooking, and being patient and careful, and recruit some of them to be managed by Zhang Sanbai's sister Ma Yingniang. In addition to practicing some martial arts on a daily basis, she could assist in some tailoring, cooking and military medical work.

The last time a soldier was injured in Meng County, Zhang Shun could only force the doctor in the city to treat him, but it was inconvenient to force the doctor to accompany the army, otherwise it would be troublesome if the other party caused trouble for him and others. Later, Zhang Shun gradually had an idea when he was injured and Xiao Qinhu donated medicine.

He was going to recruit some women. On the one hand, he could prepare some bandages and gold sore medicine. Once a soldier was injured, he could directly use the boiled bandage and sprinkle the gold sore medicine to treat common sword and gun wounds in the army. This will not only help improve morale, but also retain more well-trained and experienced soldiers.

On the other hand, you can sew flags and insignias in your spare time, making the formation of soldiers more precise and accurate. It's just that it's not feasible at this time. We will wait until there is an opportunity to recruit female soldiers before launching this plan.

When everything is done, it happens to be an auspicious day. So, under the auspices of Taoist Ma, the sworn sworn ceremony between Zhang Shun, Chen Changzhen and Xiao Qinhu finally began.

Taoist Master Ma first asked people to find the altar table and the portrait of Guan Gong. Fortunately, there were many people worshiping Guan Gong in this era. As for the altar table, it was taken from the nunnery of the old monk who kept tigers.

Hang the portrait of Guan Gong against a big tree, place an offering table underneath, and put three animals on it: pork, fish and eggs. Prepare another rooster, nine incense sticks, and one golden orchid for each person.

Then, Taoist Master Ma shouted: "The ceremony has begun, please light the incense."

So Chen, Xiao and Zhang each lit three incense sticks. The three of them bowed three times and offered the incense to Guan Gong.

Then kill the rooster and drip its blood into the wine bowl. The job of killing chickens was done by Chen Changzhen. This man was very skilled in martial arts and could kill people easily, let alone kill chickens. With just one knife, the chicken was killed to death. There was no farce where the rooster was not dead and there was blood everywhere.

The three of them pricked the middle finger of their left hand in turn and dripped blood into the wine bowl. Neither Chen Xiao nor Chen Xiao had any problems with this step, but Zhang Shun himself had never suffered much. He pricked his finger several times secretly before gritting his teeth and pricking his finger and dripping blood into the wine.

Then the three of them swore to Guan Gong:

Today, there are three people, Chen Changzhen, Xiao Qinhu and Zhang Shun, who feel like old friends at first sight and share the same feelings of loyalty. Therefore, when we become brothers with different surnames, we do not want to be born in the same year, the same month and the same day, but we want to die in the same year, the same month and the same day!

After the oath was completed, the three of them mixed the blood and wine evenly and sprinkled three drops on the ground to show respect to Guan Gong first, and then drank the blood wine in one gulp.

In the end, the three of them bowed to Guan Gong first, and then to each other, shouting respectively: eldest brother, second brother, and third brother. The three of them then handed over the golden orchid tree with the oath written on it to Taoist Master Ma for safekeeping, and the ceremony was completed.

From then on, Zhang Shun was no longer alone. If something happened, he would always ask his eldest brother and second brother to come and help. Before Zhang Shun could be happy, he saw his disciple Wukong running over happily and shouted: "Master, you have a brother, but don't forget me as a disciple, and give me the tiger skin. How about I make another tiger skin skirt?"

It turned out that Zhang Shun had been thinking about the tiger skin for a long time after getting it from brother Xiao, so he brought it up today while the "master" was happy. In fact, this tiger skin was very comfortable for Zhang Shun to use. It happened that the campground had been humid a few days ago, so Zhang Shun spread the tiger skin on the ground and it was very comfortable to sleep on. However, as a monarch, you must always win over your subordinates. Zhang Shun was happy today. Since the monkey wanted it, he just gave it to him.

I started writing late today, with only two updates, and I really can’t write anymore. The author will try to update as much as possible in the future, but also try to ensure the quality.

In addition, I would like to thank Xie Mingming for the reward. Like everyone else, Xie Mingming is also an old man who supports this book. He has been following the updates since the author entered the trap until now. Thank you for your support.

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