Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 386 Fei Biaogun

Kang Jinshan also had rich experience in being besieged. He was well aware that the terrain of his Kangjiazhuang was difficult, and that there were complete defensive buildings such as fortresses and watchtowers. He is rich in weapons and defensive supplies, and is not afraid of the rebel siege.

There was only one case, and the rebel artillery was so fierce that he was quite worried. He was afraid that someone in the village would not be able to withstand the threats and temptations, and would have other ideas, collude with the thieves inside and outside, and take his own life.

Kang Jinshan was decisive. As a member of the Kangjiazhuang clan, he colluded with outside rangers and ruffians to kill the village chief and elders for his own selfish gain. They have long lost their hearts and can only be tempted by profit and coerced by force.

At that time, he got the gold and silver from Kangjiazhuang, so he scattered money everywhere to raise dead soldiers. Kang Jinshan's method was simple. He directly found the impoverished family, bought some fields and property with him, and said directly to him: "As long as you give the boys in the family to me, you can beat or kill them as I please. These fields and property It’s yours!”

In this way, he raised three to five hundred sixteen or seventeen-year-old boys. These people are simple-minded and reckless, and do things regardless of the consequences. With a little training, they can become first-rate thugs.

In order to establish his own prestige and prevent these teenagers from backstabbing him. Kang Jinshan deliberately jumped out of a few typical thorns. He first led these teenagers to those thorns' homes to seize the property and fields he gave them, and then beat and bullied their families to death. Then he pulled out these thorns and beat them in public. Kill him. Killing a chicken like this to scare the monkeys made other young people tremble with fear and no longer dared to resist.

When these dead soldiers are successfully trained, the guide will not dare to go north, and the guide will not dare to go west. Kang Jinshan then used them to coerce other farmers in Kangjiazhuang and ask them to help him dig gold mines to defend against attacks by other bandits and government officials.

Whenever they win a war, Kang Jinshan will lead them to plunder the villages and properties of other bandits. If they fail to win, Kang Jinshan will threaten them and say: "In the past, you who followed me, Kang Jinshan, to eat well and drink hot food, also know that The consequences of defeat will naturally be that the men will be killed and the women will be raped, there is nothing to say.”

"Since we are in the first grade of junior high school, we shouldn't blame others who are in the fifteenth grade. If we want to survive and protect our family, we can only hold on for dear life. My Kangjiazhuang has a dangerous terrain and is equipped with fortresses and watchtowers. No matter how hard he tries, Even though we have thousands of troops, we can’t break it!”

The villagers in Kangjiazhuang were so eaten up by him that they naturally didn't dare to have any second thoughts. This is also the main reason why Zhang Shun's so-called "attacking the mind" does not work.

But when the rebels demolished the first watchtower, the villagers in Kangjiazhuang began to feel panic and panic all day long.

Seeing that things were not going well, Kang Jinshan had no choice but to scare him again: "The person coming this time is a famous gangster in Shanxi. He is cruel and murderous and has no humanity. This person is called 'King Shun', but he is actually hypocritical. Wherever he goes, , both young and old must be killed together, the stone must be passed through the knife, and the grass must be passed through the fire.”

"Now we have seven or eight watchtowers and dozens of fortresses, all made of stone. If he is really capable, he will blow them down together with me. If not, it will just make a noise. Why panic?"

Then, Kang Jinshan sent his dead men to find two bankers who were not dealing with him, dragged them out and killed them all, using bloody methods to frighten the bankers in Kangjiazhuang.

After waiting for five or six days, the new year is approaching. Although Kangjiazhuang was besieged by the rebels for several days, there was no shortage of food in the village. In particular, Kang Jinshan, in order to win people's hearts and appease the dealers in the bank, did not hoard and take the opportunity to raise prices like in previous years.

Anyway, after getting used to the iron bullets flying from time to time outside the bank, the dealers in the bank did not panic.

Anyway, several watchtowers are not inhabited except for the need to send a few people from time to time to check the enemy's situation. However, several fortresses defended by Kangjinshan's dead soldiers had thicker stone walls and lower heights, so they were not easily destroyed by Hongyi cannons. This gave the villagers peace of mind.

As a result, the New Year atmosphere in Kangjiazhuang became more and more intense, and even young children began to sing: "There is a boom of artillery outside the door, and it turns out that thieves have come to pay New Year greetings. Forget about the firecrackers this year, but it is a pity that there is no lucky money!"

Fortunately, Zhang Shun didn't hear this nursery rhyme, otherwise he would have looked at Kang Jinshan differently: I didn't expect that although this guy is greedy, he is also somewhat talented!

Early this morning, as soon as it dawned, the villagers got up. Although they are now trapped in the village by the rebels and have nothing to do, the people who are used to hard work still maintain their past habits.

Before the villagers had finished washing, they suddenly heard a loud noise. The villager looked up and saw a huge ball flying over and then landing in a nearby yard.

The curious villagers were about to run over and watch, when they heard a loud noise, and then screams rang out in the yard.

The villagers, whose curiosity was aroused, swarmed over and forced open the door to take a look. I saw that the courtyard of that house was blown to pieces, and several large iron blocks were directly embedded in the wall.

As for the owner of this household, he was already dead, either blown into several pieces, or missing arms and legs, lying on the ground wailing. The strong smell of blood filled the entire yard, and blood was smeared everywhere.

These villagers can be regarded as people who have seen big scenes and have participated in many battles. They have never seen such a miserable scene. Many people even vomited on the spot while holding on to the wall, and some were so frightened that their two legs trembled, and they just said: "This thief knows magic, and the sky is thundering!"

When someone said that the thunder from the sky didn't matter, others couldn't help but be surprised when they heard this: "Kang Jinshan has done too many immoral things. I'm afraid he has violated heaven's rules and received retribution from God!"

At this time, the banker in Kangjiazhuang suddenly felt cold all over and was so frightened that he could not speak. Kang Jinshan is scary, but God is even scarier!

When everyone was at their wits' end, they heard another loud noise, and saw a dark "sky thunder" flying over and falling into another place, followed by a huge explosion.

Then, the "sky thunder" rolled over and overcame the blockade of the fortress watchtowers one after another and flew over. Some of them exploded in the sky before they even hit the ground, smashing down a bunch of iron blocks; some fell to the ground and rolled a few times before exploding; some even fell down with "sky thunder", but they fell "silly" "It's gone." After smashing some objects, nothing happened.

It turned out that it was Zhang Shun and others who forged the "Flying Biao Gun" and began to test-fire artillery shells at Kangjiazhuang.

Mortars in this era were quite primitive and dangerous. It was necessary to first light the fuse of the "bomb" inside the mortar, and then light the propellant fuse. Use gunpowder to launch the cannonball so that it explodes as soon as it hits the ground.

It's just that the quality of the fuses in this era is not up to par, and the burning speed is not stable. If you make a slight mistake, the cannonball will explode in the barrel or muzzle before it can be launched, and injure yourself instead.

In particular, the "Fei Biao Gun" shell weighs one hundred and fifty kilograms and has a charge of about three kilograms. If it explodes suddenly, the soldiers within twenty or thirty steps near the artillery will hardly survive.

Fortunately, Zhang Shun has more than a hundred "Flying Meng Cannon" operators under his command. They fire small and unique mortar cannons, so they are quite experienced.

Zhang Shun simply selected one of the most experienced people to shoot at the Kangjiazhuang fortress. This led to the scene that the Kangjiazhuang villagers saw in the morning.

However, the accuracy of this mortar was very poor, and many shells not only failed to hit the fortress, but instead hit the farmers' homes.

Fei Biaogun is a classic mortar in the life-piercing novel, but the author has been looking for it for a long time and has not been able to find accurate data on Feibiaogun. However, based on the 150-pound bullet used by the Feibiao gun, it should be similar to the European 200-pound mortar. The European 200-pounder mortar has a caliber of 15 inches, which is about one foot and two inches in length.

. The relevant Chinese data only gives an example of a Feibiao gun with a diameter of two feet and a length of eight feet. The two-foot caliber has reached 640mm, which is inconsistent with the shell data, so the author believes that this is not the actual data of Fei Biaojun. Therefore, the data of Feibiaojun in this article refers to the European 200-pound data. Please understand!

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