Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 388 Opportunity

Zhang Daojun and Zhang Shenyan are different. Zhang Shenyan was originally a Jinshi. Although his official career had its ups and downs, he never changed his original intention.

He is a very traditional scholar-bureaucrat with the ambition to "please for the people" and "cultivate his family, govern the country and bring peace to the world". However, because of his contact with Li Zhi and others, he has an anti-traditional side.

Although there is still a certain gap between Zhang Shenyan and the loyal ministers and righteous men in history books, it is not easy for such people to surrender.

Therefore, Zhang Shun went rogue in every possible way, and finally found a breakthrough in "asking for life for the people." The two sides' aspirations converged, and he was recognized by Zhang Shenyan.

Although Zhang Daojun was also a Confucian scholar, he failed in the imperial examination many times. It was only because of his father Zhang Quan's death on Liaoyang Festival that he was able to enter the official career with Enyin's "Hereditary Imperial Guard Qianshi".

In the Ming Dynasty, Jinyiwei had jurisdiction over the South and North Town Fusi.

The Beizhen Fusi is responsible for the secret surveillance, anti-corruption and anti-corruption of vassal kings and officials from all over the country, independent investigation, arrest, sentencing, detention power (imperial edict), and counter-espionage affairs. During the Korean War in Wanli Year, Beizhen Fusi took the opportunity to collect a lot of Japanese military intelligence and information.

The Nanzhen Fu Division is responsible for criminal investigation, interrogation, judgment, intelligence, and military weapons research and development for the security and unit personnel. But generally speaking, the authority of South Town Fusi is lower than that of North Town Fusi.

Zhang Daojun was ranked among the Fusi of Nanzhen. As an official of Enyin, he was originally considered dispensable.

It's just that Zhang Daojun couldn't swallow the news that his father Zhang Quan died at the hands of Hou Jin, and he had always been quite enterprising.

Therefore, the Jiliao border army was in urgent need of ordnance at that time, so Zhang Daojun took advantage of his position and Shanxi's local exquisite iron-smelting technology to supervise the manufacture of firecrackers, artillery and other ordnance for the imperial court.

Therefore, he was appreciated by Sun Chengzong, his father's fellow Jinshi, and with these merits, he was promoted to the commander of the Jinyiwei and the commander of the Jinyiwei.

Later, because Yuan Chonghuan and Sun Chengzong were not on good terms and acted without scruples, Zhang Daojun felt that this person would ruin other affairs. So as Sun Chengzong was dismissed from office due to the defeat of Liuhe, he took refuge in Zhou Yanru, a popular figure in the dynasty, trying to show his talents. As a result, because he jumped too high in the Yuan Chonghuan case, he was disgusted by Chongzhen and was demoted to this day.

Overall, Zhang Daojun is one level lower than Zhang Shenyan. He didn't have such lofty ideals, and the word "favor" could not escape him from time to time along the way.

He was demoted from the time he entered the officialdom. He started with filial piety and ended with recklessness. He had ups and downs throughout his life, unable to stretch his aspirations. From his own point of view, when he is proud, it is because of his father's kindness, and when he is frustrated, it is because of "the master's rejection".

Therefore, Zhang Shun prescribes the right medicine, treating Zhang Shenyan with the utmost righteousness in the world, and treating Zhang Daojun with emotion.

Regardless of whether Zhang Shun's slip of the tongue was intentional or unintentional, the final result was that a bad thing turned into a good thing, and it hit Zhang Daojun's heart.

As a result, Governor Zhang, who was "slapped and given a sweet date", became proactive. He personally selected dead men to send messages to and from the city walls.

Governor Zhang asked the dead soldiers in the city to ask loudly: "Since Kangjiazhuang has surrendered, why not open the city gate wide and tie yourself out to show your sincerity?"

After hearing the words in the city for a long time, he smiled and said: "You have been surrounding my Kangjiazhuang for some time. Now that the new year is approaching, the strong men are tired. Why don't the two families stop fighting and go home to celebrate the New Year? It does not lose justice. The name?"

Hearing this, Governor Zhang couldn't help but smile and said, "In that case, why don't you wait for me to attack for another day or two to see if the Kang family village is safe?"

Kangjiazhuang was afraid of the rebel army's new flying gun, so he had no choice but to respond: "It's freezing cold and the New Year is approaching. For your own selfish purposes, your Lord has worked so hard to drive the soldiers. If there is a loss, how can their family be embarrassed?"

"In my opinion, it is better for us to each take a step back. We, the Kang Family Village, are willing to offer five hundred taels of gold and thousands of stones of food to form an alliance of brothers and never fight each other with swords!"

Originally, Governor Zhang was only responsible for the recruitment and surrender. Now that the matter has come to this point, he has defrauded a lot of property and has successfully completed the task. It was just that he was moved by Zhang Shunyi's apology, but he worked harder and wanted to achieve the best. Hearing this, he smiled and said: "A defeated general cannot express his courage; how can an alliance under the city express his ambition? You are provoking me first." , and refused to follow the rebel army, it is a crime worthy of death. Now that King Shun is magnanimous and spares your life, you do not want to be grateful. Instead, you use clever words and lies to deceive me. If you cannot open the door and surrender in time, you will be ruined in an instant. That’s it!”

Then Kang Jinshan is a rebellious person, how can he be willing to put his life in the hands of others? This plan of unconditional surrender is a no-brainer!

Seeing that the conditions could not be negotiated, Kang Jinshan also became ruthless. He just ordered people to close the city gate tightly and prepared to use fortresses and watchtowers to fight to the end.

Seeing this, Governor Zhang couldn't help but feel a little regretful, feeling that he had been reckless and missed his master's business. Unexpectedly, when the negotiation between the two parties failed, there was a flurry of things. Suddenly the gate of Kangjiazhuang opened wide, and seven or eight young men appeared in the gate. They shouted loudly: "We are the righteous men in the city, and we respectfully invite King Shun to come." Enter the city and kill the thief Kang Jinshan!"

When the rebels heard this, they couldn't help but look at each other. For a moment, they didn't know if there was any fraud in it, and they didn't dare to make the decision without authorization. Governor Zhang was about to return to ask Zhang Shun for advice. Unexpectedly, Jiang He, who had been silent beside him, suddenly said: "If Kang Jinshan wanted to surrender, he could have just made up a reason to trick us in. Why bother? I would rather lead thirty people." If the dead soldiers enter, if there is really a fraud, it will only kill me and thirty dead soldiers, and will not harm the foundation of the rebel army. This opportunity must not be missed and will not come again. If I ask for instructions back and forth, I am afraid that these people have already been killed by Kang Jinshan. clean!"

Governor Zhang is also a man who knows the military. After hearing the words, he thought about it and felt that Jiang He's words were reasonable. Thinking about Zhang Shun's fancy for him, he couldn't help but gritted his teeth and said: "Now, you quickly attack this gate, and I will lead the soldiers to follow. If anything goes wrong, I will bear the responsibility!"

Jiang He couldn't help but be startled when he heard this, and he bowed his hand to Governor Zhang, then led thirty swords and shields and charged forward without looking back.

When Ding Zhuang, who was on the city gate, saw the rebels rushing up, he hurriedly picked up the blunderbuss and other firearms and loaded them.

It turned out that Kang Jinshan's attempt to "negotiate peace" caused these people to lose their vigilance. It wasn't until Jiang He and others approached the city that they managed to fire one round from the city.

When Jiang He heard the sound of gunfire in the city, he couldn't help but feel frightened, fearing that the rebels had fallen into Kangjiazhuang's plan.

Despite the categorical nature of what he just said, he actually didn't have much confidence in his heart. However, he was the kind of person who was somewhat angry. He was afraid of losing this opportunity to perform, so he gritted his teeth and rushed forward.

This is just a big gamble. If the bet wins, everything will be easy. If the bet loses, his little life will be decided here.

I continue to work overtime today and barely manage to do one update. I am really powerless. I’m sorry to everyone!

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