Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 395 Registration

Zhang Shun was very active in his work, and the plan was decided. On the sixth day of the Lunar New Year, he began to send troops to quell the nearby mountain villages and villages. Of course, Zhang Shun would not admit that he had to run away because he was exhausted physically and mentally from being squeezed at home.

Compared with the three pairs of masters and servants, these extremely vicious people were much easier to deal with. Wherever the army passes, those who are attacked are defeated, and those who are forced are surrendered. The momentum is like breaking bamboo along the way.

For those who committed serious crimes, Zhang Shun would kill the ringleaders and their lackeys, and gather their subordinates; for those who were quite prestigious, he would win over and persecute them. All he had to do was surrender, pay food and tribute, and obey the dispatch of troops.

Soon Zhang incidentally brought seven to eight hundred households under his rule. Zhang Shun directly sent Xu Ziyuan to lead several clerks and more than a hundred soldiers to compile yellow books and fish scale books from house to house.

The so-called Yellow Book and Fish Scale Book were systems pioneered by Ming Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang. Among them, the Lijia system was implemented in the 14th year of Hongwu, and the country's population was roughly divided into three categories according to occupation: civilian households, military households, and craftsman households. Registers are made on a household-by-household basis, recording in detail basic information such as township, name, age, address, land, house, and assets.

According to the imperial system, a register was created every ten years and each volume was made in quadruplicate and reported to the relevant agencies of the Ministry of Household Affairs, Province, Prefecture, and County for preservation. Just because the cover of the volume given to the Ministry of Household Affairs was yellow paper, it was called the Yellow Volume.

Although this name sounds strange, it is actually similar to the household registration system of later generations. It is an important basis for the imperial court to understand the population situation under its rule.

However, since the Ming Dynasty has been established for a long time, the system has gradually deteriorated, and a large number of hidden households are not among them. Just like this Lushi County, Zhang Shun saw the record in the county government that the population was 32 miles, 110 households per mile, a total of 3,520 households, and a total population of about 17,600 people.

According to Zhang Shun's actual inspection, it is estimated that there are more than 6,000 households in this county alone. By inference, half of the world's population is not under the control of the Ming Dynasty.

As for the fish scale book, also known as the fish scale atlas, fish scale map, fish scale atlas, fish scale book, and measurement book, it is a land registration book in ancient China. In this fish scale book, houses, mountains, forests, ponds, fields and other land are arranged and connected in order. They all measure the area of ​​​​acres, followed by the font size, the name of the owner of the book and the feet of the field. They are organized into books, shaped like fish scales, so the name Said fish scale album.

This fish scale atlas is the land tax management method in ancient society. According to the atlas, the name of the land owner, land number, area, four zones, land grade, land shape, etc. are clearly recorded, similar to the land statistics of later generations.

In general, the yellow book records the number of people, which is the basis for the country to recruit soldiers and labor; the fish scale book records the fields, which is the basis for the country to collect summer and autumn grain taxes.

Although Zhang Shun never claimed the throne here, he used the method of "suppressing bandits and calming the people" often used in time-travel stories to compete with the Ming Dynasty for Dingkou and land.

As a qualified bureaucrat, Zhang Shenyan was quite surprised when Zhang Shun proposed to "suppress the bandits and pacify the people" and bring the Dingkou land under his control, but he could still sit still.

But when Zhang Shun said that he would send someone to register a Yingdingkou land in imitation of the imperial yellow book and fish scale book, and manage it according to law, Zhang Shenyan was so shocked that his jaw almost dropped.

Before, he thought that "King Shun came to the world" was the highest praise for Zhang Shun. Now it seems that he can only explain this problem by "King Shun is alive".

This lord is really a genius. He has realized that Dingkou and the land are the foundation of the country, and vowed to cut off the roots of the Ming Dynasty.

Not to mention that Zhang Shenyan saw the key to it, even though most people wouldn't think of it, just hearing about Zhang Shun's behavior can't help but see the power of it.

After the Bai County Magistrate of the Lu family heard about this, he became restless and quickly sent his cronies to call the king, Li and the wealthy family of the Lu family in the city to discuss countermeasures.

County magistrate Bai said worriedly: "This King Shun has not been restless since he came to our Lu family. He has been either killing other bandits or forcing other farmers to rob Dingkou and land all day long. Now this man is imitating the imperial court and making up stories. The Yellow Book and the Fish Scale Book may have very big plans, what should I do?"

Others, you look at me, I look at you, and say with a wry smile: "But it is a very big plan, but it has nothing to do with us for a while. Why should Bai's parents be so worried?"

"Why doesn't it matter?" Magistrate Bai couldn't help but raise his voice when he heard this, and asked: "Since this person is in our Lushi County, if there is any change, we will either be punished by the court for not investigating, or we will be punished by this guy. Kill the chickens to scare the monkeys, get rid of them all. Can you still sit here safely?"

The old man surnamed Lu couldn't help laughing when he heard this: "Old parents are wrong. No matter what this thief is, have I ever been short of the registered village? Have I ever been short of cultivated land? What are the similarities and differences between this kind of tax collection and previous years?"

"This King Shun just took the opportunity to eliminate some unruly bandits who did not obey the king's rule. The county has long been unable to collect a penny of their taxes. Now King Shun's benevolence and righteousness have cleaned them up, and there is no need to worry about the reason. They used to fight with each other and fight for water and land, which caused troubles, so why should you, old parents, worry?"

"If the old parents have doubts, why don't they let me be the middleman to make peace for them? I see that although King Shun is young and vigorous, he is not an unreasonable person. As long as you are good and I am good, everyone , we are in harmony, we don’t have to worry about not having a good life in the future!”

County Magistrate Bai almost cursed when he heard this. How could he not know that these three wealthy people must have accepted bribes from Zhang Shun and only spoke to this person.

It's just that Magistrate Bai is just an ordinary magistrate. Almost all of his government servants and archers come from these three surnames. Now that they are united, Magistrate Bai has nothing to do.

Fortunately, he felt a little more at ease after listening to the words of the old man Lu. Since King Shun was willing to use his wealth to bribe them, it meant that this person was not willing to break up with the court, and his life was very stable for a while.

County Magistrate Bai, who had boarded the pirate ship, could only give a bitter smile, cupped his hands and said, "In this case, I have to trouble Mr. Lu to go and make peace with the county. Let's put aside our good interests to avoid conflicts. "

Not to mention that these little things had already been clearly arranged by Zhang Shenyan, who was appointed by Zhang Shun. Let’s just talk about the registration and registration. Although they imitated the imperial yellow book and fish scale registration, Xu Ziyuan’s men were not well-educated enough. After two days of hard work, progress was made. slow.

Zhang Shun had no choice but to go into battle himself. While he selected young men in their twenties and thirties who were smart and literate, he taught them geometric measurement methods; at the same time, he ordered Chen Jingzhi to make templates for yellow albums and fish scale albums, and found carpenters to carve them, and printed more than a hundred volumes for use.

After waiting for half a month, these 20 to 30-year-olds had become proficient in learning, and then ordered Xu Ziyuan to lead a team, carrying newly printed yellow books and fish scale books, to register and fill out the forms from house to house.

After working like this for more than a month, the total population was 739 households, with a total population of 4,983, including 1,603 males and 1,577 females. One thousand eight hundred and three people, old and young.

The estimated land is six hundred and seventy-four acres, forty-five acres and five cents, and the amount of money and grain to be paid is two thousand and twenty-three stone, thirty-six liters and five combined. Most of them belong to mountains, wells, and slopes, and the main ones are middle fields and lower fields.

Most of the good fields are located near Lushi County and in the northeast to Luoning County. The terrain is relatively flat and conducive to transportation. For the sake of caution, Zhang Shun did not dare to set foot here for the time being, and only expanded his power to the vicinity of Xiong'er Mountain to the north of Baodu Village and Funiu Mountain to the south.

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