Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 403 Send Troops

Just when Zhang Shun wanted to ask Song Xiance whether they were thinking of the same person, he heard Wukong shouting loudly: "Sanchuan Lu Sanye asks for an audience and offers a profit of four hundred and fifty taels and six cents." !”

Zhang Shun couldn't help raising his palms and laughing: "Speak of Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here. Did Mr. Song recommend this person? Wukong, let him in!"

Song Xiance nodded and smiled to show Zhang Shun. Zhang Shun understood in his heart, but he saw Mr. Lu entering the room, bowed respectfully to Zhang Shun, and said, "How is King Shun? Are you satisfied with the New Year's goods given by the boys from last year? Please ask King Shun. Hongfu. Our Sanchuan Market is booming, and the business is booming year after year. We have earned more than 900 taels of silver in total. I took advantage of the fact that the fifteenth day has just passed and there is no market for a while, so I sent it over!"

It was no wonder that Mr. Lu was disrespectful. Chen Taojin, the former owner of Baodu Village, relied on the difficult terrain and offended him, and his body was gone within three to five days. Later, Kangjiazhuang Kangjinshan became even more arrogant and owned Baoshan. Now Kangjiazhuang and Baoshan have also changed their surnames.

Later, this person even attacked the mountain and cut down the temple, destroying more than a dozen surrounding villages, and no one dared to disobey. Now that Zhang Shun is in the limelight, how can Mr. Lu dare to be even remotely arrogant?

Zhang Shun is now the leader of the rebel army and is in charge of the lives and deaths of thousands of people, so naturally there is no need to be polite to him. He just smiled and said: "Master Lu came just in time. I have something that I want you to take a closer look at. What do you think?"

How dare Mr. Lu dare to say no? He quickly and fearfully responded: "How dare I call myself 'Third Master' in front of King Shun? Just call me Lao Lu! If King Shun has something to do, just ask. If I tell even half a lie, let me do it today." You can’t get out of this mountain gate!”

"You are senior, how can I be so frivolous?" Zhang Shun was polite for a moment, and then said: "I heard that there is a town ninety miles southeast from here called Luanchuan Town. Do you know? How is this town? But tell me in detail!"

When Mr. Lu heard this, he didn't know that this "bandit leader" had other ideas. It's just that the others were weak and naturally incompetent, so they had to respond: "I know a thing or two. If there is anything unclear in what I said, please forgive me, King Shun."

"I heard from the old people in the village that Luanchuan Town was originally the county seat of Luanchuan County, but after it was abolished, it was changed to Luanchuan Town. Since Taizu founded the country, given that this place is located in the mountains and is far away from the county seat, Therefore, an inspection department was set up to keep track of the truth, detect treachery and hypocrisy, and interrogate lawbreakers."

"I, a member of the Lu family, are located in a remote place. The people are fierce and martial. Therefore, the inspection department recruited more than a hundred archers to police thieves. The inspection envoy here is named Wang and is in his thirties. He is the owner of a large village in Luanchuan Town, and he is quite brave. Ever since he became the inspector, he has always been one of the best, and no one dares to offend him!"

"Of course, this generation, sitting in a well and looking at the sky, has never heard of the power of King Shun's tiger. It's just that there are no tigers in the mountains, and the monkey is called the king."

"This Luanchuan Town is located on the bank of the Yi River. There are thousands of acres of cultivated land around it. It is considered a fertile land in this county. In fact, compared with eastern Henan and southern Henan, it is actually not worth mentioning. There are more than 20 villages around it. , It’s probably only seven or eight thousand in Dingkou.”

"If you want to go here, you need to start from Sanchuanji and walk two miles west of Lengshui and Chitu to reach this place. If you want to go south, you can take Taojiawan and go west along the Yi River to reach this town."

Zhang Shun nodded when he heard this, and thought to himself: Sure enough, there was a reason for respecting the elderly in ancient times. This man has become an expert and can easily understand the local terrain and principles. Listening to his words again, it seems that he has realized what I want to do. In this case, it is better to ask clearly once!

Thinking of this, Zhang Shun boasted: "Sanye Lu is quite familiar with the geography of this area, but I don't know what the cold water and red soil two miles mean? Why do Taojiawan and Luanchuan Town have different names?"

Mr. Lu didn't dare to laugh at Zhang Shun's ignorance, so he could only answer honestly: "The county has established li to govern the households. Lengshui and Chituli each have 110 households, and Taojiawan It’s basically the same as Luanchuan Town, but slightly different.”

"Among them, Taojiawan should actually be called Taojia City. It is similar to our Sanchuan City. It is originally the same as Lengshui and Red Earth. It was only developed because of the market, so it was called a city. Luanchuan Town is a step further. It was under the jurisdiction of the imperial court and established an inspection department, so it was called a town."

Only then did Zhang Shun understand the meaning of these titles. It turned out that Chenzhou in eastern Henan where he lived was densely populated, and most of them were engaged in farming. Usually, people only call villages and prefectures, and rarely mention cities, towns, and towns, so they are not very clear.

After Zhang Shun had finished asking, and asked Mr. Lu to go down, he said: "I intend to seize the town of Luanchuan as a base, and take the opportunity to rule over Lengshui, Chitu, Taojiawan and other places, and choose the appropriate places to reclaim wasteland. What do you think about growing crops for the rebels?"

Land was the foundation of family business for the people at that time, and the main body of the rebels were farmers. How could they not agree? Sure enough, after hearing the words, everyone asked for help, hoping to control this place as soon as possible and reclaim the barren mountains and valleys.

Fortunately, Zhang Shen spoke responsibly and quickly reminded: "Earlier, when we captured Kangjiazhuang and subdued other villages, County Magistrate Bai could turn a blind eye. Now if we openly provoke him, I'm afraid there will be discord between the two sides and cause unhappiness." !”

Among the generals, only Li Jiyu was a farmer. Hearing this, he was quite dissatisfied and said: "What are you afraid of? Why should we rebel if we are afraid of this bird official? Wouldn't it be better to just starve to death at home? Now I The rebel army is as powerful as a tiger, and the dog officer of the big family in Lu County is trembling like a fox and rabbit. How can a tiger be afraid of a fox and rabbit?"

Zhang Shun quickly drank and said: "Don't be rude to Mr. Zhang! What Mr. Zhang said is true, but now the rebels are seriously short of food. If we can't solve it in time and watch the rebels starve to death, then I and Chongzhen of the capital will What’s the difference between children?”

"I have made up my mind. Regardless of whether County Magistrate Bai and the big family agree or not, I will definitely occupy this place and open up wasteland to provide for the needs of the rebel army and the people. If they are easy to talk to, that's fine. If they have other ideas. Wei Congyi listens Order, you and I will watch day and night. If there is any slight disturbance, we will first kill Magistrate Bai, and then coerce the three big families named Wang, Li, and Lu, cut off the court's sources of information, and buy time for the rebels."

Seeing Zhang Shun's resolute attitude, Zhang Shenyan was not angry but happy, and thought to himself: This man is decisive in killing, and he is a hero in troubled times. If given time, he may not be able to become a figure like Taizu of the Ming Dynasty. I just hope I wasn’t so sincere as Liu Bowen!

Everyone's plan was decided, and Zhang Shun simply divided his troops into two groups. Led by himself, he led his personal guards and Zhang's more than 3,000 men to send troops to Lengshui and Chitu, marching from the southeast. The other group was led by Xiao Qinhu, with Li Jiyu as deputy. More than a thousand troops sent troops to Taojiawan, and then went down the river to attack Luanchuan Town.

Thanks to fan "2001zlr" for the reward, thank you for your support

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