Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 405 Nurse (Part 2)

How can everyone be willing to obey? Suddenly everyone waved their hands and just watched.

Li Xiang saw that everyone was laughing at him and refused to help him. And Liu Rushi's strength was even worse than hers, so she had no choice but to use the sword herself and started chopping again, only to make the man's flesh and blood fly everywhere, his feces and urine flowed out, and his wails filled the sky.

There was a veteran who was watching, who was a butcher. He couldn't stand it anymore, so he stood up and said: "Madam, you can't cut it like this. You keep cutting his tibia, even if the knife is damaged, you can't cut it off." . What's more, as a woman, my strength is not as strong as that of a man, so she is even more unlucky."

"Based on my many years of butchering experience, this method of removing bones requires the use of a sharp boning knife. You first cut along the bone seams, cut off the tendons, skin and flesh, and then gently separate them."

Li Xiang was overjoyed when he heard this, thinking that he had obtained the true story, and quickly ordered Liu Rushi to find a butcher's knife.

Although this pig-killing knife is also sharp, it is actually very heavy. Li Xiang reluctantly used it and asked Liu Rushi to start cutting the man's knee joints.

Although the veteran said it was easy, the joints are actually complex. In addition to tendons and bones, there are also connections such as the patella and fibula. Then Li Xiang is a master who never touches the spring water, how can he do this?

She had no choice but to endure the discomfort and toss back and forth. The scene was so tragic and nauseating. Others really couldn't bear it and wanted to help her and "give him a good time", but she sternly refused.

Although she is usually soft and charming, she is actually quite stubborn. When she was tired, she called Liu Rushi to take over while she rested for a while.

Liu Rushi almost cried, as she is the leader among the "Yangzhou Skinny Horses". Although his status was low in the past, it was relative to high-ranking officials and wealthy businessmen. Although I learned how to serve others, I have always been well-dressed and well-fed. How could I have ever done such a lowly job?

Now that he has followed Zhang Shun, not only are his food, drink and accommodation poor, but he has also had to start a business. But in front of so many people, she didn't dare to say anything, so she had to respond in a low voice, grabbed the butcher's knife with both hands and continued to toss with it.

Fortunately, the man had already fainted from fear, and no longer had the energy to fight for his life. The two of them struggled for a long time before finally removing the guy's leg.

However, it is worth mentioning that since the man's tibia and humerus had separated, the patella was useless and was removed by Li Xiang.

Then, Li Xiang covered the severed area with a large amount of white medicine to stop the bleeding, and then picked up the boiled bandage and wrapped it together. Only then was she satisfied.

The two of them had never done such heavy physical work before. After finishing their work, they relaxed and felt that their whole bodies were sore and painful. They were about to go back to the tent to rest, but as soon as they got up, they got up violently. The two of them couldn't help but their vision went dark and they almost fainted.

As a result, other people not only did not dare to step forward to support him, but when they saw him making a move, they suddenly stepped back seven or eight steps as if they had seen an evil spirit before they calmed down.

It turns out that these people have seen pigs and sheep being unloaded in the past, but where have they seen people being unloaded? Although they used to live on the tip of a knife, they were used to seeing life and death.

But after all, it comes so happily. If you take one stab, you will die or I will live. How can it be like today, when people are like cattle and sheep, being slaughtered by others? Watching your legs being removed by others is not as satisfying as dying!

What's more, these two people have been struggling for a long time, and their bodies are covered in blood, just like the evil ghosts in hell! As for some appearances, they are all deliberately transformed by demons to deceive people. The Buddha is right: form is emptiness, emptiness is form!

Li Xiang had thought so much. After taking it off for a long time, her anger had already dissipated. In line with the mentality of saving people to the end and sending Buddha to the west, she also asked: "Please take care of me and don't let him get anything in his hair these days. If you are lucky, this person will be dead in a few days." Don’t worry; if it develops pus and sores again, you’ll have no choice but to continue amputating the thigh!”

Everyone couldn't help but shudder when they heard this, and immediately dispersed. Oh my God, what a death! This woman is not done with it. Not only did she take off someone else's calf alive, she actually still cares about her thigh! Let's hide away quickly. If we go to the battlefield again next time, we would rather die in battle than suffer such torture!

Afterwards, Li Xiang gained the reputation of a "butcher" among the rebels. She and Liu Rushi, the master and servant, were nicknamed "Two Evils with Bloody Hands".

Some even claimed: "My King Shun is the True Dragon Emperor. We didn't believe it at first. It wasn't until we saw his wives that we had to convince ourselves that there is a true dragon in this world!"

"How do you say this?" someone said in praise.

"If not, how could he have subdued these tigresses and become his wife?" Everyone looked at each other and laughed, and then they felt bad breath coming out of their mouths.

Even so, there were still good people who claimed afterwards that it was precisely because King Shun ordered that if the battle was defeated, anyone who violated military law would be handed over to the third lady to have their legs and feet removed. The rebel army was as powerful as a rainbow, fighting to the death, overwhelming the officers and soldiers, and beheading the mighty general Deng Qi.

In fact, this incident actually happened after the Battle of Huixian, but it was rumored to be true.

Originally, after Zhang Shun heard about it, he wanted to refute the rumors. But later it was discovered that this actually caused the rebels to be afraid of the "nurse" and not dare to do anything frivolous. They were even more brave in daily combat, so the matter was dropped.

In this way, under the guise of the "tiger power" of Li Xiang and Liu Rushi, Zhang Shun finally established a nurse camp that had always been simple.

In fact, Zhang Shun didn't know that doctors and nursing were completely different professions in later generations. It's just that this guy was not good at studying and didn't understand the difference. Based on his own scattered knowledge and Li Xiang's unreliable book knowledge, he initially established a military medical organization.

The main work content of the nurse camp is quite simple. After entering the camp, I received a brief training and carried four items with me.

One said: Baiyao, made by boiling and filtering frankincense, myrrh and Huang Dan for 7 qian each. If the tendon is broken, add Eucommia ulmoides and Dipsacus bark and fry it together. Both of these have anti-inflammatory and muscle-building effects.

Second step: For bandages, take clean gauze, cut it into strips, and roll it into a column for later use.

Three: Mulberry white thread, take the thicker silk thread from the mulberry bark, tear it off, wrap it with mulberry white bark and set aside. Once the wound needs to be sutured, steam it with hot water that boils the bandage. The thread will become soft and silky, and you can use it as you like.

What surprised Zhang Shun most was that the suture did not need to be removed after suturing, it only needed to be absorbed by the muscles. Zhang Shun looked left and right, but found no sign that the object had traveled through time, so he gave up.

Fourth: Steel needle, used for suturing.

In this nurse camp, the morale of the rebels suddenly increased, and the number of deaths was greatly reduced. Jiang He also benefited from this, and soon he was jumping up and down again.

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