Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 414 Troop Training (Part 1)

After Zhang Shun followed Song Xiance's suggestion, he began to recruit young men over the age of thirteen, and the recruitment was completed within a few days. In this way, there are still many children who are reluctant to leave and strongly demand to join the rebels to "eat".

Zhang Shun was not rich in food at first, so he gritted his teeth and recruited these hundreds of people just to expand his strength. Now, even though he felt a little sorry for these children with bare feet and ragged clothes, he still had to refuse cruelly: "The quota is full, let's wait until next year!"

After hearing this, the other children were dejected and ready to leave. At this time, an older child hesitated and stood up and said: "The general can win the loyalty of a dozen of our heroes just by opening his mouth a few times. How can there be such a good thing in the world? Not to mention us. They are all children from poor families, and they have nothing but the bows, arrows and spears in their hands and the rags on their bodies."

"If the general wanted to wait until next year to recruit us, I'm afraid we would have starved to death in some ravine. In that case, why doesn't the general show his kindness and win the loyalty of a dozen strong men?"

Zhang Shun was stunned when he heard this, and he felt a little admiration when he saw that his articulation was clear and his words were quite organized. He then laughed and said: "Now that your belly is empty and your bones are skinny, how can you dare to be called a strong man?"

The child was only fifteen or sixteen years old. Hearing this, he patted his thin chest and said: "If the hungry wolves in the mountains are not hungry, how can they be willing to be dogs for others? Even though the cattle and sheep in the pen are fat, they are just slaughtered by humans. That’s all, how can a general judge the world’s heroes based on their fatness or thinness?”

Zhang Shun was honest. Seeing his sharp tongue, he apologized and said, "It's my fault to judge people by their appearance. But whether you are a hero or not depends on your ability!"

The young man was very clever when he heard this. Knowing that Zhang Shun had complied with his request, he quickly said happily: "We will act it out for the general. If anything goes wrong, we will leave on our own without bothering the general to talk!"

So these dozen people arrived at the school grounds with Zhang Shun. The young man took out a shiny wooden bow that had been sharpened, pulled it open with a squeak, and shot three arrows in a row. Only three sounds of "rob, snatch, snatch" were heard, and the young man actually hit three times with three shots.

Xiao Qinhu was watching other children and teenagers shooting. When he heard the sound, he turned around and said "Huh" in surprise.

The young man was also quite proud, showing off his power, and shook the wooden bow in his hand to show provocation.

Xiao Qinhu was busy with business, so he ignored him and just laughed it off. Zhang Shun knew very well that these people were unruly people, and if they could not suppress their arrogance, they would be difficult to manage in the future.

So, he smiled and said: "The archery skills are good, but there is no need to show off. If the marksmanship is not good, you will be eliminated."

The young man unconvinced put his wooden bow on his back and took out his spear. No movement was seen, only a sudden "yeah" sound was heard, and he rushed out.

The person was standing twenty-five or six steps away from the gun target, which had already exceeded the assessment standard. He did this on purpose to show off his abilities.

Only "bang bang bang bang" was heard, and five dull gunshots rang out. The young man was stabbed in the eyes, throat, heart, waist, and feet in one go. He was indeed good at martial arts.

The young man finished using it in one breath and turned to look at Xiao Qinhu. It turned out that Xiao Qinhu didn't look at him at all, but was just watching other people try their skills, so he spat in his direction with dissatisfaction to show his disdain.

Zhang Shun couldn't help but smile and said: "Don't be anxious. When the soldiers are selected, they will have their own time to conduct military exercises. Only then will you know what it means that there is heaven outside the world and there are people outside the world!"

After that, Zhang Shun asked a dozen other children and teenagers to try it one by one. They all hit two out of three shots and hit two or three targets with their marksmanship. They were quite proficient in martial arts.

Zhang Shun liked it and asked, "What's your name? I'll leave it to Secretary Wen. It's temporarily listed under the name of our rebel army!"

When the man heard this, he jumped three feet high and quickly responded: "My real name is Ren, and my name is Jirong. I am a member of the Lu family. I have practiced martial arts since I was a child. I just worry that there are no buyers!"

Zhang Shun was slightly amused, "I have learned martial arts, and my goods belong to the emperor's family." This guy's heart is clear! However, he pretended not to hear it and just said with a smile: "The aroma of wine does not worry about the depth of the alley. If there is no buyer, I am afraid that the quality of the product is not good enough!"

If this guy is willing to obey, Zhang Shun must choose a good one and have a sparring match with him. Zhang Shun didn't answer, just smiled and said: "We'll know later!"

Originally, Ren Jirong and the dozen or so teenagers were done, and the recruitment of the rebel army had come to an end. After a while, Xiao Qinhu checked each one and found that all the people recruited by the rebel army were good players, so he reported to Zhang Shun.

After Zhang Shun heard this, he smiled and said: "Now that the new recruits have arrived, the first thing is to establish their authority. You, Zhang Sanbai, and Ma Yingniang will perform a martial arts show first to kill their arrogance, so that they will be difficult to discipline in the future!"

So, everyone gathered the new recruits together and performed a performance for each. What Xiao Qinhu practiced was the art of archery with perfect accuracy, which shocked those who thought they were good at archery and cheered.

And Zhang Sanbai picked up two stone locks and tossed them with ease. Those children and teenagers, who have not yet developed their full strength, can only marvel at how they can snatch and lift.

As for Ma Yingniang, she performed a horse-riding and spear-playing performance, with a colorful display that was dazzling to watch. In this remote place, few war horses have been seen, let alone such miraculous riding skills. The applause was thunderous.

After finally subduing these rebellious teenagers, Zhang ordered Zhang Sanbai to train according to the plan, with Xiao Qinhu and Ma Yingniang assisting him.

Zhang Sanbai didn't know if it was possible, so he had to follow Zhang Shun's request and said bravely: "Walking, sitting and lying down are all art of war. Our first lesson is to practice standing!"

These teenagers are all naughty and mischievous. They couldn't help shouting when they heard this: "None of us have been able to stand since we were one or two years old, and we still need you to teach us? Are you bullying us at such a young age?"

Zhang Sanbai was a little embarrassed. He turned around and glanced at Zhang Shun secretly. Zhang Shun glanced at him expressionlessly before saying: "The first lesson of military law is discipline. Anyone who makes noise for no reason and violates discipline will be beaten!" Those who refuse to change despite repeated admonitions will be punished with thirty sticks and expelled from the rebel army!"

Although Zhang Sanbai was ruthless in the past, he had to deal with more ruthless people. Nowadays, it is really difficult to deal with hundreds of children. Then he shouted loudly: "Quiet! I didn't establish military law just now, so I won't punish you. Now you know the first article of military law. Those who make noise for no reason will be beaten! Those who do not change after repeated admonitions will be expelled from the rebel army! If they violate it again, they will be punished. Dispose of it with military law!"

The children and teenagers were stunned when they heard this, and suddenly started laughing again. Zhang Sanbai was so angry that he suddenly became furious. Only the rioters understood it, and ordered the soldiers to be selected one by one, take off their clothes, and beat each of them three to five times with a stick before resting!

Military discipline was immediately tightened, and all the children and teenagers did not dare to speak.

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