Zhang Shun told Governor Zhang his intention. Governor Zhang spread his hands helplessly and said, "Look, my lord, I have so many craftsmen. In addition to blacksmiths, there are also coppersmiths and carpenters."

"Since the beginning of spring, we have been working day and night, clanking in the morning and evening, to build these farm tools. Now we have to order thousands of sickles, and the rebel artillery, armor, and hook guns may not be available for a while. "

"In my opinion, weapons, armor, and artillery are all prohibited by the imperial court, and it is most suitable for them to be made by our smelting camp. As for these farm tools, you only need to send someone to Yangcheng and spend some silver to buy them in one piece and use them. Why bother with it so much?"

Hearing this, Zhang Shun had no choice but to smile helplessly and said: "It's not impossible, it's impossible! Our army has strict military discipline and neither kills nor loots. How can we compare with other rebels?"

"Since I started the army, I first defrauded a large household in the city of tens of thousands of taels of silver in Zezhou City. Then when I helped the rebels out of trouble, I begged for 20,000 li of silver. Finally, in this Lushi County, I successively seized tens of thousands of taels of silver. That’s all.”

"Now that the army is running out of food, I have already ordered Li Baihu to spend all their silver and go to Huguang to buy food and grass. Now that there is not enough food, where can I have extra money to buy farm tools?"

Ever since he took over the manufacturing of border weapons, Governor Zhang had always had the idea of ​​casting heavy Hongyi cannons. It's just that the imperial court has its own laws, and all ordnance must be made according to the requirements of the border army, and Governor Zhang will not have the opportunity to use it.

Now that he had finally joined the rebel army, he thought he could flex his muscles, but he never thought that he would have to deal with these farm tools all day long. It was really "humiliating the hands of slaves"!

How could Zhang Shun not know what he was thinking? He had no choice but to console him: "Fortunately, the rebels opened up wasteland and cut down many trees, so the pain of logging was reduced. I heard that you have burned tens of thousands of kilograms of charcoal and started to make iron. Once everything is ready, You can open a furnace to smelt iron and cast thousands of kilograms of Hongyi cannon!"

Seeing that Zhang Shun was still thinking about this, Governor Zhang felt better, but he still couldn't help but muttered: "Tomorrow comes tomorrow, there are so many tomorrows! When the officers and soldiers come to kill the generals, no matter how much food they have, it will be in vain other people."

Zhang Shun had no choice but to appease Governor Zhang and ordered him to build six to seven hundred hook guns for use by the new army.

There are two ways to install the gun head. One is called shackle installation, which is to make the rear end of the gun head into a cylindrical shape and put the gun handle into the cylinder of the gun head; the other is called truss installation, which is to install the gun head behind the handle. The end is made into an iron stem and then clamped into the handle of the gun, similar to how an arrow is installed.

During the Warring States Period, weapons with mounted spearheads were called spears, while weapons with mounted spearheads were called beryllium or gallium. The two shapes were clearly distinguished.

The first method is labor-intensive to build and easy to install; the second method is simple to build and complicated to install. Both methods have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Originally, except for weapons such as long-handled broadswords and three-pointed two-edged knives, which were still mounted in casings, casings on gun heads have become the mainstream of this era. However, if the hook gun adopts the first assembly method, it will easily cause the gun head to fall off during hook cutting.

When Governor Zhang suggested to Zhang Shun to use trusses, Zhang Shun thought for a moment and asked instead: "If it is tiles, can it be guaranteed to rarely fall off?"

Governor Zhang just wanted to save work, but he didn't think much more. Seeing Zhang Shun asking, he was stunned for a moment, and then muttered: "In any case, the casing is slightly better than the hook, and it is not so easy to fall off."

Zhang Shun knew what he was thinking, so he shook his head and arranged: "These more than 600 hook guns must not be made with me and made into one piece. It's just that when the gun head and handle are made, a gap needs to be left for nailing them." , be careful not to fall off!”

Governor Zhang almost cried when he heard this. He finally wanted to save some effort, but he never thought that he would be in trouble again. Instead, he had to build an extra set of nails.

Zhang Shun explained the matter clearly and returned to his residence with satisfaction. As a result, as soon as he entered the house, before Liu Rushi could bring him tea, Wukong reported: "Tao Taigong of Taojiawan has come to pay homage!"

Zhang Shun could not rest for a moment, so he had no choice but to order Wukong to bring him in.

Tao Taigong is the head of Taojiawan, and his status is similar to Master Lu of Sanchuanji. Since the rebel army occupied Taojiawan, Tao Taigong "a man who knows the current affairs is a wise man", so he changed his family and worshiped under Zhang Shun. After each market, he paid Zhang Shun 50% of the profits.

At the previous fair in Taojiawan, I happened to make a small fortune, so I eagerly came over to please Zhang Shun.

Tao Taigong was over sixty years old, and his back was as serious as a prawn. He bowed tremblingly to Zhang Shun, and the two sat down separately. Zhang Shun frowned. Seeing how old this man was, he was worried that something might happen to him in his village, so he decided to drive him back.

When Liu Rushi served tea, the two chatted for a while and communicated their feelings. Tao Taigong ordered someone to offer one hundred and thirty-three taels of silver.

Zhang Shun ordered his people to take inventory, put them away, and then wanted to serve tea to the guests. Please do not send them far away!

Unexpectedly, Tao Taigong was observing his words and expressions, and knew that Zhang Shun didn't want to see him, so he felt uneasy. He quickly stood up and said: "The official business is over, but there are still some private matters to disturb King Shun. The old man got a treasure from his predecessor and did not dare to use it on his own. I brought it here specially and presented it to King Shun personally!"

When Zhang Shun heard this, he wondered: What treasures could there be in this remote and remote area? Could it be that he was just lucky enough to pick up a piece of nugget? Although this thing is good, it is a treasure to an individual, but to tens of thousands of rebels, it is actually worth nothing!

Zhang nodded casually to see what tricks he was showing off. When Tao Taigong saw that Zhang Shun agreed, he shouted loudly: "Taojiawan offers a treasure!"

After finishing speaking, a young woman of fifteen or sixteen years old came forward holding a tray covered with red cloth in her hands.

Zhang Shun watched the woman for a moment, and when he saw her clear eyes and pretty face, he became a little distracted.

He was about to ask what kind of treasure it was, but unexpectedly, the woman looked shy and almost dropped the tray in her hand.

Tao Taigong was shocked when he saw this and quickly put down the crutch in his hand. Like a tiger, he pounced forward and managed to stabilize the tray in the girl's hand.

Tao Taigong then wiped the cold sweat from his head and said with a forced smile: "This is a young granddaughter. She is young and ignorant. She never wanted to be frightened by King Shun's power. She almost dropped the treasure and asked King Shun to punish her."

Zhang Shun was already here, so he didn't know what the old man was thinking. This is a two-for-one gift, buy one and get one free!

However, Zhang Shun felt a little frightened when he thought about his backyard where he almost caught fire. He smiled calmly and said, "What kind of treasure is it? Can you take a look?"

"The little old man is offering it to King Shun!" Tao Taigong smiled when he heard this, stretched out his hand, grabbed the red cloth and shook it, then shook it off.

I saw a burst of rays of light shining, and a cluster of multicolored crystals were displayed in front of the woman like coral, making the woman look like a fairy descending from the Nine Heavens to the mortal world.

Zhang Shun smiled and asked, "What is this?"

Tao Taigong said proudly: "This is a five-color water jade. It has captured the creation of heaven and earth and invaded the mystery of the sun and moon to become such a treasure. King Shun, please look at this object. It has five colors of green, yellow, red, white and black. It is the right color." It symbolizes the five virtues of gold, wood, water, fire and earth. No one in the world, except King Shun, can possess such a treasure."

Zhang Shun looked at it for a long time and felt happy. What do you think, this so-called "multicolored jade" is actually just a large piece of multicolored crystal.

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