Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 426 Returning Hometown

Zhang Shun saw that Liu Rushi was cute and cute, so he didn't punish her. Hearing her tell the truth, he was just amused.

He originally thought that women like Li Sanniang who did not conform to ancient aesthetics would be called "ugly girls". How could he have thought that beauties like Hong Niangzi and Li Xiang would become "half-beautiful" ugly girls just because they did not have their feet bound? .

However, as a person of later generations, Zhang Shun naturally has a sense of arrogance. Anyway, as long as I like it, I don’t care what you perverts say behind your back.

After thinking about this, Zhang Shun patted Liu Rushi's butt and said with a smile: "If you don't pack your things quickly, if your lady hears you bitching here, I'm afraid she won't have a good life in the future!"

Liu Rushi was suddenly startled and let out a soft cry. He quickly jumped down and hurriedly picked up the remaining tea cups.

Zhang Shun didn't care about her or him, he stood up and thought: Now the rebel army seems to be on the right track, but in fact there are thousands of things that can affect the whole body.

Although the three thousand old soldiers he had led had been waiting for an opportunity to repair themselves for a while. However, the weapons, armors and horses have still not been replenished. Whether or not I personally take charge of the daily training, there must be a lot of slack.

Although farming has begun, the land is barren and mountainous, and there is a lack of seeds, fertilizers, agricultural tools, and other supplies. The weather is now severely dry, and it is not known how much harvest will be achieved by the end of the year.

As the saying goes, "If you don't know how expensive firewood and rice are, you don't know how expensive firewood and rice are." There are seven things to do every day when opening the door: "firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, tea". More than ten thousand rebels spend money like water, and they can't stop it for a moment.

Zhang Shun led the rebel army and hooked up with the Lushi County Magistrate and gentry, and was able to occupy the town, two cities, and six miles away. However, he still could not feed his soldiers well, and he had to find other financial resources.

The nearby gold and iron mines have been brought under the control of the rebels, and today the so-called "water jade mine" should also be included. It's just a trickle that doesn't make a river. It's just a drop in the bucket for the rebels' daily expenses.

After all the calculations, a windfall is needed to ensure future expenses. What's more, today is a time of great strife. It's like sailing against the current. If you don't advance, you will retreat. If the army cannot be rapidly expanded, it will still be a dead end.

Thinking of this, Zhang Shun said hello to Liu Rushi and went to look for Song Xiance, Zhang Shenyan and others.

After searching for a long time, the two of them went to work, and Zhang Shun finally gave up.

At this time, Wang Jinyi, who was following him, hesitated for a moment and said to Zhang Shun: "My lord, Jinyi has been away from home for a long time and misses his wife very much. There is nothing going on with the rebel army. I want to go back to my hometown in Huaiqing Mansion and take care of my wife." The mother-in-law at home took it over and stayed here for a while!"

Zhang Shun was a little resistant when he heard this. The rebels didn't have enough food. If they had a few more mouths, wouldn't it be even more insufficient?

Wang Jinyi was smart and said something quickly, completely dispelling Zhang Shun's worries.

In this case, Zhang Shun remembered something again and said to Wang Jinyi: "This trip back to my hometown covers a distance of six to seven hundred miles. Since I made a trip, you can bring ten people back with me and help me find Zhao Zhao. Carp.”

"This man is the grandson of Zhao Yutou. He helped me cross the river in the cold winter to find the 'River God' Huang Shoucai. Now there is still no news and I don't know what happened!"

Wang Jinyi agreed one by one, and then said goodbye and prepared to leave early the next morning.

Zhang Shun hesitated for a moment, then went back and asked Liu Rushi to wrap the colorful crystals and let him take them to Luoyang for sale.

When Liu Rushi heard this, Lao Gao pouted, but he was reluctant to let go. It turns out that this woman is quite similar to the Western dragon, and has never been able to resist shiny and valuable objects.

After the Tao Taigong sent the colorful crystals, he placed them in Li Xiang's house, and served them with plum blossoms.

Li Xiang was originally from a wealthy family, so he was used to it, so it was okay. It's just that Liu Rushi was born in a dusty place and has always valued gold, silver and jewelry, so she became a little temperamental.

Zhang Shun had no choice but to console him and said: "This thing can't be eaten and drunk. It's not a good thing. Why not exchange it for some money? If I become rich in the future, I will give you some more jewelry!"

How could Liu Rushi believe her? Just a reminder: "You still owe me one hundred and thirty-six taels in ransom money!"

All of this money was paid by Li Baihu when he signed the contract with her. After she was kicked out of the Zhou Mansion, all her valuable jewelry had been pawned, so where could she still have any property?

Only these two thousand yuan were all she had. If Zhang Shun swallowed it, what would it become?

If I sell myself and then spend the money on my master's family, doesn't it mean that I have been his slave for free?

Zhang Shun didn't know what was going on in Liu Rushi's heart, so he had no choice but to coax: "I'll see the red lady later and ask for two or three hundred taels. Can we add two to one and divide it privately?"

Hearing this, Liu Rushi couldn't help but shaved his face, and said mockingly: "I'm not ashamed, I took this woman's money and gave it to that woman, you can't say this!"

"I'm busy with official duties all day long, how can I have time to earn money to spend?" Zhang Shun retorted after hearing this, but after saying this, he felt strange.

Liu Rushi saw that Zhang Shun was really an honest man, so he didn't stop him. She took a package, stuffed it with some rags, then wrapped it up carefully, handed it to Zhang Shun and said: "Then it's settled. If I can get three hundred taels of silver from the red lady, we can do it each time." Half, and the rest will be used as interest!”

Zhang Shun agreed casually and handed the crystal package to Wang Jinyi. Wang Jinyi was so moved that he immediately knelt down and said, "My lord, I have no reward for my merits. How could I, Wang Jinyi, be so virtuous and capable that I should be rewarded with such a valuable treasure by my lord?"

"As long as you know it!" Zhang Shun would have kicked it if he wasn't afraid of accidentally hitting the five-colored crystal, "You kid wants to eat it. I got this treasure with great difficulty, and I want you to get it from Luoyang." Sell ​​it in exchange for some silver."

Wang Jinyi felt at ease now and couldn't help but smile awkwardly: "Don't worry, my lord, I will definitely fulfill my mission!"

After Wang Jinyi left, Li Xiang came out and said to Zhang Shun: "I never interfere in outside matters, but now I need to remind you. If this person is greedy for money, ignores this colorful crystal, and never returns to the rebel army, but what? Is good?"

Zhang Shun smiled and shook his head and said: "He helped me save his life, but I have never repaid him. If so, it is just Zhang's money to buy his life!"

Zhang Shun was free and easy, but Wang Jinyi was not so bold. Ever since he got the colorful crystal, he was afraid of losing it. Not only did I wrap it with rags several times, but I also carried it on my back, and I felt at ease.

On the second day, Liu Yinggui selected ten smart soldiers, carrying weapons, and followed him eastward toward Huaiqing Mansion.

Thank you to fans "Lijia2zhuang" for the reward, thank you for your support!

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