Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 431 Collapse at the First Touch

It is said that Tang Jiuzhou, the deputy general of Changping, felt a little timid when he saw "Ge Liyan", and he quickly shouted: "How dare a nobody dare to be so rampant? If King Shun comes in person, I will be afraid! You are a man who pretends to be a tiger and a fox. Why should I be afraid?"

"Ge Liyan" was a straight man. He laughed loudly when he heard this and said sarcastically: "You are a blind person, my grandpa is following King Shun to catch you!"

Hearing this, Tang Jiuzhou also laughed and said, "Well done! Come and catch one, and catch a pair. If you line up and come one by one, it will be troublesome. Now that you come together, it will save me the trouble of going back and forth." !”

After saying that, Tang Jiuzhou returned to the main formation in a swaggering manner, regardless of "Ge Liyan"'s scolding.

When he arrived at the main formation, Tang Jiuzhou quickly touched the cold sweat on his forehead and shouted: "Retreat!" Not caring about the condition of his soldiers, he actually turned around and ran away with his horse in light clothes!

This time, "Grey Eyes" was stunned. Seeing this guy's impassioned look, he even said he was going to fight to the death. Unexpectedly, after hearing the name of King Shun, this guy didn't even dare to test him, but turned around and ran away! I'm afraid this is what scholars call "fleeing upon hearing the news"!

Not only "Ge Liyan" was stunned, but Yu Dazhong, Chen Changzhen, and Zhang Shun were also stunned. Everyone was beating gongs and drums in front of each other. We had just started the battle, but before the fight started, why did this guy turn into Rufeng?

Fortunately, Zhang Shun responded quickly. Seeing that this guy was about to run away, he quickly gave an order, ordering Liu Cheng, "King Zuo Jin" and "Ge Liyan" to each lead five hundred fine cavalry, set up nets on three sides and rush towards the officers and soldiers.

Yu Dazhong's troops, as surrendered troops, were placed on the left and right wings by Tang Jiuzhou during the formation, while the Changping Army led by Tang Jiuzhou himself was in the center.

When Tang Jiuzhou turned around and fled, the experienced Changping Army immediately reacted and immediately divided into dozens of groups ranging from fifty to one to two hundred people, scattered and fled.

The miners under Yu Dazhong did not have that much experience in escaping, and they were immediately confused and at a loss.

And Yu Dazhong himself didn't react. He never expected that the official who was so aggressive just now turned around and ran away. Don't these people know what shame is?

Yu Dazhong did have some backbone, but later he realized that this backbone was probably even more shameful than the official who ran away from the enemy!

The "Mao Gourd", composed of thousands of miners under Yu Dazhong, has become a local overlord, and the government cannot control it.

Although he was severely defeated by Chen Changzhen in the previous battle and lost five to six hundred people, he just thought that he was unlucky.

Since ancient times, there has been no general who is always victorious, and there is a saying that victory or defeat is a common thing for military strategists. Yu Dazhong did not think that the reason for his defeat in the last battle was his own lack of strength, and his ability to use troops was not as good as that of the enemy.

So this time Yu Dazhong came back again and brought nearly 3,000 soldiers and horses under his command, hoping to avenge the shame of natural defeat.

However, although these miners are fierce and tenacious, they grow up in the mountains. Where have they seen the momentum of a cavalry charge?

Even by the standards of Mongolian horses, the shoulder height of commonly used war horses is more than four feet. Coupled with the height of the cavalryman himself, the overall height is more than seven feet. The man and the horse combined are almost as tall as Yao Ming, or even taller.

The weight of the war horse is more than five or six hundred kilograms. With the cavalry and weapons and armor, the overall weight is also more than seven or eight hundred kilograms.

Such a huge thing came galloping forward, the earth shook, and the mere visual and auditory impact was enough to make people feel heartbroken.

What's more, more than a thousand cavalry charge together, which is like a roaring mountain and a tsunami, and the sky is shattering. The ferocious Yu Dazhong himself turned pale with fright when he saw it from a distance, let alone the other miners who were facing the rushing rebel cavalry.

Yu Dazhong trembled and then realized that if he could not withstand the "thief"'s attack, he would probably be wiped out. After all, how could two legs outrun four?

I know my own affairs, and the reason why I can show off my power and control the wind and rain is not just because of the financial resources of the silver-iron-lead mines and the miners who control these mines.

If I had lost the power of these miners today, based on what I had done in the past, I am afraid that I would die in some unknown ravine tomorrow.

Yu Dazhong also became violent and quickly whipped the miners who were too frightened to move. He shouted desperately: "Put your spear on the ground quickly and place it diagonally to resist the impact of the cavalry!"

Previously, they were worried that Yu Dazhong's "Congyi Army" would disperse in a flurry, so Tang Jiuzhou briefly explained how they could resist the cavalry attack, which was better than nothing.

In an emergency situation, how could Yu Dazhong manage so much? He only regarded this as a life-saving straw, and quickly ordered his soldiers to form a spear formation to resist.

But in the past, these miners said that the spear formations they trained were all for fighting infantry. How could they know how to resist the impact of cavalry? Under the pressure of the rebel cavalry's attack, they were in a state of confusion and chaos.

I don't know who started it, but suddenly abandoned the spear in his hand and burrowed into the surrounding areas with rugged terrain and lush forests.

One person takes the lead, and thousands follow. After all, everyone is not stupid, and they have realized at this time that no matter how sharp your cavalry is, you will not be able to penetrate deep into the mountains and jungles. Regardless of what happens to you, Yu Dazhong, let’s save our lives first.

It's too late, but it's soon. The rebel army started from scratch, to galloping and preparing to charge, but only in a matter of seconds. But before the rebels could rush forward, the thieves began to disperse.

How could two or three thousand people escape so fast? People were bumping into each other, crowded together, and many people were helpless. Before they had time to run out of the formation, they were rushed to disperse by the rebel cavalry, taking many lives away.

Cavalry combat is different from infantry combat. The cavalry seems to be far away, but it can arrive in an instant with the help of horse power. The infantry often had no time to react and were killed by the cavalry's swords.

This is also the reason why most infantry formations to defend against the impact of cavalry prefer to place one end of their spears on the ground to act as a barrier against horses. If you try to use a longer gun to deal with the oncoming cavalry, you will easily be killed on the spot by the cavalry using a shorter weapon due to courage, skill, etc., if you make a slight mistake.

Generally speaking, infantry riding on foot require greater courage, superior skills, greater strength and tenacity to barely survive.

Obviously, these "mao gourds" who are mainly miners are insufficiently trained and are far from qualified to complete such an arduous task.

As a result, Yu Dazhong's troops collapsed at the first touch, and the battle turned into a one-sided, one-way massacre. At this time, Yu Dazhong finally understood why Tang Jiuzhou and other officials had to run so fast. If they had run too late, they might not be able to escape.

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