Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 44 Things Backfired

It turned out that Zhang Shun saw that Zhang Shenyan was also named Zhang, and threatened him that if he didn't obey, he would falsely claim to be his son and spread the news everywhere. In this way, Zhang Shenyan not only failed to be a loyal minister, but also had to have his house confiscated and exterminated by Emperor Chongzhen to whom he was loyal.

I have to say that Zhang Shun's move was very shameless and the effect was very good. Zhang Shenyan was so anxious that he was at a loss as to what to do. So Zhang Shun took the opportunity to say: "Following me does not necessarily mean you will become a thief. It is not necessarily wrong for you to be a Xu Shu who enters Cao's camp without saying a word!"

Zhang Shunxin thought: I can't get your heart, but I also want to get your person. As long as you follow me, there are many ways to deal with you slowly.

Zhang Shenyan thought for a long time and said angrily: "I am not your father and you are not my son. This is already disloyal. How can I be unfilial?"

Zhang Shun chuckled and said nothing. Zhang Shenyan said helplessly: "That's all, let you go. I don't know where I will die because of my old bones."

Zhang Shun was overjoyed when he heard this and said: "My true sub-father! Wukong lets go of this man for now."

"Ignorant of knowledge and skills!" Zhang Shenyan said angrily, "The master of Yafu is Overlord Xiang Ji, a warrior who will die without a burial place."

"That's what Yafu taught you!" Zhang Shun was not angry either.

"Since you want me to follow you, then let me say goodbye to my family first. It's just a matter of childishness. I'm afraid you might see the joke, so just stay at the door. I don't know if you're afraid of me. Are you going to climb over the wall to escape?" Zhang Shenyan said excitedly.

"No matter where you are, it's hard to keep track of Yafu's words. Shun, please believe Yafu." Zhang Shun promised with his chest raised.

"That's very good." Zhang Shenyan patted the dust on his body and walked into the room with a swagger, regardless of Zhang Shun's soldiers and horses around him. Zhang Shun's subordinates immediately looked at each other: Is this the surrender? What about the promised death day for loyal ministers?

At this time, Zhang Shun also felt that the matter was inexplicably smooth, but thinking from his perspective, it was actually understandable. Since ancient times, it is difficult to have both loyalty and filial piety. In ancient times, loyalty to ministers and righteousness was mostly a matter of personal integrity. After the Death Festival, which family's descendants did not become scholars and later dynasties? If one's family is involved because of loyalty, it is indeed possible to sacrifice loyalty to protect filial piety and the country to protect family.

Unfortunately, Zhang Shun did not know that in history, when the peasant army captured Yangcheng, Zhang Shenyan's son jumped off a cliff and died. However, after the death of the Ming Dynasty, Zhang Shenyan suffered from gangrene on his back and died without taking medicine. Father and son are both loyal ministers and righteous men, how can they surrender thieves at will?

When Zhang Shenyan walked into the house, his son's face showed a serious and responsible expression. Zhang Shenyan pretended not to know, and Wuzi and his wife, concubines, and grandchildren cried and expressed their feelings of farewell. After waiting for a while, I guessed that no one was watching, so I looked through the crack of the window and door to make sure that no one was there. Then he whispered to his son Zhang Luxuan: "Luxuan, please remember that after I leave, you will tell me everything you need to do to patrol Song Tongyin: If this thief Zhang is not eliminated, the Ming Dynasty will be in danger!"

"There are only two thieves on the left and right, so why are you here?" The son asked strangely.

"I have been a father and an official for many years, and I have traces of all kinds of people, but I have never seen such a wild and unconstrained person. In order to seek talents, he is willing to accept someone as his father. He is really a traitor and evil person. He is willing to surrender and seek perfection. He has great desires, but he must not act like this unless he has great ambitions. This person thinks that in the eyes of his father, he is as ruthless as a Han Dynasty, as treacherous as Wei Wu, as forbearing as Gou Jian, and as ambitious as Huang Chao. If he gains power, I am afraid that the Ming Dynasty will not be preserved. , the people of the world will not be at peace!" Zhang Shenyan said seriously.

"My son will definitely fulfill his mission!" Seeing the seriousness of his father's words, Zhang Luxuan immediately promised to complete the mission. Then his son thought about it and asked, "Then my father is in the enemy camp, how can he escape?"

"You feed tigers with your body, how dare you seek safety? Why do you dedicate yourself to serving the country!" Zhang Shenyan said easily.

After hearing this, his son Zhang Luxuan said nothing and bowed to Zhang Shenyan, knowing that he would die.

Afterwards, Zhang Shenyan put away his expression, pushed the door open and walked out. At this time, I couldn't help but hear Zhang Shun laughing and saying: "Since I know that Yafu will never abandon me, what do you think?"

Both sides expressed their admiration for Zhang Shun's judgment. Zhang Shun happily stepped forward to support Zhang Shenyan and said, "Father, don't you bring some luggage?"

"Oh? Do you still need an old man like me to bring your own dry food in your camp?" Zhang Shenyan said sarcastically.

"No matter where you are, let alone you, Yafu, even if your whole family comes over, we can all afford it!" Zhang Shun is not a talkative person.

"Hmph!" Zhang Shenyan said directly without wasting any time arguing with him, "I am already fifty-three years old this year. I cannot travel far. If I don't have someone to help me, I will die on the road."

"Where can I let my father walk? I have an ox cart here, which is quite simple and can be used as a means of transportation. I hope my father won't be offended." Zhang Shun said with a smile.

Zhang Shenyan stopped talking and climbed onto the bullock cart since ancient times. Zhang Shun saw that he was old and quickly helped him to the car. At this time, Chinese vehicles did not have shock-absorbing technology, and horse-drawn carriages were mostly bumpy and difficult to move. Refined people often traveled in ox-carts, which was not an insult to such a high-ranking official.

When he got into the car, Zhang Shun's face turned cold. He wasn't particularly suspicious of him seeking refuge at first, but now he saw that he didn't even bring his luggage, which was enough to show that this person had ulterior motives. In this way, whether you have recruited a talent or a disaster depends on your own methods.

Tuncheng Village is where the Qinshui River is shallow, and across the river is Wangchuan Village. Zhang Shun and others had no interest in disturbing other villages and headed west. Along the way, Zhang Shenyan didn't speak. He just asked for some food when he was hungry and some water when he was thirsty.

At this time, Zhang Shun was no longer in a relaxed mood. Originally, I avoided the city and moved around. Unless I was very unlucky and bumped into officers and soldiers, I was not in a hurry to find the peasant army that came from Shaanxi.

Now that I have Zhang Shenyan with me, I am trapped in a cocoon. Zhang Shun originally recruited a talent, but now it seems that he has brought a burden. I don't know how the Zhang family will respond after they leave, and whether they will report their whereabouts to the government.

After several days of this, Zhang Shun and the others finally arrived at the boundary of Qinshui County. However, Zhang Shun heard bad news. It turns out that the peasant army attacked Qinshui County in April and killed the officer and soldier Ning Wu guarding Meng Zhong. Later, guerrilla general Zhang Zan came to support, but the peasant army was in a bad situation and had already retreated to the eldest son.

Changzi County is located to the north of Qinshui County and belongs to the territory of Luzhou. Zhang Shun had no choice but to quickly direct his troops to turn north. Zhang Shun explored and inquired about the news all the way, and learned that the peasant army wandering nearby was Lao Huihui, Ba Jingang and other tribes, and their leader was Zijin Liang. At first glance, he sounds like a cannon fodder figure, but he is not the "Chuang King" Li Zicheng as he imagined.

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