Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 442 To Surrender or Not to Surrender

Fu Yuren and Liu Jiangyue were slow to react originally, but they were even more confused after hearing Zhang Shun's words.

On the contrary, Wei Zhiyou's face changed drastically when he heard this. Before he could stop shouting, he saw that the five hundred elites he had brought abandoned their weapons and knelt down to surrender.

They shouted one after another: "King Shun is the commander-in-chief of the rebel army, how can we dare to be enemies with King Shun? In the past, it was impossible to see King Shun, but now we are lucky enough to meet him, and we swear to follow King Shun to the death!"

He Fu, Fu Yuren, Liu Jiangyue and Xu Quan, the magistrates of Song County, had never seen such a situation before, and they immediately looked at each other and were at a loss.

It turns out that "thieves do not kill thieves" is the default principle among the rebels. What's more, everyone had to deal with the officers and soldiers together in Shanxi before. Only by working together to kill the enemy can we have a chance of survival. This is a life-and-death relationship between "the same person". How can it be changed in a moment?

When "Chuang Jiang" and others crossed the Yellow River and attacked Song County. The reason why these people were willing to follow Wei Zhiyou and surrender the officers and soldiers was just because they were pessimistic and disappointed about the future of the rebel army.

Among them, the most indignant thing among these five hundred elites was that "King Shun" saved the rebel army in danger. On the one hand, he used his troops like a god and defeated the officers and soldiers countless times; on the other hand, he provided strong support, so that the rebels had no shortage of food.

As a result, after they followed "Chuang Jiang" and others, they were as panicked as a lost dog. Not only did he hide in Tibet all day long, he even went hungry and had a full meal, no doubt like the hungry people who were fleeing.

We are not afraid of not knowing the goods, but we are afraid of comparing goods. Comparing the two, everyone remembered the merits of King Shun. But they didn't know where King Shun was going, so they had no choice but to follow Wei Zhiyou and surrender the officers and soldiers in order to have enough food for one day.

As a result, no one would have thought that "there is no place to be found after breaking through iron shoes, and it takes no effort to get it." King Shun suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

What's more, King Shun now leads one or two thousand troops, and his own talents are only 500. If we don't surrender now, when will we wait?

Is it possible that everyone still wants to be a dog to the officers and soldiers, and in turn turn against King Shun? Is that still a person?

Zhang Shun was just shouting, but he didn't expect that he would be able to respond to a hundred responses. Five hundred of the most combat-effective elites in Song County turned their backs on the spot and defected to him.

Zhang Shun was surprised and happy, and quickly ordered Liu Cheng to lead people to take in the five hundred troops. At this moment, where are there any soldiers capable of fighting in Song County?

If we still defend the city, we can still let the county men and women lead Dingzhuang villagers in the city to attack bravely. If it were a field battle, how could people like myself be the elite opponents of King Shun?

After Zhang Shun preached, "If you don't kill or loot, life in the city will be the same as before" and "Killing someone is like killing my father, humiliating someone is like humiliating my mother", the gentry in the city surrendered without hesitation.

Zhang Shun ordered He Jin, He Yilong and others to restrain the soldiers and occupied the county seat of Song County without any bloodshed.

Since Zhang Shun occupied the county seat of Song County, he casually ordered people to kill the black pigs and white sheep owned by the magistrate He Fubei and prepare them for a banquet. He personally hosted a banquet at the Songxian county government office for the city's wealthy gentry, members of the public, He Fu, Wei Zhiyou and others.

These were originally prepared by the magistrate He Fu, but now they are eaten in the mouth and drunk in the stomach, but they have no taste at all.

Fu Yuren, Liu Jiangyue, and some of the students gathered around He Fu, silently eating the food and wine.

At this time, Wei Zhiyou was quite drunk. He picked up a wine glass, walked to the magistrate He Fu with empty steps, raised the glass, and drank it in one gulp.

Wei Zhiyou then said: "There is no need to be discouraged, Mr. He. There are so many heroes in the world, and there are countless people who were defeated by King Shun. Song Tongyin, the governor of Shanxi, Zhang Zongheng, the governor of Xuanda, Deng Qi, the general of Sichuan, Ma Fengyi, the chieftain of Shizhu, Changping Deputy Commander Tang Jiuzhou is a hero in the world."

"When they met King Shun, they only escaped with their own lives, which is enough to boast! It is even more common for them to die and be defeated. He Gong was only a scribe, but now he has just become an official, and he can defeat such a fierce bandit as 'Chuang Jiang', which is enough Bragging.”

"Now that King Shun will neither kill nor plunder, it is the joy of Song County and also the joy of Mr. He. Now Mr. He is only over twenty years old. Given time, he may not be able to compete with King Shun for the length of a day!"

He Fu smiled bitterly and took a sip of wine, shook his head and said, "Compared to the sages, I can still claim to be young. Now King Shun is still childish and is less than twenty years old. How dare I be proud of my age?"

"A defeated general is not brave enough. Even if I want to do something in the future, how can King Shun sit still and wait for death? I'm afraid that by then, even if I want to see him, I won't be able to do it!"

Everyone was speechless when they heard what he said, and they couldn't even say "Why did He Gong 'enhance other people's ambitions and destroy his own prestige'?"

After the banquet broke up, Zhang took over Song County and will not leave for the time being. Every day, I would either go to the magistrate He Fu to talk about the principle of "the sages are the most holy", or I would ask for military pay and food from the big families in the city.

The big families in the city had swords and swords on their necks, so they didn't dare to disobey, so they had to randomly collect some silver and grain and deliver it to Zhang Shun to make up the number. For a time, Zhang Shun collected more than four thousand taels of silver and three to four hundred stones of grain and grass.

After all, it is just a county town and cannot be compared with the wealthy Zezhou City. Fortunately, this was not Zhang Shun's original intention, and he didn't care about anything.

But the county magistrate, He Fu, was very stubborn. Whenever he couldn't argue with Zhang Shun, he would say, "What King Shun said makes sense, but He Fu is stupid and can't understand its meaning. I only know that as a county official, I lost my country and the people." Suffering, the crime cannot be punished. If King Shun shows mercy, please take my life quickly, in the name of my loyalty!"

Zhang Shun had no choice but to persuade Wei Zhiyou to surrender. Wei Zhiyou was even a bachelor and said directly: "I don't understand those principles. I only know that 'you treat me as a national scholar, and I will repay you as a national scholar.' Now, I, Wei Zhiyou, am just a bachelor, so why should I be treated with such kindness?" , I can’t share my worries with him, I’m already so ashamed, how can I abandon him?”

"If King Shun can persuade Mr. He to follow him without using his words, I will follow him to the death. If Mr. He follows the example of the sages, I will honor his loyalty!"

As for Fu Yuren and Liu Jiangyue, although they did not report any expectations, Zhang Shun also paid a special visit, but they still received a rejection.

Good guys, both of them are so tight. Zhang Shun couldn't help but secretly cursed: Bad luck! How proud are these polished commanders?

Fortunately, Zhang Shun's stay here was not just to conquer his generation. They were even waiting for the baggage, artillery and infantry to arrive later.

Three or four days later, Chen Jindou arrived with about 1,100 infantrymen including Xiao Qinhu, Li Jiyu, "King of Chaos" and "King of Zhishi", as well as dozens of Li Shian's artillery pieces.

At this time, Zhang Shuncai said goodbye to the county magistrate He Fu and others: "This king's eastern expedition is intended to end the Ming Dynasty's three hundred years of destiny. As a minister of the Ming Dynasty, I hope you can report to the court truthfully!"

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