Luoyang is also known as "Luoyang", also known as Luojing, Luoyi and Shendu. After the Zhou Dynasty and the Shang Dynasty, the original capital of the Zhou Dynasty was far west of Haojing and could not control the old land of the Yin and Shang Dynasties. So King Wu of Zhou ordered Duke Zhou to find a new site and build a new capital.

Before the Zhou Dynasty, the idea of ​​heaven and man taking care of each other was popular. The emperors believed that gods lived in the sky and emperors should live in the earth.

Confucius said: To govern with virtue is like Beichen, who lives in his place and is supported by all the stars. This is the reaction of this idea of ​​worshiping "middle".

At the beginning of the Xia Dynasty, Yu made his capital Yangcheng, which was known as "the best in the world". As for Zhou Gong, he again measured the location of the world and the earth. He believed that the land of Luoyang was the center of the world, so he built Luoyi here.

And because the Luoyang Basin is surrounded by mountains and the Yiluo River flows through it, just like the word "中", this place is also called "the earliest China". The narrow meaning of "China" refers to the land of Heluo.

Although the land of Luoyang is not as dangerous as Guanzhong, it is protected by eight passes outside and has a high city and deep pool inside. Although the Henan Guard was established, it has long been unusable.

What's more, in order to cooperate with the governor of the five provinces Chen Qiyu to eliminate the rebels entrenched in western Henan, southern Shaanxi and other places, the new governor Xuan Mo has already selected capable warriors and personally led the army to station near the Inspection Department of Zhuyang Town, west of Lushi .

After Zhao Lizi captured Wangxi Gate at the north gate of Luoyang, Zhang Shun personally led Liu Cheng, He Jin and He Yilong and more than 1,500 cavalry under his command to arrive. The huge city of Luoyang fell into Zhang Shun's hands. middle.

When Zhang Shun came, he specially brought the armor and weapons of the two hundred warriors led by Zhao Lizi. After entering Wangxi Gate, Zhang Shun called Zhao Lizi and others to quickly put on armors and weapons, and ordered Liu Cheng, He Jin and He Yilong to seize Luoyang's East Jianchun Gate and Xili Jingmen respectively. and Nanchang Xiamen.

Seeing that all the soldiers around Zhang Shun were gone, Zhao Lizi couldn't help but worry and said: "My lord, please leave one or two hundred soldiers, just in case."

Zhang Shun couldn't help laughing when he heard this: "With you, 'Changshan Zhao Zilong' and two hundred warriors here, even if I'm in a dragon's pond and a tiger's den, why should I be afraid!"

Zhao Lizi couldn't help being deeply moved when he heard this, and quickly bowed: "With your lord's trust, even if I, Zhao Lizi, only have one breath, I will not let a young person harm your lord."

Zhang Shun laughed loudly when he heard this and said with approval: "It's rare for you to be so brave and loyal. I heard from Mr. Zhao that you never went to school to get calligraphy. There is an old saying: Carp leaps over the dragon's gate. Since you can cross the Yellow River on a winter night to find Huang Shoucai, you have worked hard. Yue has been completely transformed, why not just call him 'Zilong'!"

The storybook "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" was the most popular among the people in the late Ming Dynasty. Zhao Zilong, who was "full of courage", has always been the object of admiration among young people, and Zhao Lizi is not immune to this.

He couldn't help but be overjoyed when he heard this, and he quickly knelt down and said, "Thank you, Lord, for giving me the word. I will never let this word be humiliated!"

Zhang Shun quickly helped Zhao Lizi up, patted his strong and strong shoulder, and said with a smile: "In that case, let me put on the armor for General Zhao, and wait for you to kill seven in and seven out for me!"

Zhao Lizi didn't dare to say anything, and was about to refuse. How could Zhang Shun be willing to agree? He found that although Zhao Lizi was young, his abilities had improved a lot after many trainings and this experience.

Zhang Shun wanted to promote him, firstly, to enhance the status of old Chen Zhao Yutou, and secondly, to share the military power of his sworn brother Chen Changzhen.

He had already taken the opportunity to win over people's hearts, so he just smiled and said: "I just said that I would follow the example of Zhao Zilong and be so loyal and loyal. Why don't you even obey the lord's order?"

After saying that, Zhang Shanshang personally selected a piece of high-quality armor and put it on Zhao Lizi.

What Zhang Shun chose for Zhao Lizi was the most familiar classic Mingguang armor style: wearing a phoenix-winged helmet on the head, a body armor with a Mingguang breastplate on the front and back, and draped on both shoulders. The abdomen is first tied with a pillow-like "belly hug", and then the beast swallowing plastron and leg skirts are hung, and then the outfit is basically completed.

When Zhao Lizi finished dressing up, he indeed looked majestic, a bit like Changshan Zhao Zilong.

Zhao Zilong put the wrist-breaking knife away from his waist, and then guarded Zhang Shun with a spear.

Zhang Shun nodded with satisfaction, then smiled and said: "Wukong, Jicheng, and Ji Dan are enough for guarding. Now that you are dressed, quickly organize your troops with me and follow me to take the palace in the city." .”

It turns out that although Luoyang City is large, it is not just a residence for the people. Zhu Changxun, the favorite son of Emperor Wanli of the Ming Dynasty, went through fifteen years of "national disputes" and was ultimately unable to become the prince and inherit the throne of his family.

Feeling guilty, Emperor Wanli enfeoffed him in Luoyang as the King of Fortune, hoping that he could enjoy all the blessings in the world and live this life in this world in vain.

For this reason, Emperor Wanli not only rewarded Zhu Changxun with many properties, but also specially approved 380,000 taels of silver to build Prince Fu's Palace in Luoyang City.

Prince Fu's Mansion is large in scale, occupying almost one-third of the area of ​​Luoyang City. It reaches Xianqian Street in the east, Cross Street North in the west, Chayuan Street in the south, and Lianhua Temple in the north.

A wall of more than ten feet high was built around it, which was modeled after the Forbidden City of the capital. It was divided into two parts: the inner palace and the outer palace. The palace has four gates, all with gate towers, namely Zhenghua Gate in the south, Xihua Gate in the west, Donghua Gate in the east and Wangjing Gate in the north.

Zhang Shun, Zhao Zilong and others came from the north and were rushing to Wangjing Gate in the north. The north gate is the back gate of Prince Fu's Mansion. In front of the gate is a screen wall that is more than one foot high and three feet wide. Facing south, there is a relief sculpture of two dragons playing with beads, while facing north, there are four characters "The Emperor's Grace" written in large characters.

Although Zhang Shun is from a later generation, he has been in this era for a long time and understands the strict etiquette of this era to a certain extent.

Just looking at the majestic Prince Fu's Mansion and Zhaobi, I couldn't help but admire: "What a 'magnificent emperor's favor', Wangjing in the north. A vassal king is so rampant that the court does not dare to control it, which shows his aloof status."

When Prince Nafu heard that the rebels had entered the city, they had already closed their doors. Zhang Shun didn't take it seriously, and just ordered Wukong to step forward and shout: "King Shun raised his army for the common people. Now that we have entered Luoyang City, we have not seen King Fu. It is a pity. Now your King Fu is a king, and my King Shun is also a king." Your Majesty, you are closed to the public, why is this so?"

After hearing this, the people in the mansion couldn't help laughing and said: "The throne of this world should belong to my family, King Fu, but Xiao Xiao blocked it, so he condescended to be the king. Don't say that in this world, King Zhou, King Zhao, King Shen, and King Ning all belong to me. Compared to my King Fu, you, a bandit, dare to claim the title of king?"

Zhang Shun laughed angrily when he heard this, and said in person: "You dare to speak harshly even when you are about to die? I want to see what blessings you, the blessed king, have brought to the people of Luoyang. When I capture this mansion, the merits and demerits will be revealed to the people of the world. Comment!”

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