Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 472 Jiangzhou Han Lin

At dawn the next day, Zhang got up diligently. He twisted a pinch of green salt, chewed a willow branch, and then washed his teeth carefully.

Just after she finished washing, she saw Ma Yingniang slowly crawling out of the tent, yawning. Zhang Shun quickly spat out the salty and bitter green salt in his mouth, drank two more mouthfuls of water and rinsed his mouth, and said to her: "I have soaked the willow branches. Come and wash up!"

After shouting, Zhang Shun looked at her tired face with dark circles under her eyes, and asked strangely: "What's wrong? You didn't rest last night, okay?"

Ma Yingniang got angry after hearing this, stared at her and shouted as if she was looking for trouble: "I didn't sleep well! What's wrong?"

Zhang Shun was confused and simply ignored her with a shrug.

Ma Yingniang got even more excited, grabbed a willow branch, and muttered something like "I sleep like a pig, I can really sleep".

After finishing cleaning up, Zhang took Wukong, Ma Yingniang and a dozen guards into Jiangzhou City to visit Han Lin, the emperor of Jiangzhou.

The Han family is a large family in Jiangzhou. In terms of family status, he is the sixth grandson of Han Zhong, the minister of the Ministry of Industry in Nanjing. The elder brother Han Yun was not only a high-ranking official, but also the prefect of Xuzhou.

The Han family has two elite families, and is even close to the Duan family, a big family in the city. It is a well-known family in Jiangzhou.

Therefore, when Zhang Shun arrived in the city, he easily found out where the Han Mansion was and handed him a greeting card.

On this day, Han Lin happened to be studying scriptures at home. He heard his servant come to report: "There is a man outside who calls himself Zhang Shun and comes to pay homage to the master."

Han Lin was watching carefully, then he waved his hand impatiently and said, "I've never heard of Zhang Shun and Zhang Ni. He must be an idle guy who came here to have a meal, so send him away!"

The servant turned around and left. After taking two steps, he seemed to have remembered something, and then came back to report: "This person is extremely popular, and he has more than ten servants with him. I'm afraid he is not just a freeloader!"

When Han Lin heard this, he couldn't help but said: It seems to be helpful to our teaching. Let's see what he thinks of my teaching!

So Han Lin ordered his servants to bring Zhang Shun and others in.

Zhang Shun came in and had a face-to-face meeting with Han Lin. He saw that the man was about thirty-four or five years old, with fair skin, a tall figure, and long body and long shoulders.

Wearing a military uniform, he looked so peaceful and cheerful.

But Zhang Shun was not moved, because when he was brought into the house by the servants of the Han family, for some reason, he felt that the decoration pattern had a strong sense of violation. What's more, seeing the person named Han Lin, the sense of disobedience became even stronger.

As the host, Han Lin greeted him with a smile: "It's great to have friends from far away! May I ask where my friends come from? Where are you going?"

Zhang Shun did not want to start the topic so quickly, so he smiled and said: "The poor monk came from the Tang Dynasty in the east and wants to go to the west to worship Buddha and ask for marriage!"

Han Lin was also a wonderful person, but he thought it was Zhang Shun's accent, and he couldn't tell the difference between "ki" and "classic". He also smiled and said: "It's fate that you come to me to seek scriptures! I have several volumes of the God's Sutra. Would the guests like to take a look?"

Zhang Shun finally understood what was going on with this sense of dissonance. Han Lin was a Christian, and the room and some of the decorations contained some religious connotations.

Zhang Shun asked meaningfully: "If I read the Buddhist scriptures, I can become a Buddha, if I read the Taoist scriptures, I can become an immortal, if I read the Confucian scriptures, I can become a saint. I wonder if if I read the Divine Scriptures, can I become a god?"

When Han Lin heard this, he couldn't help but became furious, his face darkened and he said: "Arrogant! So, if the guest rebels, can he also become the emperor?"

Zhang Shun raised his palms and smiled and said: "It's because Mr. Han knows that I have a certain surname and given name Zhang in reverse order. People in the world call me King Shun. Now I am here in person to invite Mr. Han to join me and become the emperor of the ages." Industry!"

After all, Han Lin is also a person with a good reputation, and his brother Han Yun is an official in the court, so the news is not closed.

That "King Shun" led thirty-six rebels to defeat Zhang Zongheng, the governor of Xuan in Shanxi, killed Song Tongyin, the governor of Shanxi, and Deng Qi, the commander-in-chief of Sichuan, and captured Ma Fengyi, the chieftain of Shizhu. He was famous for being able to stop children crying at night, and Han Lin. How could you not know?

When Zhang Shun was at his peak, Han Lin began to consider uniting the gentry in the city to write to the court and build an enemy fort in Jiangzhou according to Western methods to protect the countryside.

So when he heard that the person in front of him was the notorious "King Shun" Zhang Shun, his liver and gallbladder suddenly split and his face turned pale.

After finally calming down, Han Lin's mouth trembled and he said, "The guest is joking! The rebel king 'King Shun' has already left Henan, why are you here?"

Zhang Shun smiled and said: "Isn't this for you? In the past, Uncle Liu Huang visited the thatched cottage three times to invite Zhuge. Although I don't dare to boast of being Uncle Liu, I have to come in person to show my sincerity, right?"

Ma Yingniang stood behind Zhang Shun, biting her lip, wanting to laugh but not daring to laugh out loud for fear of destroying the atmosphere created by Zhang Shun. She endured it very hard.

She has always wondered why she fell in love with Zhang Shun inexplicably, and even though the other person ignored her, she loved him so much.

At this moment, she understood, because Zhang Shun was such a man who could laugh and scold well and do whatever he wanted without going beyond the limit.

He is not humble when he sees those in high status, and is not arrogant when he sees those in low status. No matter what the difficulties are, he is not desperate or pessimistic. He can always come up with all kinds of strange and weird ways.

Let’s not talk about how he looks like such a man, but which woman in love wouldn’t like him?

Of course Zhang Shun didn't know that he had transformed into a "walking hormone", he just stared at Han Lin and Han Yugong.

Zhang Shun is not what he used to be, and he is not what he used to be under Wu Xiameng. All his power was reflected in his sharp eyes, giving Han Lin the greatest sense of oppression.

Although Han Lin was more than ten years older than Zhang Shun, Zhang Shun was sweating profusely when he saw him. After a long while, Han Lin finally plucked up the courage to ask: "King Shun is here, and there are only dozens of people around him. Aren't you afraid that Han will sue the officials?"

"Officer? Zhang has traveled thousands of miles across Shanxi and Henan. Who can stop him? I heard that 'God loves the world'. If Han Gong wants to disobey the Lord's teachings, he might as well give it a try. I don't know, this quiet and peaceful Jiangzhou City is a must. Go through some fighting!”

"You, you, you!" Han Lin pointed at Zhang Shun fearfully, "How do you know the Lord's teachings!"

Zhang Shun thought to himself: I have seen many people who distributed pamphlets in later generations, and I have listened to a few words. This statement is indeed useful!

Han Lin was silent for a long time, and then whispered: "Guest, let me think about it, and I will give you a reply tomorrow!"

"Well, let my servants bother you for a while, and I'll be right back!" Zhang Shun stood up with a smile, and walked away with Ma Yingniang and five or six guards. Only Wukong and five or six guards were left staring at Han Lin.

There is another chapter tonight, I will update it later, I apologize. Last night, the author originally planned to update normally, so he did not take leave normally. Unexpectedly, something unexpected happened, something urgent was delayed, and everyone has been waiting for a long time. Here, the author would like to say sorry to everyone! In addition, thank you to the fan "Book Friends 20170928073337835" for the reward.

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