Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 487 Floating Bridge (Part 2)

It is said that after Cao Wenzhao built a pontoon bridge on the north bank of the Yellow River and connected it to Hezhou in the river, the commander-in-chief Mu Ziqiang and Zhang Quanchang could not help but admire him and said: "Commander Cao still has a way. No matter how cunning and vicious the thief is, We can only rule the roost on the road. Now that the floating bridges are connected, the thieves can only look back and sigh!"

Cao Wenzhao was also quite proud of himself, but he still said modestly: "Where, where! It all depends on the two of you working together. I guess the cannon seconded from Xuanfu will arrive soon due to Commander Zhang's favor. Relying on Commander Mu The Hongyi cannon seconded by me should arrive in seven or eight days at most."

"When the time comes, use cannons to guard the river island and use Hongyi cannons to bombard the other side. The officers and soldiers will take the opportunity to cross the river and defeat the enemy in front of them in one fell swoop and regain Luoyang City!"

Mu Ziqiang and Zhang Quanchang were overjoyed, and they quickly praised: "The little things we two did are just the icing on the cake. It must be easy to second some artillery with the reputation of General Cao. Just with the help of He The plan to build a pontoon bridge on the island was only possible thanks to General Cao."

"That's not the case," Cao Wenzhao was not arrogant and said with a smile, "Originally there was a pontoon bridge connecting the Yellow River, but it was later destroyed. If the magistrate of Nameng County hadn't given me some advice, I wouldn't have been able to do it. Know this."

"Now I'm just following the example of the ancients. It's just that it will take a day or two before the artillery arrives. You'd better be careful and don't let the thieves look for opportunities to destroy the bridge."

Mu Ziqiang and Zhang Quanchang responded quickly: "Don't worry, General Cao, we have recruited nearby fishermen and boatmen to set up boats to guard the left and right. But if a thief comes to attack, he will never come back!"

It turns out that Meng County on the other side of Mengjin Ferry is also a place where fishing boats and ferries flourish. There were also shipyards on the north bank of the Yellow River. Cao Wenzhao and others took the opportunity to requisition all related industries and personnel on the north bank of the Yellow River.

The shipyard was too late to build new ships, so Cao Wenzhao and others only ordered them to build wooden planks to serve as the deck of the pontoon bridge.

The rest of the levied ships were incorporated into the army and temporarily used as naval forces to deal with the rebels who had not yet shown their water capabilities.

Cao Wenzhao had everything ready and only needed Dongfeng, but he never expected that Zhang Shun already had three hundred Huang Shoucai's navy under his command.

Although the training and equipment of this team are crude, it is still much better than the fishermen and boats that were forcibly recruited by the officers and soldiers.

After receiving Zhang Shun's order, Zhao Lizi just called his former playmate, the young man, and said loudly: "Since ancient times, no one has done more meritorious service than serving the dragon, and no one has been richer than the princes and generals. Today I, Zhao Lizi, have to meet him. A true dragon is like a carp leaping over a dragon's gate, reborn."

"Look at my armor, which is hard to find for a thousand dollars; look at the precious sword in my waist, which can cut iron like clay; and look at the spear in my hand, how many dog ​​officials and slaves I have killed!"

"If you have any ambition and come with me, you won't have to worry about glory and wealth. At least you will not have to worry about food, clothing and housing. You can also earn some money and marry a charming wife!"

When all the young people saw Zhao Lizi, they couldn't help but get jealous. This guy grew up wearing crotchless pants with us. He has two eggs and one penis. How much more capable is he than us? People like this can enjoy spicy food, so why shouldn’t we?

As soon as he thought of this, wherever Zhao Lizi went, many young people immediately joined him. Zhao Lizi didn't reject anyone who came, he picked out all the timid and weak ones and rushed them out. After two days of hard work, he finally recruited more than 200 people.

Some brave ones even stole the family's fishing boat, Ferry, and brought it to join the army. Now that Zhang Shun had made a fortune, he gave it away and paid for it in silver.

When these young men saw the real money, they became even more jealous and shouted to make Cao Wenzhao look good.

These teenagers all carried some harpoons and wormwood as weapons. Zhao Lizi saw that they were really shabby, so he asked Zhang Shun for weapons, and Zhang by the way distributed to them the spears that had been captured by the officers and soldiers.

Zhao Lizi disliked Zhang Shun's stinginess, so he complained: "I heard Master Zuo say, 'If you don't teach the people to fight, you are abandoning them.' Are they talking about people like you?"

Zhang Shun couldn't laugh or cry when he heard this, and laughed and scolded: "I asked someone to teach you how to read. Did you ask me to quote scriptures and scold me?"

"These people you recruited can cheer and shout. If you expect them to attack the officers and soldiers and burn down the pontoon bridge, I'm afraid they will be in vain."

"I had already sent people to Luoyang City to recruit Huang Shoucai's navy, and they took the Yiluo River to Mengjin. Although the waterway is far away, we should arrive today."

While Zhang Shun was talking, he suddenly heard a noise outside the tent, and then heard Wukong reporting: "Master, Huang Shoucai has arrived and is here to see you."

Zhang Shun quickly stood up and went out to greet Huang Shoucai. After a while, he welcomed Huang Shoucai into the tent. Zhao Lizi and Huang Shoucai were also quite familiar with each other. He quickly met them and said, "Brother Huang, I haven't seen you for a long time. You look better now."

When Huang Shoucai saw it was Zhao Lizi, he was quite happy. He quickly stepped forward and held Zhao Lizi's hand tightly and said, "Thanks to Zhao Xiaodi's many efforts, I, Huang Shoucai, am today. The grace of saving my life will never be forgotten." .”

"After I was released from prison, I was appointed navy commander by my lord. I couldn't come to thank you in person for a while. I never thought that I would see you again in your lord's camp and be worshiped by Mr. Huang!"

With that said, Huang Shoucai knelt down and thanked him. Huang Shoucai was well-known and respected among fishermen and boatmen. How could Zhao Lizi be willing to pay homage to him?

He quickly helped Huang Shoucai up and said with a smile: "Brother Huang is so polite. Now my younger brother is about to work under my elder brother. If my elder brother wants to thank me, he might as well take care of my younger brother."

Huang Shoucai was stunned when he heard this, then turned to look at Zhang Shun. Zhang nodded casually and said with a smile: "Since I invited you here and asked you to take the opportunity to bring sulfur and oil, I believe you can guess a thing or two."

"That's right, now the officers and soldiers Cao Wenzhao built a pontoon bridge at night to connect the north bank of the Yellow River and the river island in the river. I'm worried that the officers and soldiers will use this to cross the river if they have a firm foothold."

"As the saying goes, 'If you defend for a long time, you will lose', I want to take a preemptive strike and send you and Zhao Lizi to lead the navy to burn the pontoon bridge and cut off the connection between Hezhou and the north bank of the Yellow River. What does the 'River God' think?"

Huang Shoucai heard this and quickly asked: "I wonder how the imperial navy is doing. Can our army win?"

"The attacking officers and soldiers are the border troops Cao Wenzhao, Mu Ziqiang and Zhang Quanchang. When it comes to horseback riding and archery, you can't keep up with these three. When it comes to boating and wading, the three of them together are not even half as good as the 'River God' .”

Huang Shoucai said with peace of mind this time: "In this case, please rest assured, my lord, I will lead the navy to burn this bridge tonight."

Zhang Shun was delighted when he heard this and said, "That's very good. I'll wait for the good news for you two in the tent!"

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