Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 489 Broken Bridge

Hearing this, Zhao Lizi looked at Ding Zhuang on the boat and remained silent for a while.

These people were originally just fishermen and boatmen without much military training. In addition, for the convenience of movement on the water, everyone was shirtless and only wore a pair of shorts, leaving them with no defense at all.

If they were really close to the pontoon, all it would take was an arrow and a pill from the officers and soldiers, and these people would end up with heavy casualties.

But are there any immortals on the battlefield? Either you die or I die, that's all.

As soon as he thought about this, Zhao Lizi responded loudly: "Fame and wealth are today! Everyone, please follow me to kill the enemy. Even if you die, you can earn a share of the family business for your family."

The young man, who was a little nervous and frightened when he faced the battle for the first time, became eager to try after hearing this. The young people are full of blood, just because they burned the pontoon easily just now, they don't have a clear understanding of the cruelty of war.

Huang Shoucai saw that his morale was ready, so he nodded with satisfaction and ordered: "We will approach the pontoon in a moment. Zhao Lizi, you lead four ships loaded with oil and sulfur, lean on the iron chains, tie them firmly with ropes, and use the fire to lift them up little by little." Broil the iron chain."

"The rest of the people, turn the ship sideways and just shoot at the defending officers and soldiers on the bridge. Ships carrying artillery need to have their bows facing the pontoon bridge, and they must not overturn the ship."

Cao Wenzhao had just blocked the flames, and the fire boat that had been tied to the bridge had burned the rope and began to float downstream down the river.

Before Cao Wenzhao could breathe a sigh of relief, he suddenly heard the sound of firecrackers and saw dozens of fishing boats rowing over again.

Cao Wenzhao was shocked and angry, and shouted loudly: "If there is a road to heaven, don't take it, and if there is no door to hell, you can come on your own. All the officers and soldiers obey the order and fight back. Order the gunners on the beach to bring two cannons over and give them to I destroy them!"

When the distance between the two sides was more than ten or twenty steps, these fishermen and boats easily maneuvered the boats under their feet to cross the bow, pointed the muskets and quick guns in their hands at the officers and soldiers on the bridge, and released them with crackling sounds.

The officers and soldiers on the bridge all held torches, like living targets, and seven or eight of them were knocked down immediately. The officers and soldiers on the bridge are mostly elite and prefer to use bows and arrows.

They quickly drew their bows to fight back, but the river was completely dark and the officers and soldiers could not see clearly, so the effect of the counterattack was not good. Only some shrewd people touched the doorway and just stared at the place where there were sparks.

These sparks were actually the threads used by the rebels to ignite their guns, and five or six of them were shot down by the officers and soldiers.

Facing the body without any defense, the bow and arrow showed extremely terrifying damage. In particular, the large bows and heavy arrows that the frontier troops liked to use were almost the same as the so-called "Qing Bow" in later generations. They could penetrate the human body and nail people to the ship alive.

The sailors who saw blood for the first time immediately panicked, and some even lay down on the boat and did not dare to get up.

Huang Shoucai couldn't help but frown, but because each ship was not connected to each other, he couldn't jump over to drive them away.

However, fortunately, because the ships were not connected to each other, no soldiers were injured, causing overall chaos.

Huang Shoucai couldn't help but yelled loudly: "Why panic? I'm not asking you to go forward and fight desperately. Can the enemy jump over? The distance is so far. If you shoot the enemy to death, naturally no one can shoot you in turn!"

After hearing Huang Shoucai's scolding, the soldiers felt a little more at ease before continuing to shoot at the officers and soldiers.

At this time, more officers and soldiers lined up and rushed over from the camps on the river bank and the north bank of the Yellow River, armed with bows and arrows, three-eyed blunderbuss, quick guns and other weapons, and started shooting at the rebels.

The rebels refused to give in. Not only did they use fast guns and firecrackers to fight back, they even set fire to the squatting tiger cannon on the ship. Only a few loud noises were heard, and the boat in the river shook violently like leaves in the waves.

At the same time, more than a dozen officers and soldiers on the pontoon fell into the water in an instant. Even if they were not killed on the spot, they would probably be swallowed up by the rolling Yellow River.

The exchange of fire between the two sides was fierce, and Zhao Lizi on the other side had already braved the rain of arrows and projectiles, desperately slashing towards the iron chain that burned the wooden boards in the middle.

Cao Wenzhao was near the pontoon where the wooden planks were burned. He saw the ship slowly approaching the iron chain. How could he not know what the rebels wanted?

He came out in a hurry and did not have time to carry a bow and arrow, so he quickly took the bow and arrow from the soldiers and shot at Zhao Lizi.

When Zhao Lizi saw someone targeting him, he quickly retreated into the cabin. This is a ferry boat with a canopy set up in the cabin. The flying arrows pierced through the canopy made of reeds and penetrated into the cabin.

Fortunately, Cao Wenzhao lost Zhao Lizi's figure and could not aim, so he did not hurt anyone.

The officers and soldiers on the pontoon fired desperately, and the boats were filled with arrows, which rendered the oars on the ferry useless.

Fortunately, there are still wormwood on these boats. The wormwood is hidden in the stern of the boat. When it shakes, it is like a carp swinging its tail, and it can still drive the boat forward.

When Cao Wenzhao saw it, he shouted, "Where is the artillery? Come and bombard this ship with me quickly!"

Someone had already pushed aside the soldiers on the pontoon bridge, pulled a small artillery over, and reported to Cao Wenzhao: "General Soldier, there are too many soldiers on the bridge to drag over. There is only one cannon, do you want to shoot?" "

"Light a fire for me quickly!" Cao Wenzhao rushed to the doctor when he was ill, but he couldn't take care of much. He quickly squeezed away the gunner, pointed the cannon at Zhao Lizi's ship, took the torch and fired it himself.

The gunner was shocked when he saw it, and was about to stop Cao Wenzhao. Unexpectedly, Cao Wenzhao just pointed the torch at the fuse.

There was only a loud noise, and a solid bullet hit Zhao Lizi's ferry.

So at the same time, driven by the huge recoil, the artillery jumped up. Fortunately, Cao Wenzhao had quick eyes and quick hands and was not hit by the artillery. Instead, it hit the handrail of the pontoon.

The huge impact directly caused the pontoon to shake dramatically. The officers and soldiers on the bridge were all wearing heavy armor, and many people from the north were suddenly knocked down and fell directly into the rolling Yellow River.

Cao Wenzhao was even more unlucky. He managed to avoid the artillery fire. His feet slipped and he fell into the water. The officers and soldiers couldn't help but be in chaos.

It turned out that after the gunner pulled the cannon, he did not dare to fire it because he was afraid that the cannon would vibrate too much and fall into the water. Unexpectedly, Cao Wenzhao's shot actually helped the rebels a lot.

Zhao Lizi's boat was damaged by a cannon shot by Cao Wenzhao, and it sank not long after.

In his panic, Huang Shoucai didn't care about this. He just saw the chaos among the officers and soldiers and couldn't help but be overjoyed.

He quickly ordered the soldiers to shoot desperately to disturb the officers and soldiers. On the other hand, he quickly brought the fire boat close to the iron chain and ignited the flames.

The officers and soldiers lost their command, and their morale suddenly plummeted. How could they still have fighting spirit? Many people were even more afraid of the pontoon and fled with their heads in hand, not daring to resist any more.

The rebels easily approached the iron chains, and after spending most of an hour, they finally burned them all.

Huang Shoucai then led the navy with satisfaction and turned back to the camp. By the time the rebels returned to their camp, the sky was white in the east. Zhang Shun had been waiting for a long time and quickly welcomed Huang Shoucai and others to celebrate their success.

Only after everyone had disembarked, Zhang Shun looked at them one by one, and then asked with a solemn face: "Where is Zhao Lizi? Why didn't he come back with you?"

Thank you to the fan "book friend 161109141010132" for the reward, and thank you for your strong support to the author!

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