Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 49 Life or Death

If Chen Jindou were here, he would definitely laugh out loud when he saw this so-called "retreating Taoist". It turns out that this "Qixu Taoist" is none other than Taoist Master Ma who just "emerged" yesterday.

After Zhang Shun came back that day, he talked about "Purple Gold Liang" and mentioned that "Purple Gold Liang" claimed to be the "Second Master". Taoist Master Ma took notice. It is said that Zhang Shun was impatient because of Zhang Shenyan's incident; in fact, Taoist Ma was also a little impatient because Zhao Yutou, Chen Jingzhi and others were gradually being used in more important positions.

Both Ma Daozhang and Chen Jindou were magicians who were capable of tricking and abducting people. However, when it came to making plans and managing military affairs, they knew everything from seven to six. Therefore, competing with Zhao Yutou and Chen Jingzhi on the same stage has no chance of winning. This time, when Taoist Ma heard about the "Purple Golden Liang", his heart moved. He felt that he had touched the pulse of the "Purple Golden Liang", and he decided to "cheat his death".

So Taoist Master Ma said to Zhang Shun: "This man calls himself 'Purple Gold Liang', which means the white jade pillar holding up the sky and the Purple Gold beam to support the sea. He boasts that he is a great talent. All the rebels are rebels, and he is thirty The leader of the Sixth Battalion has an ability that can be imagined, so why should he boast so much? He just wanted to say this to others to show his grievances. Who should he say it to? He can only say it to the government. It is enough to show that this person has no courage to rebel. , Zhao'an has a heart."

"After the death of the first master Wang Jiayin, he still calls himself the 'second master'. You should know that he has neither responsibility nor far-reaching ambition. If this person has the ability to sweep the world, encompass the universe, encompass the four seas, and swallow up the eight wastelands. I should be the only one who respects myself, and I should not be willing to be inferior to others."

"It can be seen from this that this person only knows the disadvantages and does not know the advantages. He is not willing to take the blame and be the mainstay, so he is eager to get rid of the position of leader. The leader can take advantage of the disadvantages and occupy his position. Today, the Ming Dynasty is still in power There is still power, and the people of the world are still afraid, but it is not the time to fall apart. I wonder if my lord dares to put himself to death and then live, the first to advocate the righteousness of the world?"

"How is this the righteousness of advocating for the world? Is this a pioneer for the king?" Zhang Shun couldn't laugh or cry when he heard this, "Master Taoist, I know your intentions. However, to win the world, it is not about first come, first served, but about last, first. to."

"The reason for this is that 'a hundred-footed insect is dead but not stiff'. Although the Ming Dynasty is in danger, with a fatal blow, all the mantis-armed chariots will be reduced to powder. Today, we have only a thousand soldiers. We lack guns and armor, and have not been trained. They are a rabble. .How to sit in the position of alliance leader and how to resist Zhu Ming's return to the light before his death?"

"This" Taoist Master Ma is not a wise man after all, and he is really speechless. He thought for a moment and then said: "Perhaps I can also be a 'living person' and seek some benefits for the Lord?"

The term "life" comes from "Sun Tzu's Art of War: Yongjian". A few days ago, Zhang Shun read, "There are five kinds of time: there is the cause, there is the inner, there is the counter, there is the dead, and there is the living. Five. It is said that it is the divine record and the treasure of the king. Those who are born in the world will be rewarded." This means that there are five ways to use the world, among which "life" means being able to return to the report alive. spy.

The article also goes like this: "In the past, when the Yin Dynasty was prosperous, Yi Zhi was in Xia; when the Zhou Dynasty was prosperous, Lu Ya was in Yin. Therefore, only those with wise kings and wise generals who can guide their affairs with superior wisdom will achieve great success." This means that when the Yin and Shang Dynasties rose, Yi Zhi was in Yin. Yin was an official in the Xia Dynasty; when the Zhou Dynasty rose, Jiang Ziya and Lu Shang were an official in the Yin and Shang Dynasties. This was using "Shangzhi" as a spy.

When Zhang Shun was studying before, he took the opportunity to explain it to his subordinates to cultivate their military talents. What Taoist Ma meant this time was that he wanted to imitate "Yi Yin" and "Lu Shang" and become a "smart" spy.

"Master Ma, are you going to abandon me?" Zhang Shun was shocked when he heard this, "The incident in Chenzhou Mansion started and ended because of you. I have neither brothers to support me nor parents to protect me. Shunquan has been able to get where he is today thanks to the power of the Taoist priest. If you are going to leave me, will God really be abandoning me?"

Zhang Shun burst into tears when he talked about the deepness of love, as if he were mourning his heir. Taoist Master Ma was also deeply moved, burst into tears with gratitude, and swore to the sky: "A poor Taoist can meet his lord, just like Zhuge Kongming met Liu Huangshu, how dare he not die with all his strength? It's just that I have neither great merit nor any ability to help the world. Strategy, if things go on like this, how can we help the lord to seize the world? I beg the lord for your permission, so that this poor man can also have the opportunity to leave his name in history!"

Upon hearing this, Zhang Shun knew that he could no longer stay, so he pondered for a moment and asked, "How should you behave if you enter the 'Purple Golden Liang' camp?"

"I should take advantage of it and speak to the Lord. If there are good things to do, please ask the Lord, and if there is danger, avoid them." Taoist Master Ma replied.

"No! I order you to consider the Purple Golden Liang wholeheartedly. If it can be supported, then support it. If it cannot be supported, then let me take its place!" Zhang Shun said firmly.

"Lord!" Taoist Master Ma was so frightened that he immediately knelt down and said, "A poor Taoist's loyalty can be judged by the sun and the moon. How could he betray his master like this?"

"No, no!" Zhang Shun said with a smile, "This is not a matter of betraying the Lord, but a matter of loyalty. Who is Zijin Liang? Although he has no ambitions, he is still a hero. , just because it doesn't have the power. If it encounters wind and rain, it will turn into a dragon, it is unknown! Now I ask you to support it with all your heart, so that you can put away its doubts and protect your family and life. "

"In its use, the whole body is the top priority, and body death is the bottom priority. The Taoist priest's wealth and life are more valuable than a thousand pieces of gold, so they should not be thrown away lightly. His method is like that of an assassin. He raises his troops for a thousand days, waits for several years, and kills in a moment. The Taoist priest should also do this. In this way, you should serve him as a staff, and only wait for the critical moment to show you what you want!"

Hearing this, Taoist Master Ma was shocked and surprised, and said with tears of gratitude: "My lord has treated me as a national scholar, how dare you not repay me as a national scholar? As long as a poor Taoist lives for one day, he will not let the 'Purple Gold Liang' be detrimental to the lord. As long as a poor Taoist has A trace of strategy will not cause 'Purple Gold Liang' to abdicate in favor of others."

Therefore, the two men swore an oath: "The minister must be loyal to the king!" "The king must trust the minister!" The monarch and his ministers got along well with each other, just like Liu Huangshu who visited the thatched cottage three times to invite Zhuge to come out of the mountain. Afterwards, Zhang Shun personally designed a white Taoist robe, styled his hair and beard according to the appearance of the immortal in later generations' images, and changed his temperament, turning him into a "retreating Taoist" of the old immortal.

Later, Zhang incidentally claimed that Taoist Master Ma had accidentally contracted the plague and was seriously ill and difficult to treat. At that time, people like Chen Jindou and Zhao Yutou wanted to meet him but could not. Not long after he passed away, Zhang Shun personally announced his funeral, claiming that "Ma Guanjia" had passed away.

Chen Jindou, Zhao Yutou and Chen Jingzhi were all shrewd people. They knew there was a fraud and did not dare to ask Zhang Shun. Then, "Master Ma" died of illness, and "Taoist Qixu" came out; Zhang Shun sadly lost "Ma Guanjia", and "Zijinliang" was happy to gain "old immortal".

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