Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 495 Ten Thousand Sons and Grandchildren

Prince Fu's Mansion Ever since Zhang Shun occupied the magpie's nest, Prince Fu has been sleeping in the area assigned to him by Zhang Shun, living in a state of intoxication.

To be honest, after Zhang Shungang took over Prince Fu's Mansion, he saw how pitiful he was and specially arranged for him to go out for some fun.

However, as the war intensified, Zhang Shun had no choice but to imprison this person in the palace for fear of being exploited by someone with ulterior motives.

Even as time went by, Zhang Shun discovered that there was really no way the court had raised them like pigs.

As a result, King Fu was even more restricted than before. He could do nothing but resume his previous life.

Two days ago, he heard that Zhang Shun led his army to the north and resisted the officers and soldiers to a great victory, so he deliberately came out to greet him in person. Firstly, it was to please Zhang Shun, and secondly, it was just to get some fresh air.

Now that everything was over, King Fu had no choice but to "go back to the pigsty." Lie there motionless, listen to the ditties, watch the singing and dancing.

These women were beauties selected from all over the country. They were all beautiful and enchanting. After Zhang Shun came, in order to win over King Fu, he did not touch these taboos.

But now King Fu has no interest at all, and instead feels sleepy.

Suddenly, a woman with a somewhat serious look came forward and reported to King Fu in a low voice: "Your Highness, an old Taoist priest came outside the door and claimed to be an old friend of King Fu."

"What old friend? Why didn't I know that I knew a Taoist priest?" King Fu asked lazily, "That's all, nothing happens, let him come in!"

Not long after, the Taoist walked in gracefully, with an air of immortality, and said with all his face, "His Royal Highness, Prince Fu, is living a peaceful life, and he doesn't even know that he is about to die!"

King Fu was not annoyed at all, but asked lazily: "But King Shun's envoy is in front of me? King Shun wants me to die at the third watch, and Yama dare not keep me until the fifth watch. Now my family's life is in the hands of King Shun, is it death?" It’s life, how can I, a little lucky king, be the one to make the decision?”

When Song Xiance heard this, he couldn't help but secretly thought: This King Fu has some skills! He then smiled and said: "Your Highness has misunderstood. Although I follow King Shun, King Shun did not send me here."

"Our sect is from the lineage of Guiguzi, and our profession has always been to look for energy and seek dragons! Now that the world is about to be in chaos, our sect has to go out in order to save the people of the world!"

"It's just that Grandfather Taizu and our family had an old relationship in the past. I thought that King Fu was the direct descendant of Taizu, so I came to save you!"

"Oh?" King Fu couldn't help but smile after hearing this, "Now that I am being put on the fire, I will die on the left and on the right. Not to mention you are a little Taoist priest. Even if Daluo Jinxian comes, I'm afraid it will be difficult to save my life. !”

"It's just a few words. I don't want your money and jewels, nor do I want you to be a high-ranking official and rich in salary, so why not?" Song Xiance said with a smile.

"Zhu is all ears!" Fu Wang Zhu Changxun said with a playful smile.

"In the past, when Emperor Shenzong was still alive, he had conflicts with his courtiers for fifteen years just because he refused to establish the crown prince position early. Your Highness is the person involved, so you should also hear about it. But I wonder if Your Highness knows the reason?" Song Xiance did not answer. Instead he asked.

Prince Fu frowned and then said, "Everyone knows this. It's because I am deeply loved by my father, so my father wants to establish me as the king."

Song Xiance smiled and said: "Your Highness only knows one but not the other. Since Shenzong wants to establish His Highness, why not establish it early and just sit back and watch His Highness being humiliated by the courtiers?"

"Then why is this happening?" King Fu thought about it carefully and found it strange.

"I wonder if Your Highness has ever heard the saying 'Two dragons do not meet each other'. When Emperor Sejong Jiajing was in power, his heirs died early and it was difficult to survive. Tao Zhongwen, the leader of our sect, diagnosed him and found out that 'two dragons do not meet each other'. Otherwise, there will be some words of hurt."

"Emperor Sejong did not obey his words at first, and as expected, the prince died young. From then on, Sejong lived in a simple place, no longer established a prince, and never saw his heirs again. When Sejong died and Mu Zong came to the throne, this curse was solved."

"Who would have thought that after Mu Zong ascended the throne, he established a crown prince early, but within a few years, Mu Zong died in his prime. When Shenzong ascended the throne, he did not establish a crown prince."

"Then what does this have to do with me?" King Fu asked strangely when he saw the old Taoist talking about the things in the palace in the past.

"Because there is still another sentence to this prophecy, which is not known to the world!" Song Xiance responded decisively, "It's just because the old Taoist priest Tao Zhongwen is a senior in our sect, and he is a poor Taoist who knows the key to it."

"The original sentence of this prophecy is 'If two dragons don't meet each other, otherwise one of them will be injured. If two dragons meet three, it will bring disaster to their descendants!'"

"Shizong disobeyed his words once, Mu Zong disobeyed his words a second time, and Shenzong disobeyed his words three times. Alas, the Ming Dynasty must be dead!" Song Xiance lamented.

"What nonsense! What nonsense!" King Fu Zhu Changxun couldn't help but said angrily after hearing the words, "Our Ming Dynasty has its own four seas, unified all directions, and one system for all generations. How can it be said that the country will be subjugated?"

Although King Fu was under the threat of Zhang Shun, he was obedient in order to survive. But he didn't want to think that one day the court would be able to wipe out the bandits and still be his own Prince of Peace.

Song Xiance waited for King Fu to finish getting angry, and then he said calmly: "This statement is too alarmist, and I didn't believe it at first. But one day, I thought about something, and I realized that everything in the world is destined!"

"What's the definite number? You're talking nonsense!" King Fu was still angry.

Song Xiance ignored him, shook his head and said: "In the past, when Taizu was here, he once asked Uncle Chengyi Liu Bowen: What will happen to the future generations in the world? Liu Bowen said to him: The days are endless, and my lord has thousands of sons and grandsons, why bother asking!"

"'My Lord's Ten Thousand Sons and Ten Thousand Suns', aren't they the same lineage of my great Ming Dynasty for all generations? How can you talk about the subjugation of the country!" King Fu asked quickly as if he had grasped a life-saving straw.

"I thought so too at first, but later I discovered that Emperor Shenzong's reign was Wanli. From this point of view, you have thousands of sons and grandsons!" Old God Song Xiance said softly.

"What!" Although Song Xiance's words were soft and fell in Prince Fu's ears, they were like a thunderbolt from the blue.

King Fu's whole body became cold and he shuddered. He couldn't help but asked tremblingly: "This is. This is nonsense! You demon, don't try to confuse the public with your demonic words!"

"Now that natural disasters are continuing and heroes are rising together, how can we make such false claims?" Song Xiance said with a smile, "What's more, now that King Fu's wealth and life are in human hands, and his life is in danger at any time, how can he be free to worry about the world?"

King Fu's forehead was covered with cold sweat at some point. He stretched out his brocade sleeves and wiped it a few times. However, the brocade clothes did not absorb water very well and he could not wipe it clean.

He has been in the house for a long time and does not know what is going on in the world. Just seeing that Prince Fu's Mansion has been taken over by thieves, I think the rest of the world will not be much better.

He quickly asked in a low voice: "I wonder if there is any way that can save me and Daming?"

Song Xiance half-squinted his eyes and sighed: "It's easy to save one person, but it's difficult to save an entire dynasty. Since ancient times, there has been no country that can't be destroyed, and there's no dynasty that can't be destroyed. It's a lineage for all generations, not to mention a poor man, even an immortal descending to earth would have a hard time doing it!"

"Ah? Then please ask the Taoist Priest to save me. No matter gold, silver, jewels, beauties or possessions, as long as I have them, I will let the Taoist Priest choose them!" Prince Fu was convinced in his heart and he begged quickly.

"This matter is easy to hear. King Shun is benevolent and righteous. As long as His Royal Highness Prince Fu does not have second thoughts, he will definitely live a long life!" Song Xiance said with a smile.

King Fu couldn't help but say with a bitter face when he heard this: "What does the Taoist priest mean? Now that I am living in the mansion, just eating, drinking and having fun, isn't this a long-term solution?"

"No, no, no!" Song Xiance shook his head and said, "Prince Fu is now double-minded and has evil intentions. Everyone in Luoyang City knows it!"

"You can't slander me. I've always been blind to what's going on outside the window. How could I be plotting evil?" King Fu was anxious.

"People's hearts are separated from each other. Who knows what King Fu is thinking in his heart? Now we see Lu Weiqi, Wang Shaoyu, and Cao Bianjiao's disciples attached to King Fu. Isn't this the way to openly fight against King Shun and secretly raise dead soldiers?"

"Ah? Could this also be my fault?" King Fu just cried out, "I am single-minded, and I can't stop other people from having their own ideas!"

"So, King Fu must express his wish as soon as possible for a long-term solution!"

"Okay, I'll explain it to King Shun right now!" King Fu responded quickly.

Song Xiance grabbed him and couldn't help but cursed: "Your Highness, this is a way to die! Do you still want to force King Shun to express his position in front of everyone in the world?"

"Then what should we do about this matter?" King Fu was confused.

"This matter is easy to hear. King Fu only needs to transfer all the seals and other things to King Shun, and express that he is intolerant of worldly affairs. All matters at home and abroad, big or small, are fully entrusted to King Shun."

"At that time, if King Shun can achieve great things, His Highness will be given the title of King Shunyi. If King Shun cannot achieve great things, Your Highness will still be the blessed king of the Ming Dynasty. Everything is caused by the persecution of thieves!" Song Xiance said with a smile.

"Wonderful! It's really wonderful!" King Fu couldn't help but clapped his hands and exclaimed, extremely happy!

This chapter was written with confusion. If there is anything unreasonable, please correct me. In addition, I would like to thank the fans "Zhou Ruwei and Zhou Ruoshi" for the large reward. Due to different platforms, I don't know if the fans can see the author's thanks!

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