Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 502 Xia Song County

When Zhang Shun found Ma Yingniang, Gao Yizhi was pestering Ma Yingniang. He couldn't help but his face darkened, and he quickly ran over and yelled: "What are you doing, you foreign devil? It is not the behavior of a gentleman to pester a lady for no reason!"

Seeing that it was Zhang Shun, the "murderous devil", Gao Yizhi quickly explained in his weird accent: "No, no, no, you misunderstood. I am just promoting our Heavenly religion to this lady. There are no two heavens in China and the West, and there are no two gods." "

Gao Yizhi had just finished speaking when Zhang Shan interrupted rudely: "I, the Chinese, have no other aspirations than respecting Heaven and our ancestors. Heaven has its own laws, and it will not survive for Yao or perish for Jie! Is there such a thing as God? It’s a big fallacy and I won’t take it!”

Gao Yizhi's Chinese proficiency was limited, but Zhang Shunyi made him speechless and confused, so he had to retreat in embarrassment.

"Are you jealous?" Ma Yingniang asked happily, "Although I am not interested in this Laoshizi Tianjiao, are you too suspicious?"

When Zhang Shun heard this, he turned around and asked, "Are you and I still holding the blunderbuss?"

"Are you there?" Ma Yingniang knew that Zhang Shun meant to change the subject, but she was happy and followed him.

But who would have thought that Zhang Shunwu secretly muttered: "You already have a pistol. If you become a nun again and then become the principal for me, wouldn't you be the legendary 'Sister of the Holy Spear'?"

Thinking of this, Zhang Shun's mind wandered to nowhere and he almost felt sick. After finally dispelling the strange thoughts in his mind, Zhang Shun smiled and said: "Mother Ying, I have something to ask of you. It is a matter of life for you and me, so please don't shirk it!"

"Yeah!" Ma Yingniang couldn't help being shocked when she heard this, her chest jumped like a deer bumping around.

"Please" and "a lifelong event", Ma Yingniang couldn't help but feel shy. However, she had just been shy for a moment when she suddenly remembered the virtue of this thief and was afraid of misunderstanding.

She lowered her head, stirred the corners of her clothes with both hands, and asked like a mosquito humming: "I don't know what you are talking about? Why are you so secretive and not clear about it?"

"Oh, that's it!" Zhang Shun, not knowing the seriousness of the matter at all, explained openly, "I want to set up a military academy and want to find a reliable person to be the principal. I remember that you participated in military training before."

"That's it?"

"That's it!" Zhang Shun nodded and responded, "Then you agree?"

"Why should I agree?" Ma Yingniang asked angrily with a cold eyebrow.

"I'm a girl, why should I be a principal?"

"You're a girl, why are you spouting dirty words? You're just talking about it!" Zhang Shun secretly complained, but he didn't dare to say it out loud.

Girls have weird temperaments and are really hard to figure out! Zhang Shun had no choice but to try to reason with her.

It was better if Zhang Shun was unreasonable, but Ma Yingniang became even more angry when he was reasonable. The [Persuasion] skill failed miserably. This was something Zhang Shun had never expected, so the military academy had to be put aside for the time being.

Let's talk about it in two parts, not to mention how Zhang Shun was in Luoyang City, but also that after Cao Bianjiao got Zhang Shun's order, he took his staff Xu Quan, two hundred servants, and five hundred "hair gourds" out of Luoyang City and headed southwest. Yique marches.

Yique is located thirty miles southwest of Luoyang Fucheng. The east mountain is called Xiangshan and the west mountain is called Longmen Mountain. In ancient times, Dayu opened up water, and the two mountains faced each other. The stone walls stood steeply, and it looked like a que. The Yishui River passed through its gate, so it was called Yique, and it was also known as Longmen Pass.

After Xu Quan "killed" officer Tang Jiuzhou, he followed Zhang Shun and has been serving as a staff member.

He was a literate scholar and knew everything about everything.

After some study and experience, I have a good understanding of marching and fighting. According to Xu Quan's plan, the rebel army's first stop was Yique.

According to Cao Bianjiao's marching ability, there is no problem in walking forty or fifty miles a day. However, Xu Quan considered the danger of Yique and deliberately let the army take a rest in Yique. We just took advantage of the remaining time of the march to set up a simple camp here.

In ancient times, marching did not require setting up camp every day and every night. In many cases, soldiers carried dry food on the road. At night, just spend the night in a tent, a house, or even in a leeward place.

Just because building a camp is too time-consuming and laborious, it is only necessary to set up camp in special locations.

At that time, when Cao Bianjiao heard that Zhang Shun assigned his staff officer Xu Quan to him, although he had already expected it, he was inevitably a little unhappy.

But he never expected that this person would plan it for him, saving him a lot of effort along the way.

In the past, Cao Bianjiao led troops in battles. Although he mostly followed his uncle Cao Wenzhao's orders, he also knew that his chores were complicated. How far to march every day, where to camp, where to drink water, where to bury pots to make rice, and so on.

Now that Xu Quan is sharing the burden, he can concentrate on exploring where the enemies may appear on the road and how to attack the city in Song County.

After the rebels stayed in Yique for one night, only a dozen people were left to look after the camp early the next morning, and they headed southwest again.

Ancient books say: To the south of Yique, there are big mountains and long valleys, where many barbarians live. Nowadays, in the south of Yique, there are no more barbaric tribes that did not accept the king's rule. But the mountains and valleys remain the same, and the local people are still fierce and difficult to control.

Like the "hair gourds" Zhang Shun gave to Cao Bianjiao, Cao Bianjiao initially thought they were hungry, old and weak people pulled from somewhere by the rebels. He never expected that after he reviewed them, he found that all of them were good players.

Except for their slightly poor tactical literacy and crude equipment, their individual qualities are almost the same as those of the elite border troops.

For this, Cao Bianjiao was quite grateful to Zhang Shun. He originally thought that he could get back 200 servants, which was the limit of Zhang Shun's tolerance. He never expected that Zhang Shun could still deliver 500 "elites" to him.

It turned out that in Cao Bianjiao's view, these "hairy gourds" would become elite soldiers again with a little training.

It's no wonder that Cao Bianjiao was "ignorant". Since the middle of Ming Dynasty, the guard system has been ruined and the recruitment system has become prevalent.

Although most of the soldiers recruited by the imperial court came from the garrison, there were not many who actually had martial arts skills and were good at bow and horse. Most of them were just young and strong enough to be good soldiers.

There are very few carefully selected "hair gourds" like Zhang Shun who are good at spears, bows and arrows and have combat experience.

Within two days, the rebel army, led by Cao Bianjiao, arrived at the county seat of Song County.

Cao Bianjiao went to the bottom of the city and took a look, and couldn't help but frown. I saw a camp not far from the county seat of Songxian County, which was at an angle to the county seat. Looking at the county seat of Song County and the village, they are heavily fortified and the troops are in order.

Cao Bianjiao thought for a while and came up with an idea. He called Xu Quan and shouted, "You are also a staff officer. Do you have any plans to attack the city?"

Xu Quan is a staff officer, not a counselor. How can he have a plan? It's just that he is a civil servant after all. If he is not as good as Cao Wenzhao in charging into battle, that's all.

If you are making suggestions but have no solution at all, doesn’t it mean that you are incompetent?

He asked tentatively: "General Cao, how about Xu Quan step forward and try to persuade him to surrender?"

Cao Bianjiao had a bad temper. When he heard this, he became a little merciless and shouted: "Do you think the city is full of fools? If you go and shout twice, you can persuade the city to surrender. Why do you need my general?"

When Xu Quan heard this, he couldn't help but said angrily: "What's the point of shouting? General Cao should never underestimate anyone!"

Afterwards, Xu Quan rode his horse forward, stood within a stone's throw, and shouted loudly: "I am Xu Quan, a subordinate of King Shun. I will inform your home magistrate, He Fu, that as soon as the rebel army arrives, he will be captured as soon as possible." , to prevent the people in Song County from suffering unreasonable disasters!"

Just after Xu Quan finished shouting, he heard the response from the city: "It turns out to be Xu Sheng, we have been waiting for you. Now Hezhi County has resigned from office and returned to his hometown because he offended the middle official sent by the imperial court. The new county magistrate has not yet been appointed. To my surprise, King Shun’s army finally arrived.”

"Please wait a moment. I will open the city gate and respectfully invite King Shun to enter the city! Please also ask King Shun to keep his promise and not to harm the people in the city!"

Cao Bianjiao and Xu Quan immediately looked at each other.

Thank you to fan "Yuelu Shanbei 1984" for many large rewards, thank you to fan "shao1364" for your rewards, thank you for supporting the author!

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