Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 508 The storm is coming

"Bastard!" Emperor Chongzhen was furious and threw the memorial in his hand to the ground.

"Your Majesty, calm down!" Zhang Fengyi, Minister of War, quickly picked up the things on the ground and advised, "The general is out, and military orders will not be obeyed!"

"Who would have thought that this 'shun thief' would develop so fast? After Cao Wenzhao arrived with his troops, the strong and weak changed positions, and it was no longer possible to destroy this wolf!"

It turned out that while Cao Wenzhao was confronting Zhang Shun across the river, he ran to Shanxi to suppress the bandits in Wuyang, Shanxi. The news had reached Chongzhen's ears.

It is really unreasonable for a general to disobey the imperial court and make his own decisions!

"This thief is so brave. Not only did he attack the city, but he also dared to challenge me. He slandered the late emperor and insulted my father and brother. Even if I cut him to pieces with a thousand cuts, he could not help but get angry!" Burn, "Then Cao Wenzhao always said he dared to fight? Why is he so timid now?"

Zhang Shun's doubts about the legitimacy of Chongzhen's father Guangzong have now reached Chongzhen's ears.

Chongzhen couldn't help being furious when he heard this, and he became somewhat angry with Zhang Fengyi, the Minister of War who defended Chen Qiyu and Cao Wenzhao.

Since ancient times, "accompanying the emperor is like accompanying a tiger". Zhang Fengyi, Minister of the Ministry of War, was also a little frightened. He quickly persuaded in a low voice: "Your Majesty, be careful. Our dynasty has gone through three generations since Guangzong, Xizong and your Majesty. How can we talk about the principle of direct concubines again?"

Chongzhen was shocked when he heard this and quickly fell silent. This is indeed the case. After fifteen years of "fighting for the foundation of the country", it has now gone through three generations.

Although the King of Fortune Zhu Changxun is still alive, three members of his family are the beneficiaries. How can he continue to provoke arguments with these clowns?

Of course Chongzhen didn't know that there was an emperor in later generations who had a brain twitch and wrote a book "Dayi Jue Mi Lu" to defend himself. It would have been better not to write about it, but once it was written, public opinion aroused and the whole world knew about it.

From a communication perspective, as long as a dispute is provoked, the party with vested interests will lose regardless of whether it is right or wrong.

This is what Zhang Fengyi, the Minister of War, said to Chongzhen. Now that Chongzhen, father and son are all emperors, no matter how he refutes the other party's absurdity based on this fact, he will lose.

"Flowing pills stop in a moment, and rumors stop in a wise man. But just like there are so many ignorant people in the world, how can I deal with myself?" Of course Chongzhen knew that he wanted the "rumors" to stop, but how could the rebels who spread the "rumors" be willing to do so? Give up and give up?

"This matter is easy to hear. Although the teeth are sharp, they are not as strong as the fists and feet. As long as the imperial court is responsible for exterminating this beast, naturally everything will stop!" Zhang Fengyi is indeed worthy of being the Minister of the Ministry of War, and his ideas are also very popular with the Ministry of War.

"What's the plan?" Of course Chongzhen agreed with Zhang Fengyi's method, but wasn't the key point not to be able to eliminate the "successful thieves"?

Zhang Fengyi, Secretary of the Ministry of War, quickly reported: "Your Majesty, we have just received good news. The famous captive king, Hu Duntuhan, was defeated in Ningxia several times. He was depressed and wanted to leave Qinghai. He died of illness in the grassy beach seventy miles west of Yongchang Wei!"

What Zhang Fengyi called "the famous king among the captives, Hu Duntu Han", was actually Lin Danhan, the leader of the Chahar tribe in Mongolia, and was translated as "Ling Danhan" and "Hu Duntu Han" by the Ming Dynasty. Although this person's name sounds silly, he is actually a hero.

To talk about the many origins of Mongolia, we need to start with Dayan Khan in the mid-Ming Dynasty. This man was the great-grandson of Ye Xian who led the Tumubao Revolution. Just because he unified all the Mongolian tribes, he received the title of "Dayan Khan". He was called the "Little Prince" in the historical records of the Ming Dynasty.

That is, it is recorded in the history books that he led an army of 50,000 and fought against Ming Wuzong Zhu Houzhao for five days in Yingzhou, and only a dozen people died.

Let’s not mention other deeds of this man for the time being, except that he made a far-reaching decision after unifying all the Mongolian tribes.

He divided Mongolia after his unification into six 10,000 households, namely: 30,000 households on the left wing, 10,000 households in the Chahar Tribe, 10,000 households in the Ulyankha Tribe and 10,000 households in the Khalkha Tribe; 30,000 households on the right wing, There are 10,000 households in the Ordos tribe, 10,000 households in the Tumote tribe, and 10,000 households in the Yongxiebu tribe.

Among these six thousand households, the most core and strongest are the left-wing Chahar tribe and the right-wing Tumut tribe. These two groups occupy the most fertile Xilingol grassland and the Hetao area respectively. They have always had strong troops and horses and are the formidable enemies of the farming areas.

Lin Dan Khan was born in the left-wing Chahar tribe. This place is located just north of Xuanda in the Ming Dynasty and west of Horqin Mongolia in the Later Jin Dynasty. Mongolia, Jin and Ming are in a tripartite relationship here.

Since the Hou Jin Dynasty occupied Liaodong, it has always faced three threats from North Korea in the east, Chahar tribe in the west and Ming Dynasty in the south.

In order to solve the unfavorable strategic environment of being surrounded by enemies on three sides, Huang Taiji tried his best to weaken the military power of the Chahar tribe and North Korea, and conquered the Chahar tribe many times.

Huduntuhan was defeated by Hongtai, so he led his troops westward to attack the right-wing Tumote tribe. He quickly expelled Bu Shitu, King of Shunyi of the Tumut tribe, and occupied the fertile Hetao area.

In the sixth year of Tiancong, which was the fifth year of Chongzhen when Zhang Shun began to raise troops, Huang Taiji made up his mind to resolve the threat posed by the Chahar tribe to the eastern part of the Jin Kingdom and led his army to the west.

Jin, Ming, and Mongolia fought in chaos, and the forces of the three parties were restrained here, so the rebels within the Ming Dynasty got a chance to breathe.

Unexpectedly, after Huduntuhan was defeated in the Hetao area, both sides thought that Ming Dynasty was a soft persimmon to be pinched.

Hong Tai returned with his army and besieged the Datong area of ​​Xuanfu, while Hu Duntuhan was short of food and attacked Ningxia and other places.

Daming couldn't see others laughing at him, so he was dragged into a two-on-one fight by Jin and Meng. Fortunately, the Ming Dynasty was not a vegetarian. Although it suffered a moderate loss in the Xuanda area, Hong Chengchou, the governor of the three sides, won consecutive battles in the Ningxia area. In the seven years of Chongzhen alone, he defeated Huduntuhan six times and beheaded six people. More than a thousand.

How could Chongzhen not be happy now that he heard that Hu Dun Tu Han was defeated? He quickly asked: "If Aiqing said this, wouldn't Hong Chengchou, the governor of the three sides, be able to spare his time and deal with the 'shun thieves' in Henan?"

Zhang Fengyi, the Secretary of the Ministry of War, knew that his in-law Chen Qiyu had been in great trouble because of the "Car Gap" and wanted to save him, so he admonished him: "The only ones your Majesty is worried about now are the Qin and Henan bandits."

"Although the Qin bandits are 'walking bandits', they number in the tens of thousands. Once they are unable to contain them, they can cause harm to several provinces. Although the Henan bandits are few, they are 'sitting bandits'. Once they are slow to move, they will be very difficult to control."

"Although Huduntuhan is dead now, his remaining sins have not been eliminated. Therefore, Hong Chengchou, the governor of the three sides, must not move lightly to avoid recurrence."

"Why don't your majesty order Chen Qiyu, the governor of the five provinces, to lead his troops eastward to suppress the "Yu bandits". Hong Chengchou, the governor of the three provinces, will guard the three provinces to suppress the "Qin bandits." After one party has eliminated the local bandits, it will not be too late to provide support."

"Ai Qing, you have a good plan!" Chongzhen couldn't help but sneered after hearing this, "In that case, I will grant your wish. Immediately draw up an edict, Governor Hong Chengchou of the three sides has meritorious service in guarding the prisoners, and he will be promoted to Governor-General of Shaanxi, Shanxi, Henan, and Huguang , Sichuan military affairs; Chen Qiyu, the former governor of the five provinces who had a history of suppressing bandits, was demoted to the governor of Henan, dedicated to destroying the "shun bandits" in Luoyang. I appreciate this!"

Zhang Fengyi, the Secretary of the Ministry of War, couldn't help but break into a cold sweat after hearing this. This man is not a broad-minded master. Now that the three parties were involved and the court could not take action, Emperor Chongzhen reluctantly agreed to let Chen Qiyu plead guilty and perform meritorious service. This time, if Chen Qiyu fails to do his job again, even the gods may not be able to save him!

This chapter is a little dry. There is no other way. Only by clearly explaining the changes in the north of the Ming Dynasty can we explain why the protagonist took down Luoyang City and why the Ming court was able to let him relax for so long!

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