Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 521 Battle (Part 2)

When the infantrymen Xiao Qinhu and Jiang He took turns to enter the battle, the rebels first launched a long-range attack, and then rushed forward to engage in hand-to-hand combat.

Xiao Qinhu's "Haierying" had good archery skills. They fired randomly at a distance of about ten steps. Many officers and soldiers were shot directly in the face and fell to the ground on the spot.

Jiang Hebu, on the other hand, threw a flurry of javelins from more than ten steps away, then charged forward with his shield raised.

The formation of officers and soldiers is relatively rigid, and they can only perform small rotations within the formation, and cannot replace the front and rear formations like the rebels did.

The long-range weapons in the formation of officers and soldiers were unable to attack, so they could only watch helplessly as the rebels fired a hail of arrows and javelins, and then rushed forward to continue the hand-to-hand fight.

At this time, the power of Xiao Qinhu's "Haierying" was revealed. These people held hook guns and rushed forward without fear of death. Coupled with the attack characteristics of the cone formation, they pierced the formation of officers and soldiers like an awl.

Originally, the two sides presented a straight line of battle, but it was abruptly cut off by the "Children's Camp".

Wang Pu could see clearly from a high place, but felt like a thorn piercing his flesh, which was very uncomfortable. He quickly asked his soldiers to wave the flag and asked the right wing to push back the front in time.

The officers and soldiers on the right wing were all led by the commander-in-chief Ni Chong. After receiving Wang Pu's order, he couldn't help but blush.

Although Ni Chong gave in some command rights because Wang Pu and his son successively became the commander-in-chief, it did not mean that he was convinced by Wang Pu.

According to his thinking, Wang Pu is just a good "second generation ancestor" who was reincarnated. As time goes by, his achievements may not be as good as that of Wang Pu. It's just that he didn't expect that the battle had only lasted for more than an hour. He was fighting with more and less, and there was still the risk of being torn apart by others.

So, Ni Chong, the commander-in-chief, shouted loudly: "Come on and fight off the thieves. This time, everyone involved will have a share and will be rewarded with five taels of silver!"

The pay in Beijing camp was generous, so Ni Chong was not willing to make the sacrifice. If the Chinese army could not deduct food and pay and "drink the soldiers' blood", it would be almost equivalent to two months' monthly pay for the soldiers.

Immediately, the right wing of the Beijing camp started to launch a counterattack at the "Children's Camp" as if it had been given a shot of blood.

At this time, the problem of insufficient strength of the children in the "Children's Camp" was exposed, and the officers and soldiers gradually suppressed them.

Xiao Qinhu was a little anxious when he experienced this kind of battle for the first time. At this time, a young man stood up and asked Xiao Qinhu for his orders: "Chief Xiao, please let me take action. I will lead the twenty or thirty brothers around me to tear this group of officers and soldiers to pieces!"

When Xiao Qinhu heard this, he saw that it was Ren Jirong who had boasted to Zhang Shun to join the "Children's Camp". The child who was thin at the beginning is now well fed and drank in the camp. After a few months of being raised, his body has become thicker and stronger, and with the armor on his body, he is almost like an adult.

Xiao Qinhu couldn't help but said with joy: "Good man, if you can withstand the officers and soldiers, my battalion will give you the second credit in this battle. If you can penetrate the enemy's formation, my battalion will give you the first credit in this battle!"

The officers and soldiers under Zhang Shun's command divided their merits into three categories: extraordinary merit, first merit and secondary merit. Among them, miraculous achievements are the most rare. Generally, only those who "fall into battle", "reach first" and "hit more with less" can be elected.

In normal battles, there are only first and second merits. The first meritorious service is the key to this battle, the second meritorious service is its auxiliary, and the rest of the people can at best not reward or punish them.

When Ren Jirong heard that Xiao Qinhu had promised him, his eyes lit up and he quickly confirmed: "The leader will remember his work, Ren will go to defeat the enemy now!"

Xiao Qinhu couldn't help laughing when he heard this, but he was afraid that he would make a mistake, so he quickly said: "Young man has such a strong tone, remember not to lose your life in vain!"

Ren Jirong didn't say much. He cupped his hands and led his soldiers to charge forward. Ren Jirong is a flag commander of the "Haier Camp". He has twenty-five soldiers under his command, half of whom were his companions who joined the army with him.

He knew what these people were capable of, so he dared to make such bold statements.

Ren Jirong is very strong, even stronger than an ordinary man. Wearing double Kai, he was invulnerable, so he took the lead and charged into the crowd of officers and soldiers.

The officers and soldiers knew that this was a "child soldier" who bullied his young age, so they tried to resist him with brute force.

What a good Ren Jirong, with great martial arts skills. With a flick of the hook gun in his hand, a stab and a pull can kill a person. The boy soldiers on the left and right pricked their feet and hooked their legs. For a moment, the officers and soldiers fell on their backs, and there was chaos.

It turns out that this hook gun has an extra iron hook than an ordinary spear, but its usage is much more complicated.

Ren Jirong's soldiers were proficient in marksmanship, and when the officers and soldiers were wearing armor that was not easily penetrated, they took the opportunity to stab their legs and feet.

Even if they missed, they would take the opportunity to pull back with the iron hook of the gun head, hooking the legs and feet of the officers and soldiers, and knocking the officers and soldiers in front of them to the ground.

These people were all wearing armor, ranging in weight from thirty to forty pounds. Once they fell to the ground, it would be difficult to get up. What's more, on the battlefield, people are crowded, people are bumping into each other, and it is a mess. If you are not careful, a "trampled" incident will occur.

Officers and soldiers who were knocked to the ground like this were likely to be directly trampled by their own people who were swarming up from behind, or by the rebels who were rushing up. They would probably be killed on the spot.

Seeing Ren Jirong's great power, the other boy soldiers couldn't help but feel high in morale. Everyone followed suit, one person stabbed, and the other two hooked their legs and feet. For a moment, the officers and soldiers fell to the ground, unable to resist.

The "Children's Camp" was like an iron cone, continuously penetrating five or six rows of officers and soldiers. Suddenly, the officers and soldiers in front of them were heartbroken and shouted loudly: "Don't squeeze those in the back, the officers and soldiers have been defeated!"

The training and morale of the Beijing camp were not very high to begin with, so it was quite rare to fight back and forth with the rebels for a long time.

I just persisted for a long time, but when I saw that I couldn't take down the "thief", I was already a little restless. The officers and soldiers at the back were blocked by the officers and soldiers at the front. They couldn't see what the situation was like in front. Just judging from the combat time, this battle must be quite unfavorable.

It's just that when they heard "the officers and soldiers have been defeated" shouted from somewhere, they immediately ran away.

When Ni Chong saw that something was going wrong, he quickly led his soldiers to rush over and kill three or five people, just as he was about to stop the retreat.

Unexpectedly, he had just finished slashing, and when he turned his face, he found that most of the people on the left and right sides had already fled. How could Ni Chong not know that the battle was lost? If he had escaped too late, he might have lost his fortune and life here.

He couldn't care less and quickly turned around and ran away with the defeated soldiers. It didn't matter that Ni Chong ran away. Suddenly the officers and soldiers lost their restraints and fled one after another.

The right wing of the officers and soldiers collapsed, and the entire formation was shaken. As if they were infected, Wang Pu's central army also began to disintegrate from right to left.

Wang Pu saw clearly and couldn't help but cursed: "Ni Chong mistook me, what a waste!"

However, Wang Pu is not a fool either. He also quickly got off the command platform and ran around with his guards.

The officers and soldiers were defeated in a professional manner. The rebels were caught off guard, and most of them were completely wiped out before they had time to react.

Only Xiao Qinhu's "Children's Battalion" was in hot pursuit. Danfan got closer, pushed and pulled the hook gun in his hand, and hooked back an officer and soldier.

Xiao Qinhu led his troops in pursuit for two or three miles, but when he saw the cavalry on the left flank of the officers and soldiers approaching, he quickly gathered up his formation, formed a defensive formation, and slowly retreated.

He Jin and He Yilong were no longer vegetarians. Seeing that the rebel left wing was pursuing too deeply, they quickly led their cavalry to press forward. Only after they forced back the officers and cavalry did both sides end the battle.

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