Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 524 Li Sanniang attacks

"Sun Tzu's Art of War: Virtual Reality Chapter": Anyone who is on the battlefield first and waits for the enemy is lost, and whoever is behind the battlefield and rushes to fight is tired.

Ever since Zhang Shun personally led the army and Beidao Bianxing arrived one day ahead of the Beijing camp and captured Yongning County, the victorious peace had already favored the rebels.

Just because the day was approaching, Zhang Shun not only gained an intelligence advantage, but also made various preparations for the battle.

The morning after Wei Congyi went to Baodu Village to plead guilty, Li Sanniang and Chen Changzhen finally got all the information they wanted.

Li Xin personally returned to Baodu Village with two horses and reported the final movements of the Beijing camp to the two of them.

So, Chen Changzhen bowed to Li Sanniang and said: "Since the officers and soldiers are heading east along Luoshui, they must be preparing to fight with the lord, and Baodu Village is no longer in the way. Please also ask your wife to take care of the camp. Changzheng is willing to lead the rest of the camp. Use your available soldiers to help your lord across mountains and ridges!”

Li Sanniang couldn't help but smile when she heard this: "I'd like to thank my uncle in advance. I'm just a woman, and I have no soldiers or generals under my command. How can I suppress those who harbor disloyal intentions?"

"If you leave some soldiers and generals with me, there won't be many soldiers and horses in the camp, but it will weaken uncle's strength. If you don't leave some soldiers and horses, I'm afraid that I won't be able to take care of the camp."

"This" Chen Changzhen was stunned when he heard this. These days, Li Sanniang often showed herself as the mistress, leading everyone to harvest the millet and sort out the disobedient people. She had the appearance of a 70-80% red lady.

What's more, this woman had captured Han Tingxian alive before and was quite prestigious among the soldiers. Chen Changzhen just thought that she could withstand the problem, but he never thought that she would fall off the chain at the critical moment. He couldn't help but asked quickly: "What should I do?"

Li Sanniang was confident and said quickly: "This matter is difficult to say, but easy to say. I only need to lead those restless people to go with uncle. With the help of uncle Hu, I will not dare to measure them. Earth-shaking!"

Haha, Chen Changzhen knew that this would be the final result, and he couldn't help but feel a little sympathy for Zhang Shunsheng in private.

However, when he thought about his yellow-faced woman and Ma Yingniang, Chen Changzhen lost his good mood. He said to Li Sanniang in embarrassment: "Although this plan is good, the trip has to go over mountains and ridges day and night, which is just a pain for my wife!"

"I'm not that little-footed woman, what should I be afraid of?" Li Sanniang was delighted when she heard this, and quickly explained, "When I came all the way to find Zhang Sheng, didn't I walk on two legs along the way! Now that I have a mount, is it possible? Isn’t it true that four legs can’t walk as well as two legs?”

When Chen Changzhen heard this, he thought so. Li Sanniang is as fierce as her own mother-in-law, so she will not delay her business.

So, he asked: "I wonder who Madam is going to take with her to go with the army?"

"Zhang Gong's son Zhang Luxuan is a scholar, and he must also like to see the mountains and rivers. There is also Mr. Wu who was captured in Runcheng. He has been recovering in the village for a long time. Now he has recovered. He should also want to go out and relax."

"As for General Wei, he has done a great service by reporting to the rebels. We should give him a chance to kill the enemy together."

When Chen Changzhen heard this, he couldn't help but look at Li Sanniang curiously. He thought to himself: "Although this woman looks rough, she is actually a clear-minded person."

It turns out that Zhang Luxuan is half a prisoner and half a hostage in the rebel camp. Since the knight-errant Wu Xian was captured by Zhang Shun, Zhang Shun originally wanted to find an opportunity to persuade him to surrender. Unexpectedly, as things became complicated and there were more and more generals under his command, he could not take care of this person for a while.

And Wei Congyi was always at odds with the rebel army, and his soldiers were quite elite. If someone has a different intention, I'm afraid the camp will not be safe.

When Li Sanniang named these three people, she completely grasped the crux of the camp.

Chen Changzhen was confident that he could suppress these three people, so he agreed immediately, then saluted Li Mou and Li Xin and said: "Now, please come with me, brother, and I will guard this Baodu Village for me."

The "brother" is Li Mou, and the "brother" is naturally Li Xin. Li Xin couldn't help but plead after hearing this: "Brother should know that I am determined to make great achievements. Now that the war is about to begin, how can I be willing to abandon me?"

Of course Chen Changzhen knew that his cousin was a talented man in both civil and military affairs, but somehow he was given the task of investigating intelligence by Zhang Shun.

When Li Daliang saw Chen Changzhen in trouble, he couldn't help but smile and said: "In that case, why not let me guard the stronghold. I have been going back and forth to Luoyang for seven hundred miles, and I am already exhausted."

"If I go to this battle, I won't be able to do anything. If it were not Li Xin, I would be of great use."

Li Xin couldn't help but gratefully bowed to Li Daliang after hearing this. Li Daliang laughed and said, "What's worth between brothers?"

Chen Changzhen saw that no one had any objections, so he decided. He also specifically told: "There are many strong men in the village, all of whom are reliable people brought by the lord from Shanxi. Daliang needs to carefully select hundreds of people and prepare artillery and blunderbuss. But when someone comes, they only hold the calf." If the stronghold is defended, it is a great achievement!"

Everyone agreed, so Li Sanniang, with the help of Zhu'er, put on iron armor and held a dragon-coiling stick. If you look carefully, you will see that this is exactly what she is: a woman wearing a chain of iron armor and red makeup, an embroidered willow belt and a frost knife on her waist, and a slender hand holding a coiled dragon stick. The thief escaped at night after smelling the wind!

Zhu'er grabbed the two children who were noisy and finally summoned up the courage to ask: "My wife is just a woman. She only cares about her husband and raises her children. Why do you want to fight like this?"

Li Sanniang smiled when she heard this, her eyes softened by three points, and she whispered: "Zhang Sheng is willing to take a huge risk this time to come for me. How can I, Li Sanniang, just sit in the village and weave cloth?" embroidered?"

"He has always been kind. In the past, he would not kill chickens or dogs himself. Now, he has given up the glory and wealth of Luoyang City and the beautiful wives and concubines around him, and he is willing to do so much for me. How can I not pick up the plate? Dragon Stick, conquer the world's four hundred states and counties for him?"

Uh. Wang Zhu'er can't complain, you think you are the reincarnation of Song Taizu Zhao Kuangyin. He also had a stick and a body, and defeated four hundred soldiers. The state's surname was Zhang?

Li Sanniang said goodbye to Zhu'er, and then led Ji Cheng and several soldiers to invite Zhang Luxuan and Wu Xian.

Zhang Luxuan and Wu Xian were playing chess in the room boredly when they suddenly saw Li Sanniang rushing in wearing armor, and they couldn't help but be startled.

Li Sanniang said the word "please" politely. Zhang Luxuan had no choice but to abandon the chess pieces. He stood up and said goodbye to his wife, children and children while muttering something about "rebellious officials and traitors" and "both husbands and wives are thieves".

Wu Xian didn't say anything, but asked Li Sanniang: "Since we are going into battle, can you give me a sword to defend myself?"

When Li Sanniang heard this, she looked at him with contempt and said, "On the battlefield, there are spears, halberds, firecrackers and cannons. What kind of girly things do dignified men use?"

Wu Xian couldn't laugh or cry, he was actually taught a lesson by a girl. He had no choice but to explain: "You only know this, should I give it or not?"

"Give him one!" Li Sanniang waved her hand, "The sword has no eyes on the battlefield, and it was accidentally broken there."

"Although it is a happy event that there is one less person eating millet, I'm just afraid that Zhang Sheng will come back and talk about it, and I won't be able to explain it at that time."

Zhang Luxuan and Wu Xian looked at each other in confusion after hearing this. After a while, Wu Xiancai sighed and said: "What kind of women are these women? How can they be so powerful! Fortunately, since ancient times, it has been a virtue for a woman to be without talent, otherwise our Ming Dynasty will be in danger!"

Please ask for a vote, either monthly or recommended, to let the author know that he is not a standalone player. I’ve been reading like crazy lately, and I think this book is going to be completely exhausted!

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