Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 53 The siege was frustrated

These thieves were originally rogue bandits, and there were three things that were most important to them: first, the horses to escape, second, the weapons in their hands, and third, the food in their mouths. These three are all life-saving things, so when everyone saw that he had donated food, they stopped pursuing the matter.

Zhang Shun was happy to have some leisure since then, and took the opportunity to observe the tactics of attacking and defending the city. Following the "Zijinliang" this time were still the two battalions of the "Lao Hui Hui" and the "Ba Jingang". Most of their subordinates were soldiers from the Shaanxi frontier army and the guard station rebels. Therefore, although they looked dusty and thin, they were actually fighting in battle. Skills and basic tactical literacy are very good.

The rebel army claims to have 30,000 people, but in fact, excluding family members, old and young, the actual number of combatants is only about 15,000. They besieged Douzhuang, which was a thousand and eight paces in circumference. It was so airtight that not even a bird could fly out. It's just that this fortress is very tall, almost as high as a three-story building in later generations. There are also urns at the east, west, north and south gates, which is really difficult to capture.

There are not many people defending the walls of Douzhuang City. At a rough glance, there are only a few hundred people. However, the other party has the advantage of geographical location, firearms, and the city is not very big in the first place. As a result, although the number of rebels was large, they were unable to form a formation and take advantage of the large number of people. They could only use the tactic of adding fuel to the attack and launch attacks in waves. This is what people often say when playing games in later generations: "Calabash baby saves grandpa".

Zhang Shun didn't know how to attack the city, and he couldn't think of a way to break the fortress even though he was in a different place. To be honest, in Zhang Shun's opinion, there is really no way to capture this fort unless cannons directly knock down the city wall or blast through the city gate.

Zhang Shun watched for a long time and found that the rebel army had been repelled several times. He was thankful that he had given up part of the food in exchange for avoiding the attack on the city, thus preventing his soldiers from losing their lives in vain. While shaking his head secretly in his mind, no wonder "Sun Tzu's Art of War" said: The method of attacking a city must be done as a last resort. It takes three months to complete the repair of the oars, Benwen, and equipment, and it takes another three months to build the distance. If the general cannot bear his anger and the ants attack him, killing one-third of the soldiers, but the city cannot be taken out, this attack will be a disaster.

This siege method was originally the worst of the worst, but this ant attack was even worse. The only safe way is to build complete siege equipment and try to do it slowly. I don't know if Song Tongyin, the governor of Shanxi, will give this opportunity.

The rebels tried again, leaving dozens of corpses behind. Seeing that the morale of the "Purple Golden Liang" was low, they had no choice but to order a postponement of the siege and prepare siege equipment for a long-term plan. Song Tongyin, the governor of Shanxi who Zhang Shun thought was the greatest threat to them, was actually afraid of both sides.

Although Shanxi is one of the nine borders, it is actually a second-tier border town. Unlike Datong and Xuanhua, which directly face the threats of Mongolia and Manchu Qing, it serves more as a support and backup for the second-tier town of Xuanda. Therefore, the quality of Shanxi's soldiers and generals was far inferior to that of the other eight towns, but the elite must be left behind to defend against threats from the north. Therefore, Shanxi Governor Song Tongyin could not mobilize many troops, not to mention that the peasant army was not only gathered in Zezhou at this time.

For example, on the Luliang Mountain side, there were Wang Gang, He Dicao, Bao Wu, Short Maozi and other bandits who crossed the river from Shaanxi. There are even more in the Taihang Mountains. The thirty-six battalions brought by the "Purple Golden Liang" are basically scattered in the Taihang Mountains, waiting for opportunities to attack the city and seize the territory. It is really difficult to guard against them.

In the Ming Dynasty, the full name of the governor of Shanxi was the Admiral of Yanmen and other passes and the governor of Shanxi. He unified the Hebei-Ning Bingbei Road, Yanping Bingbei Road, Kelan Bingbei Road, Hedong Bingbei Road, Lu'an Bingbei Road, and Ningwu Bingdao. There are six roads to prepare, including the four prefectures of Taiyuan, Pingyang, Lu'an and Fenzhou of the Chief Secretary of Shanxi, the three prefectures of Liao, Qin and Ze, the nine guards of Taiyuan and left and right of the Dusi of Shanxi, and the nine castles of Qinzhou and Ninghua.

It seems that he has many soldiers and generals, strong men and horses, but in fact, first of all, the three passes of Yanmen, Piantou and Ningwu cannot be moved. They are the core passes of Shanxi to guard the north; followed by the three passes of dependence All the various guards and castles cannot be moved.

The remaining Fenyang Guards and Pingyang Guards were to be used to defend and exterminate the bandits near Luliang Mountain, so men and horses could only be mobilized from the Taiyuan Guards, Luzhou Guards and Ningshan Guards. According to the system of the Ming Dynasty, the rated number of guards per guard was 5,600. In fact, the guard system in the late Ming Dynasty was ruined. It would be good for a guard to have two to three thousand capable soldiers, not to mention that some soldiers should be left behind to guard the nodes. land. Therefore, the actual number of soldiers Song Tongyin, the governor of Shanxi, could use was only about 10,000 to 20,000.

"Zijinliang" plus "Lao Huihui" and "Eight King Kongs" also have ten thousand or two thousand capable soldiers, so Shanxi Governor Song Tongyin also has to wait for the opportunity, and it is not uncommon to lose the battle accidentally, not to mention "Zijinliang" There are also bandits from other camps under his command, ranging from two to three thousand to more than ten thousand. If they join forces to attack Song Tongyin, he, the governor of Shanxi, will be in trouble, so he can't help but be careless.

"Zijinliang" himself led "Lao Huihui" and "Eight King Kong" to manufacture siege equipment. Zhang Shun also received a task of casting artillery. As for how to cast artillery, Zhang Shun didn't understand at all. What he did know was that he learned a famous "iron mold cannon casting" technology in history class. This technology was also mentioned in the online novels he read in his previous life. However, Zhang Shun glanced at it and did not read it seriously at all. I just remember that the performance of artillery cast by this method will be reduced, but the casting speed can be accelerated.

However, Zhang Shun is not worried. This is Yangcheng. During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, it was even claimed that iron output accounted for 90% of Shanxi. There was also a saying that "iron is cheaper than mud", which shows how prosperous the iron smelting industry in Yangcheng was. The previously mentioned Runcheng, not far from here, is a famous iron smelting town, and its iron products are sold throughout the country.

So Zhang called Liu Gang and asked him about casting matters. Despite his age, Liu Gang is very proficient in iron making and casting. Zhang Shun secretly took a careful inventory of the manpower available under his command, and found to his surprise: apart from Wu, most of the available people under his command were elderly. Not to mention the "passed" Taoist Master Ma, Zhao Yutou, Chen Jindou, and even the captive Zhang Shenyan were all old people. Could it be that besides being born with a strange appearance, I also have the aura of an old man?

In fact, Zhang Shun had overthought it. Agricultural society has not developed scientific thinking methods and is still dominated by empirical science. Most of these older people are experienced people, so in ancient times there was a saying of "respecting the elderly". This is not just "respecting the elderly", but also respecting knowledge, culture, and intellectual experience, rather than advocating force and being simple-minded and muscular.

Of course, in some barbarian lands where the strong bullies the weak and the masses bully the oppressed, the young and the strong are mostly the ones to be judged, and the old are mostly discarded. This also shows that these places are barbaric and uncivilized. They live in the skin of civilization and have no civilized heart. This is the so-called "human face and animal heart".

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