Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 539: Driving the crowd to attack the city

Early the next morning, Wang Yidao, the butcher outside Luoyang City, was still asleep.

Due to the soldiers attacking the city these days, the business of the butcher shop has not been good. He was planning to continue to the outside of the city to watch the battle after breakfast last night.

The mainland of the Ming Dynasty has been at peace for a long time, and many people have never seen what war is like. Everyone is very curious about it and never tires of it.

Suddenly, a violent banging sound came from outside the door. Wang Yidao was startled and woke up from his sleep.

Before he could react, the courtyard door was smashed open amidst the screams of his mother-in-law.

Wang Yidao didn't bother to put on his clothes. He quickly walked out of the room and saw three or five big men in armor and swords pouring into the yard.

Wang Yidao was shocked and was about to ask. Unexpectedly, these big men were like wolves and tigers, and they arrested a whole family of men, women and children without any explanation.

Wang Yidao looked at his clothes and recognized that they were the officers and soldiers who attacked Luoyang City yesterday. He hurriedly shouted: "Although I run this butcher shop, I only earn two hard-earned money every day. I eat and drink every day, and I don't have much left over. What's more, the mother-in-law at home is also fat and ugly, and she is not worthy of you." The military master is worried about you!"

Before he finished speaking, he was rudely interrupted by the leading officer. The man smiled strangely and said: "Who wants your money, mother-in-law, but come with me to attack the city."

ah? Only then did Wang Yidao realize that he was driving his whole family to attack the city! He quickly yelled and begged the officers and soldiers to let his family go, but the officers and soldiers ignored him.

Instead, he sent two soldiers into the house to fumble around, rolled up some soft tissue, and then took it out.

Wang Yidao was heartbroken, but he could only watch helplessly as his hard-earned money was robbed, and there was nothing he could do.

Afterwards, when Wang Yidao and his family were escorted out of the hospital, they discovered that there was a commotion outside, and they were all arrested neighbors.

Some of them were lucky enough to escape, just like escaping rabbits, and were chased away by the officers and soldiers behind them.

The officers and soldiers arrested people outside the city to serve as cannon fodder, and the news spread to the ears of Hong Niangzi, Zhang Shenyan, Song Xiance and others.

Everyone quickly climbed up the tower and looked outside, only to see the shops and houses attached to Luoyang outside the city ablaze. Screams and cries came from a distance.

"What are the officers and soldiers doing outside the city?" The red lady frowned and asked strangely.

"Capture the strong men and prepare to drive and attack the city!" Zhao Lizi explained through gritted teeth.

"Can you harass me like yesterday?" The red lady is quite smart. She has never eaten pork and has seen pigs running away. After yesterday's battle, she has some experience.

"The general is willing to go!" Zhao Lizi was overjoyed when he heard this and responded quickly.

The red lady nodded and let him go. Then he asked the left and right: "If the officers and soldiers drive the people to attack the city, how should we deal with it?"

Everyone was silent for a long time, then Governor Zhang frowned, stood up and said, "Just like when officers and soldiers attack a city, hit them with guns and cannons!"

Governor Zhang said it simply, everyone knew what was going on. To put it bluntly, it doesn’t matter what officers or men he is, as long as he dares to attack, I will kill him!

But humans are emotional creatures after all, and not everyone can accept the brutal slaughter of defenseless people.

What's more, these people are more or less involved with the people in the city, and may even be family members. If someone had ordered the shooting, they would probably have to bear the infamy.

"In this case, let the soldiers make preparations in advance. Kill them all together, and don't show mercy!" The red lady raised her brows and ordered with murderous intent.

"Madam?" Zhang Shenyan couldn't help but be startled when he heard this. The red lady could have been ambiguous and didn't need to be so straightforward. He also said that the red lady did not realize this and quickly reminded her.

"No need to say more! But I will bear all the merits and demerits." The red lady responded firmly.

In fact, the red lady is not without guilt and hesitation in her heart. But this matter is Zhang Shun's family matter after all. Now that Zhang Shun is no longer around, if she can't stand up and bear the infamy, who can be allowed to bear the infamy for Zhang Shun?

When Zhang Shun left, he said something very good. "Now that I have become a rebel, there is no turning back when I draw my bow."

In the past few days, the red lady thought about it again and again, and then she suddenly understood. It turns out that in this rebellion, everyone has a way to turn back. Only the Zhang family can only go all the way to the dark side, and there is no way back.

In this case, if you want to maintain the image of a wise king, then let me, the "thief woman", bear the blame!

At noon, Zhao Lizi returned to the city covered in blood. Although his harassment achieved certain results, there were too many officers and soldiers and too many victims, so it was impossible to save him. The rebel soldiers and horses were almost exhausted, so Zhao Lizi had no choice but to return to the city to rest.

Soon after, the officers and soldiers indeed drove the people to attack the city.

The first ones to go into battle were mostly young men from outside Luoyang City. Each of them grabbed a basket, a wooden basin, or even a piece of rag, tattered clothes and other utensils and carried a bag of soil. Driven by the officers and soldiers, they moved timidly towards Luoyang City. Come over.

Everyone in the city could see clearly that the officers and soldiers wanted to drive these people to fill in the moat of Luoyang City.

The moat is three feet wide and five feet deep. How can it be so easy to fill? Chen Qiyu, who ordered the siege, was also a ruthless man. How many corpses would be needed to fill up a section of the moat?

What's more, in front of the moat, there are walls more than ten feet high that were originally set up by Henan officials, as well as trenches, guard slopes and other facilities that Zhang Shun specially ordered people to dig.

Chen Qiyu is cruel, and the red lady is even more cruel. As long as you are willing to die, I will be willing to bury you. I will kill as many people as you come, and I will stay with you until the end!

When the first wave of young men passed through the earthen wall outside the city and climbed to the top of the guard slope, they were exposed without cover to the rebel artillery.

The red lady gave the order, and the artillery in the enemy tower immediately fired. A burst of blood mist burst out from the bodies of those strong men, and then they all fell down like wheat, and could not get up again.

Those young men were so happy watching the soldiers attacking the city yesterday. How could they have thought that it would be their turn to end up like this today?

Many people were suddenly frightened out of their courage. They either threw themselves on the ground like ostriches, sticking out their buttocks and shivering, or they abandoned the soil in their hands and turned around and ran away screaming.

Upon seeing this, the officers and soldiers behind Ding Zhuang rushed over on horseback, chopped down more than ten people in a row, and drove them to continue running towards the moat.

While slashing and killing, these cavalrymen shouted loudly: "The thief's artillery has fired, why don't you rush up quickly! Do you still have to wait until the thief's artillery is reloaded before you go up and die?"

For a long time, these young men, under the pressure of swords and guns, had to endure fear and continue to move forward.

Then, they encountered another barrage of artillery fire from the rebels. Once again, they abandoned dozens of corpses and turned around to flee.

After repeating this for several times, Deputy Commander-in-Chief Liu Guozhen couldn't bear it anymore and quickly admonished him: "Master Superintendent, if you do this and that, I'm afraid that the lives of these young men will be lost from morning to night, from now to tomorrow." Even if I give them all away, it won’t help anything!”

"Then send the old, weak, women and children up!" Chen Qiyu said coldly, "I want to see if I have more people, or if the thieves have more projectiles and gunpowder!"

Liu Guozhen felt a chill in his heart when he heard this, but he still persisted: "The only thing thieves rely on is guns and artillery. If we fight hand-to-hand, they will not be able to defeat even one of our officers and soldiers! Why don't you, Master Superintendent, let Ding Zhuang go in front to deceive his artillery? The elites are here." After taking the opportunity to cover up the attack, we should seize the city gate in one fell swoop!"

"As long as the city gate is opened and the army follows, Luoyang City will not be difficult to break!"

Chen Qiyu, the governor of Henan, thought about it and felt that this was not a solution, so he might as well give it a try.

However, the "Master Supervisor" is a scholar after all, so how can his techniques be so crude?

Liu Guozhen's words reminded Chen Qiyu: The thieves in Luoyang City are few and weak, so why not attack from four gates, but if there is one gate that can be attacked, Luoyang City will be within my grasp!

Chen Qiyu's change of formation didn't matter, he actually wanted to attack from all sides. But it caused a lot of trouble for Lady Hong, Zhang Shenyan and others.

Because in Luoyang City, not only were there not enough soldiers, but there were also not enough generals. There was no other way. After a brief discussion, everyone had to appoint Zhao Lizi, Ma Yingniang, Zhang Dudu and Wang Shaoyu to be responsible for one city gate respectively.

Among them, Gao Yizhi assisted Zhao Lizi; Han Lin assisted Ma Yingniang; Zhao Yutou assisted Governor Zhang, and Song Xiance assisted Wang Shaoyu. The Red Lady and Zhang Shenyan were stationed in the middle army, leading Zhang Shun's personal guards as surprise troops to support the four gates at any time.

The offensive of the officers and soldiers was equally orderly. Chen Qiyu, the governor of Henan, was in charge of the Chinese army and brought 2,000 elite cavalry under his command for support. The remaining deputy generals Yang Hualin, Liu Guozhen, and generals He Renlong and Liu Qian were respectively responsible for attacking a city gate.

In particular, Yang Hualin remained stubborn. After contacting the rebels, he specifically inquired about the location of Ma Yingniang's city gate and asked to change the attack location with other generals.

Governor Chen Qiyu was so angry that he almost vomited blood. He couldn't help but cursed: "It is really rotten wood that cannot be carved. If it is under the city of Luoyang, what does a mere woman deserve? Is she worthy of this?"

Yang Hualin was not ashamed, but proud of it, and quickly bargained with Chen Qiyu: "In that case, please allow Mr. Chen to reward me with this girl after the city is broken!"

Chen Qiyu nodded and agreed perfunctorily. But he couldn't help but murmur in his heart: This guy has asked for this girl many times, so he must have been a beautiful and fragrant person at that time. If this girl is indeed captured by me, why don't I take her for myself? How can I make wedding clothes for others?

After thinking about this, Chen Qiyu asked again: "What is this girl's name? It's easy for me to tell her apart!"

Yang Hualin only said that it was Chen Qiyu who agreed, and couldn't help but said with great joy: "I heard that this girl is called Ma Yingniang, and she is the concubine of the thief chieftain. Please pay more attention to the supervisor!"

Chen Qiyu nodded, waved his hand and said: "I know, pass on the order, and the one who wins Ma Yingniang will be rewarded with five hundred taels of silver!"

It turns out that this guy also had some calculations. If someone caught Ma Yingniang, she would be tied up to receive the reward. If she is really a beautiful fairy, I will accept it; if she is an unscrupulous person like Zhongli, there is no harm in selling her personal favor!

The author is busy today, so I only have one chapter of 3,000 words, so please forgive me!

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