Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 549 Decisive Battle (6)

I prepared a table of food, but two tables of guests came. How should I eat this meal?

Zhang Shun actually didn't know. To be honest, when he saw Cao Wenzhao's flag from a distance, he felt cold all over.

Going to lose! A bad thought jumped out, and then Zhang shook off this terrible thought.

No, I can't lose! Zhang Shun said to himself firmly. Hong Niangzi, Li Xiang, Liu Rushi and Jian'er are still in the city. Zhang Shenyan, Song Xiance, Zhao Yutou, Zhang Dudu, Han Lin and other administrative backbones are still in the city. Li Sanniang, Zhu'er, Chen Changzhen, Zhang Ping'an, Zhang Huaji was waiting for him in Baodu Village again.

You must not die or be defeated!

However, this world is materialistic, and thoughts are useful, so why bother with war? Therefore, Zhang Shun must not only be determined, but also take action to solve his current dilemma.

What should you do first? Zhang Shun asked himself. You are the host and others are the guests. If you want to fool yourself, you must first not mess up. Otherwise, if you don’t wait until the food is served, you may not be able to eat the meal!

After thinking about this, Zhang Shun laughed and said: "It's quite lively today, everyone got on the pole to die!"

As soon as Zhang Shun said these words, Ma Yingniang, Wu Xian, and Wang Yidao around him breathed a sigh of relief.

Even though Zhang Shun's thoughts were spinning for a long time, in fact, it only lasted a moment in the eyes of everyone.

Neither Ma Yingniang, Wu Xian nor Wang Yidao noticed that Zhang Shun was holding the mace at his waist so tightly that his knuckles turned white.

They saw that Zhang Shun was calm and relaxed, and regarded Cao Wen's imperial ministry as nothing. They thought that Zhang Shun had planned it for a long time, but they laughed at themselves for being surprised and not acting calmly enough.

After this little time buffer, Zhang Shun finally had an idea and came up with a solution that was not a solution.

He shouted sternly: "After hearing the order, order Li Shi'an to turn the muzzle of the gun and aim it at Cao Wenzhao's troops on the other side of the river! If they want to cross the river, attack them with me!"

"I ordered Cao Bianjiao to lead the crowd to the river and shout to Cao Wenzhao! He shouted: 'Cao Bianjiao is here, please respectfully ask your uncle to cross the river!'"

"The rest of the troops will stay put and wait for my orders. Anyone who disobeys will be shot without mercy!"

Zhang Shunjun gave the order, and the soldiers immediately waved the Chinese army flag, waved the flags in turn, and handed down relevant orders.

The arrival of Cao Wen's imperial edict put heavy pressure on both generals and soldiers. Fortunately, Zhang Shun always had strict military laws, so no one made any moves for a while.

Not long after, I saw the flag of the Chinese army waving, and then the military order came. The generals saw clearly and couldn't help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, both generals and soldiers were worried. They were afraid that there would be no movement in the Chinese camp for a while, and they were also afraid that the Chinese army would issue blind orders.

If there is no order from the Chinese army camp, everyone will suspect that the commander is helpless and may even abandon the people and abscond; if the Chinese army camp issues an order to retreat or fight to the death, everyone will be desperate and shaken.

Now Zhang Shun's orders were not too many and not too little, and they were orderly. Everyone thought that Zhang Shun had expected this, and their minds stabilized.

For a time, the restlessness caused by the arrival of Cao Wen's imperial edict gradually calmed down, and everything in the rebel lineup was as usual.

Cao Wenzhao hurriedly hurriedly and finally arrived at the battlefield at the critical moment, he couldn't help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, Cao Wenzhao led Mu Ziqiang and Zhang Quanchang to march ninety miles in a hurry, and the soldiers under his command had already exhausted their physical strength.

But he also knew that if he could not fight for his last breath at this time, I was afraid that the officers and soldiers would not even take their last breath.

Cao Wenzhao had been in battle for a long time, so how could he not see that Chen Qiyu's department was on the verge of collapse?

It's just that if Cao Wenzhao wants to join Chen Qiyu, he still needs to cross the Xianhe River before he can join the battlefield.

It's just that although the river is small and there is thin ice on the river, it is not easy for the officers and soldiers to wade across it.

The officers and soldiers were wearing cotton armor. If they were to cross the river at the end of November, the consequences could be imagined. Cao Wenzhao hesitated for a moment, but the military situation was so fierce that he could not delay, so he ordered a forced crossing.

But he never expected that the artillery of the rebels on the other side of the river would suddenly turn and be aimed at him.

Eighty or ninety cannons revealed their dark muzzles, and Cao Wenzhao felt chills all over his body!

Not to mention forcibly crossing the Hanhe River now, Cao Wenzhao did not dare to order his soldiers to rush across without authorization, even if it was an unobstructed flat ground.

Cao Wenzhao has been on the border for a long time and can understand the horror of artillery better than Chen Qiyu. He couldn't help but take a breath of cold air and said to himself: "How come this thief has so many cannons?"

When the commander-in-chief Mu Ziqiang and Zhang Quanchang heard this, they felt as if they had fallen into an ice cave. They were also at a loss and asked: "What on earth is going on?"

Now everyone hesitated. With the Han River blocking the way and the threat of artillery, how could we easily cross the river?

However, if he didn't cross, wouldn't he just watch Chen Qiyu's defeat? When the time comes, this guy will read a book in court. How can he, the three people who are being punished, do well?

However, if we want to cross the river and face the bombardment of so many artillery, wouldn't we be asking for death? If we were to take a detour, what if the officers and soldiers on the other side of the river thought they had abandoned them and collapsed on the spot?

After thinking about it, everyone could only stare at Chen Qiyu's Chinese army flag to see its changes.

Although Chen Qiyu couldn't see Cao Wenzhao, Mu Ziqiang and Zhang Quanchang looking in his direction, as a veteran, he could finally think of the concerns of Cao Wenzhao's troops on the other side of the river.

Thinking of this, Chen Qiyu knew that he was lucky that the officers and soldiers did not collapse on the spot. If I can't seize the fleeting opportunity, I'm afraid I will only have to go to the Caishikou of the Capital once!

Chen Qiyu, the governor of Henan, gritted his teeth and ordered sternly: "The success or failure of the officers and soldiers depends on this one move. Quickly beat the drums and charge, and order the entire army to fight to the death against the thieves!"

The drums in the officers and soldiers formation sounded, and the officers and soldiers who had been close to the rebel army continued to charge forward, and the time came for hand-to-hand combat.

As the rebel army engaged the officers and soldiers, Liu Qian's troops, located on the right wing of the officers and soldiers, turned in a semicircle like an arm and hammered hard on the left wing of the rebel army.

He Jin and He Yilong had already seen and understood, but the two cavalry were entangled by Yang Hualin and couldn't get away. They could only watch helplessly, unable to do anything.

All in one go! When the officers and soldiers were at full strength, it was quite difficult for the rebels to resist.

Zhang Shun frowned secretly and calmly ordered: "Order Zhang Sanbai to lead a thousand "hair gourds" under his command to the left wing and resist the attack of the officers and soldiers with me!"

Zhang Sanbai saw the flag from a distance and quickly led his "Mao Hulu" to the left wing. Zhang Sanbai's troops first shot down many officers and soldiers with a hail of arrows, then leveled their spears, and under the leadership of Zhang Sanbai, they charged forward.

Zhang Sanbai's fighting style was deeply influenced by Shizhu chieftain Ma Fengyi's art of war, and he was accustomed to using offense as defense. These thousand "hairy gourds" were originally aggressive and arrogant people, but under his personal charge, their momentum suddenly became high.

They formed two cone-shaped formations, like two awls, piercing Liu Qian's square formation fiercely.

Liu Qian's troops were already in an aggressive state, but Zhang Sanbai used force against force, attack against attack, and was stunned. Not only was the attack frustrated, but he was beaten back by Zhang Sanbai.

These "hairy gourds" were originally trained by Zhang Sanbai himself and are the most handy. When he was encircling the Beijing camp in Yongning County before, he was unable to go out to show off his power due to lack of armor.

Later, after seizing the armor of the Beijing camp, this group of troops also became the elite second only to Xiao Qinhu's "Haier camp".

Generals are the courage of an army, and Zhang Sanbai is inherently as bold as a fighter, and he likes to "destroy the sharp edge and seize the power of prosperity."

The attack of the officers and soldiers Liu Qian's troops was frustrated. Fortunately, the number of soldiers was twice that of the rebels, and they were able to withstand Zhang Sanbai's attack.

When Chen Qiyu stood on the high platform of the Chinese army and looked around, he immediately knew something was wrong. He knew in his heart that although there were 3,000 people in Liu Guozhen, the deputy commander-in-chief at the front, a corner of them had been destroyed by rebel artillery. Not to mention the low morale, the number of people was probably less than 2,000.

If the officers and soldiers fail to make progress on the left flank of the rebel army, the Liuguo Town Headquarters may collapse on the spot anytime and anywhere.

Thinking of this, Chen Qiyu couldn't help but close his eyes and think for a moment, and shouted in a low voice: "Order He Renlong to abandon supporting Yang Hualin, attack the traitor's left wing directly, and defeat the enemy at all costs, otherwise we will show you! "

Originally, He Renlong had already arrived near He Jin and He Yilong, and the pressure on the rebel cavalry suddenly increased. But who would have thought that Chen Qiyu's order suddenly changed, and He Renlong had to abandon He Jin and He Yilong, and turned to attack Zhang Sanbai's troops.

As soon as He Renlong moved, Zhang Shun couldn't help but sigh and said to his left and right: "Today, we are also going to fight for our lives!"

Thanks to fan "neltharion" for the large reward, thanks to fans "Li Marry Chen" and "Little Snake Eat Snacks" for the reward, thank you all for supporting me!

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